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Brooklyn, NY 11249
Political Campaign Contributions
2016 Election Cycle

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From this Zip Code for 2016
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2020 $542,335 $269,764
2018 $413,258 $176,083
2016 $504,003 $239,835
2014 $130,279 $74,968
2012 $86,836 $75,686
2010 $0 $0
2008 $0 $0
2006 $0 $0
2004 $0 $0
2002 $0 $0
2000 $250 $250

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2016 Election Cycle
Political Campaign Donor/Contributor List

$ AmountDatePrimary/
Contibuted To
ADLER, RANDOLPH Dentons Us Llp/Attorney$150 10/22/2016G DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Republican
ADLER, RANDOLPH Dentons Us Llp/Attorney$100 07/22/2016G DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Republican
ADLER, RANDOLPH Dentons Us Llp/Attorney$100 07/22/2016G DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Republican
AGRAWAL, RADHA Daybreaker/Co-Founder /Ceo$250 09/26/2015P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE Not Employed/Student$2,700 08/25/2016P TIM CANOVA FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE Not Employed/Student$2,000 08/25/2016P TIM CANOVA FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE Transcendental Meditation Program/Meditation Teacher$2,700 08/25/2016P ACTBLUE
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE Transcendental Meditation Program/Meditation Teacher$2,000 08/25/2016P ACTBLUE
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE Transcendental Meditation Program/Meditation Teacher$50 08/10/2016P ACTBLUE
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE Not Employed/Student$50 08/10/2016P TIM CANOVA FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE $-1,190 07/31/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE Self/Meditator$56 07/23/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE Self/Meditator$22 07/23/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE Not Employed/Student$100 07/17/2016P TIM CANOVA FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE Self/Meditator &Amp; Activist$500 07/15/2016P JILL STEIN FOR PRESIDENT - Green
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE Transcendental Meditation Program/Meditation Teacher$1,000 06/30/2016P ACTBLUE
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE Self/Meditator$1,000 06/30/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE Self-Employed/Student$50 06/26/2016P TIM CANOVA FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE Transcendental Meditation Program/Meditation Teacher$50 06/24/2016P ACTBLUE
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE Self-Employed/Student$100 06/19/2016P TIM CANOVA FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE Transcendental Meditation Program/Meditation Teacher$100 06/17/2016P ACTBLUE
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE Transcendental Meditation Program/Meditation Teacher$672 05/31/2016P ACTBLUE
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE Self/Meditator$672 05/31/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE Self/Meditator$28 05/28/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE Transcendental Meditation Program/Meditation Teacher$28 05/28/2016P ACTBLUE
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE Not Employed/Not Employed$11 05/24/2016P ACTBLUE
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE Self-Employed/Student$50 05/24/2016P TIM CANOVA FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE Self/Meditator$11 05/24/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE Self-Employed/Student$100 05/17/2016P TIM CANOVA FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE Not Employed/Not Employed$1,000 04/18/2016P ACTBLUE
ALHADEFF, MAGGIE Transcendental Meditation Program/Meditation Teacher$100 04/01/2016P ACTBLUE
ALLEN, NATHAN Google/Producer$200 11/03/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ALLEN, NATHAN Google/Producer$25 10/21/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ALLEN, NATHAN Google/Producer$375 10/19/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ALLEN, NATHAN Google/Producer$250 10/16/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ALLEN, NATHAN Google/Producer$250 09/30/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ALLEN, NATHAN Google/Producer$250 08/03/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ALLEN, NATHAN Google/Producer$250 11/27/2015P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ALTARESCU, MELANIE Self-Employed/Independent Consultant$250 10/05/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ALTMAN, DANIEL North Yard Analytics Llc/Consultant$2,700 11/15/2016P ACTBLUE
ALTMAN, DANIEL North Yard Analytics Llc/Consultant$2,700 11/15/2016 FOSTER CAMPBELL FOR THE US SENATE - Democrat
ALTMAN, DANIEL North Yard Analytics Llc/Consultant$1,000 10/21/2016P OUR SHARED FUTURE PAC
ALTMAN, DANIEL North Yard Analytics Llc/Consultant$1,000 09/22/2016P OUR SHARED FUTURE PAC
ALTMAN, DANIEL North Yard Analytics Llc/Consultant$9,000 08/19/2016P OUR SHARED FUTURE PAC
ANDERSON, D REED Reed Anderson Studio/Artist$27 04/15/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ANDERSON, D REED Reed Anderson Studio/Artist$27 03/30/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ANDERSON, D REED Reed Anderson Studio/Artist$35 03/21/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ANDERSON, D REED Reed Anderson Studio/Artist$27 02/21/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ANDERSON, D REED Reed Anderson Studio/Artist$27 02/15/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ANDERSON, D REED Reed Anderson Studio/Artist$50 02/10/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ANDERSON, D REED Reed Anderson Studio/Artist$50 01/28/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ANDERSON, D REED Reed Anderson Studio/Artist$100 01/21/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ANDERSON, D REED Reed Anderson Studio/Artist$50 01/12/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ANDERSON, D REED Reed Anderson Studio/Artist$100 01/08/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ANDERSON, D REED Reed Anderson Studio/Artist$15 01/08/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ANDERSON, D REED Reed Anderson Studio/Artist$100 12/18/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ANDERSON, D REED Reed Anderson Studio/Artist$15 12/18/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ANDERSON, REED $-50 12/07/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ANDERSON, REED $-50 12/07/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ANDERSON, REED $-50 12/07/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ANDERSON, REED $-50 12/07/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ANDERSON, REED $-50 12/07/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ANDERSON, REED $-50 12/07/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ANDERSON, REED $-50 12/07/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ANDERSON, REED Self Employed/Artist And Landlord$50 11/06/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ANDERSON, REED Self/Artist And Landlord$50 11/04/2016P ACTBLUE
ANDERSON, REED Self Employed/Artist And Landlord$50 10/30/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ANDERSON, REED Self/Artist And Landlord$50 10/28/2016P ACTBLUE
ANDERSON, REED Self Employed/Artist And Landlord$50 10/23/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ANDERSON, REED Self/Artist And Landlord$50 10/21/2016P ACTBLUE
ANDERSON, REED Self Employed/Artist And Landlord$50 10/16/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ANDERSON, REED Self/Artist And Landlord$27 02/21/2016 ACTBLUE
ANDERSON, REED Self/Artist And Landlord$27 02/15/2016 ACTBLUE
ANDERSON, REED Self/Artist And Landlord$50 02/10/2016 ACTBLUE
ANDERSON, REED Self/Artist And Landlord$50 01/28/2016 ACTBLUE
ANDERSON, REED Self/Artist And Landlord$100 01/21/2016 ACTBLUE
ANDERSON, REED Self/Artist And Landlord$50 01/12/2016 ACTBLUE
ANDERSON, REED Self/Artist And Landlord$15 01/08/2016 ACTBLUE
ANDERSON, REED Self/Artist And Landlord$100 01/08/2016 ACTBLUE
ARONOFSKY, DARREN Self/Director$2,700 04/12/2016P ACTBLUE
ARONOFSKY, DARREN Self/Director$2,700 04/12/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ARONOFSKY, DARREN Self-Employed/Director$2,700 04/07/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ARTHUR, DEANNA Nbc Universal/Talent Coordinator$5 10/28/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ARTHUR, DEANNA Nbc Universal/Talent Coordinator$5 10/24/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ARTHUR, DEANNA Nbc/Talent Coordinator$15 10/15/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ARTHUR, DEANNA Nbc/Talent Coordinator$5 10/15/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ARTHUR, DEANNA Nbc/Talent Coordinator$5 10/12/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ARTHUR, DEANNA Nbc/Talent Coordinator$15 10/12/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AYAT, DANIEL Pratt Institute/Assistant Professor$250 09/18/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
AYCOCK, AMANDA Gibson Dunn & Crutcher/Attorney$500 11/10/2016P EMILY'S LIST
BAKER, KRISTIN Self-Employed/Artist/Painter$100 11/01/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BALDINGER, GREGG Geb Media/Producer$5 11/04/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BALDINGER, GREGG Geb Media/Producer$5 10/30/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BALDINGER, GREGG Geb Media/Producer$2 10/21/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BALESTRIERI, NICHOLAS $250 07/15/2016P DCCC - Democrat
BARCO, JONATHAN Freelance/Art Director$50 05/31/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BARCO, JONATHAN Freelance/Art Director$50 04/09/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BARCO, JONATHAN Self/Art Director$50 04/09/2016P ACTBLUE
BARCO, JONATHAN Self/Art Director$50 04/03/2016P ACTBLUE
BARCO, JONATHAN Freelance/Art Director$50 04/03/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BARDUSCO, TRINA Self-Employed/Filmmaker$25 10/28/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BARKAI, YOTAM Boies, Schiller & Flexner Llp/Lawyer$5 11/08/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BARKAI, YOTAM Boies, Schiller & Flexner Llp/Lawyer$5 11/07/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BARKAI, YOTAM Boies, Schiller & Flexner Llp/Lawyer$5 11/06/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BARKAI, YOTAM Boies, Schiller & Flexner Llp/Lawyer$5 11/06/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BARKAI, YOTAM Boies, Schiller & Flexner Llp/Lawyer$25 11/06/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BARKAI, YOTAM Boies, Schiller & Flexner Llp/Lawyer$5 11/05/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BARKAI, YOTAM Boies, Schiller & Flexner Llp/Lawyer$5 11/04/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BARKAI, YOTAM Boies, Schiller & Flexner Llp/Lawyer$37 11/04/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BARKAI, YOTAM Boies, Schiller & Flexner Llp/Lawyer$10 11/04/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BARKAI, YOTAM Boies, Schiller & Flexner Llp/Lawyer$25 11/04/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BARKAI, YOTAM Boies, Schiller & Flexner Llp/Lawyer$5 11/03/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BARKAI, YOTAM Boies, Schiller & Flexner Llp/Lawyer$37 11/03/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BARKAI, YOTAM Boies, Schiller & Flexner Llp/Lawyer$5 11/02/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BARKAI, YOTAM Boies, Schiller & Flexner Llp/Lawyer$25 11/01/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BARKAI, YOTAM Boies, Schiller & Flexner Llp/Lawyer$25 11/01/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BARKAI, YOTAM Boies, Schiller & Flexner Llp/Lawyer$37 10/28/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BARKAI, YOTAM Boies, Schiller & Flexner Llp/Lawyer$37 10/28/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BARKAI, YOTAM Boies, Schiller & Flexner Llp/Lawyer$5 10/22/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BARROCAS, ANDREW Mns/Ceo$2,700 10/14/2015P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BARROCAS, RACHEL Mns/Salesperson$2,700 10/14/2015P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BARTLETT, EVAN Zocdoc/Sales$200 11/07/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BARTLETT, MURRAY Hbo/Actor$35 05/22/2016P ACTBLUE
BARTLETT, MURRAY Hbo/Actor$35 05/22/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BARTLETT, MURRAY Hbo/Actor$10 04/30/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BARTLETT, MURRAY Hbo/Actor$10 04/30/2016P ACTBLUE
BARTLETT, MURRAY Hbo/Actor$100 04/08/2016P ACTBLUE
BARTLETT, MURRAY Hbo/Actor$100 04/08/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BARTLETT, MURRAY Hbo/Actor$100 03/17/2016P ACTBLUE
BARTLETT, MURRAY Hbo/Actor$100 02/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BARTLETT, MURRAY Hbo/Actor$100 02/26/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BENNETT, GEORGE Droga5/Strategy Consultant$10 04/16/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BENNETT, GEORGE Droga5/Strategy Consultant$27 04/08/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BENNETT, MICHAEL Self-Employed/Real Estate$1,000 09/28/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
BENNETT, MICHAEL $500 02/29/2016P DSCC - Democrat
BENTLEY, JILL N/A/Homemaker$250 11/01/2016G MALONEY FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
BENTLEY, JILL N/A/Homemaker$2,000 11/01/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BERENZWEIG, ADAM Clarifai/Software Engineer$500 12/28/2015P MAYDAY PAC
BERNSTEIN, KATE Self-Employed/Screenwriter$25 11/02/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BERNSTEIN, KATE Self-Employed/Screenwriter$27 10/18/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BERNSTEIN, KATE Self-Employed/Screenwriter$3 10/16/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BERNSTEIN, KATE Self-Employed/Screenwriter$250 09/21/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
BERNSTEIN, KATE Self-Employed/Screenwriter$56 09/21/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
BERNSTEIN, KATE Self-Employed/Screenwriter$3 09/16/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BERNSTEIN, KATE Self-Employed/Screenwriter$19 09/14/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BERNSTEIN, KATE Self-Employed/Screenwriter$19 09/13/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BERNSTEIN, NANCY Nfl/Director Integrated Sales$10 06/04/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BHUMITRA, VIBHA N/A/Unemployed$250 11/06/2016P DCCC - Democrat
BHUMITRA, VIBHA Not Employed/Home Maker$250 11/05/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
BHUMITRA, VIBHA None/Not Emplyed$250 11/05/2016P ACTBLUE
BILLOW, BRIAN Opositive Films/Director$250 04/07/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BILLOW, BRIAN Opositive Films/Director$500 02/10/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BILLOW, BRIAN O Positive Films/Film Director$500 02/10/2016P ACTBLUE
BILLOW, BRIAN O Positive Films/Film Director$1,000 12/15/2015P ACTBLUE
BILLOW, BRIAN Opositive Films/Director$1,000 12/15/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BIRCHFIELD, WILLIAM Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewa/Lawyer$200 10/06/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
BIRCHFIELD, WILLIAM Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewa/Lawyer$500 10/05/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BIRCHFIELD, WILLIAM Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewa/Lawyer$500 09/22/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BIRCHFIELD, WILLIAM Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewa/Lawyer$200 09/06/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
BIRCHFIELD, WILLIAM Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewa/Lawyer$200 08/06/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
BIRCHFIELD, WILLIAM Ogletree Deakins/Attorney$50 12/04/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BIRCHFIELD, WILLIAM Ogletree Deakins/Attorney$25 11/20/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BIRCHFIELD, WILLIAM Ogletree Deakins/Attorney$25 10/20/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BIRCHFIELD, WILLIAM Ogletree Deakins/Attorney$50 09/30/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BIRNBAUM, JACQUELINE Dla Piper Llp/Lawyer$2,700 04/22/2015P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BISSELL, JULIE Penn Schoen Berland/Senior Vice President$30 11/07/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BISSELL, JULIE Penn Schoen Berland/Senior Vice President$30 11/01/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BISSELL, JULIE Penn Schoen Berland/Senior Vice President$25 10/19/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BISSELL, JULIE Penn Schoen Berland/Senior Vice President$10 10/09/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BISSELL, JULIE Penn Schoen Berland/Senior Vice President$25 10/07/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BISSELL, JULIE Penn Schoen Berland/Senior Vice President$25 09/26/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BISSELL, JULIE Penn Schoen Berland/Senior Vice President$19 09/15/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BISSELL, JULIE Penn Schoen Berland/Senior Vice President$19 06/07/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLACKMORE, ANDI POTAMKIN Self-Employed/Art Dealer$2,000 10/17/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
BLACKMORE, ANDI POTAMKIN Self-Employed/Art Dealer$1,000 10/04/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
BLACKWELL, MARC Self-Employed/Designer$50 12/22/2016P DCCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 12/22/2016P ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 11/22/2016P ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self-Employed/Designer$50 11/22/2016P DCCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self-Employed/Designer$25 10/27/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self-Employed/Designer$50 10/23/2016P DCCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 10/22/2016P ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self-Employed/Designer$25 09/27/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 09/22/2016P ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self-Employed/Designer$50 09/22/2016P DCCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self-Employed/Designer$50 09/12/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self-Employed/Designer$50 09/12/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self-Employed/Designer$25 08/27/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self-Employed/Designer$50 08/24/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self-Employed/Designer$50 08/24/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 08/22/2016P ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self-Employed/Designer$50 08/22/2016P DCCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self-Employed/Designer$25 07/27/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self-Employed/Designer$50 07/24/2016P DCCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self-Employed/Designer$25 06/27/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 06/22/2016P ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self-Employed/Designer$50 06/22/2016P DCCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self-Employed/Designer$150 06/10/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self-Employed/Designer$25 05/27/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self-Employed/Designer$50 05/22/2016P DCCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 02/22/2016 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 01/22/2016 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$35 12/31/2015 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$35 12/31/2015 DSCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self-Employed/Designer$50 12/22/2015 DCCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 12/22/2015 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 12/10/2015 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self-Employed/Designer$50 12/10/2015 DCCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$35 11/30/2015 DSCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$35 11/30/2015 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 11/22/2015 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self-Employed/Designer$50 11/22/2015 DCCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self-Employed/Designer$50 11/11/2015 DCCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 11/10/2015 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$35 10/31/2015 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$35 10/31/2015 DSCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self-Employed/Designer$50 10/22/2015 DCCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 10/22/2015 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self-Employed/Designer$50 10/12/2015 DCCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 10/10/2015 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$35 09/30/2015 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Marc Blackwell Inc./Designer$35 09/30/2015 DSCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 09/22/2015 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 09/10/2015 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$35 08/31/2015 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Marck Blackwell Inc./Designer$35 08/31/2015 DSCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 08/22/2015 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 07/22/2015 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 07/10/2015 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 06/22/2015 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 06/10/2015P ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 05/22/2015G ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 05/10/2015 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 04/22/2015 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 04/10/2015 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 03/22/2015 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 03/10/2015 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 02/22/2015 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 02/10/2015 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARC Self/Designer$50 01/22/2015 ACTBLUE
BLACKWELL, MARCOL Self Employed/Designer$50 07/22/2015 DCCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARCOL Self Employed/Designer$50 07/12/2015 DCCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARCOL Self Employed/Designer$50 06/10/2015 DCCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARCOL Self Employed/Designer$50 05/25/2015 DCCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARCOL Self Employed/Designer$50 05/10/2015 DCCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARCOL Self Employed/Designer$50 04/22/2015 DCCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARCOL Self Employed/Designer$50 04/12/2015 DCCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARCOL Self Employed/Designer$50 03/22/2015 DCCC - Democrat
BLACKWELL, MARCOL Self Employed/Designer$50 03/10/2015 DCCC - Democrat
BLUMBERG, AMY Blueprintnyc/Producer$8 11/06/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLUMBERG, AMY Blueprintnyc/Producer$5 11/05/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLUMBERG, AMY Blueprintnyc/Producer$5 11/01/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLUMBERG, AMY Blueprintnyc/Producer$5 10/31/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLUMBERG, AMY Blueprintnyc/Producer$5 10/28/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLUMBERG, AMY Blueprintnyc/Producer$25 10/23/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLUMBERG, AMY Blueprintnyc/Producer$25 10/19/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLUMBERG, AMY Blueprintnyc/Producer$5 10/13/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLUMBERG, AMY Blueprintnyc/Producer$30 10/09/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLUMBERG, AMY Blueprintnyc/Producer$25 10/08/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLUMBERG, AMY Blueprintnyc/Producer$25 10/08/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLUMBERG, AMY Blueprintnyc/Producer$5 10/07/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLUMBERG, AMY Blueprintnyc/Producer$10 10/04/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLURTON, ELIZABETH The Harbour School/Head Of School$33 10/17/2016P MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION
BLURTON, ELIZABETH The Harbour School/Head Of School$33 10/17/2016P MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION
BLURTON, ELIZABETH The Harbour School/Head Of School$33 10/17/2016P MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION
BLURTON, ELIZABETH The Harbour School/Headmaster$250 09/26/2016P ACTBLUE
BLURTON, ELIZABETH The Harbour School/Headmaster$250 09/18/2016P ACTBLUE
BLURTON, ELIZABETH U. The Harbour School Hong Kong/Head Of School$375 11/07/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLURTON, ELIZABETH U. The Harbour School Hong Kong/Head Of School$375 10/26/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLURTON, ELIZABETH U. The Harbour School Hong Kong/Head Of School$76 10/24/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
BLURTON, ELIZABETH U. The Harbour School Hong Kong/Head Of School$112 10/20/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
BLURTON, ELIZABETH U. The Harbour School Hong Kong/Head Of School$250 10/14/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
BLURTON, ELIZABETH U. The Harbour School Hong Kong/Head Of School$250 10/14/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLURTON, ELIZABETH U. The Harbour School Hong Kong/Head Of School$25 09/21/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
BLURTON, ELIZABETH U. The Harbour School Hong Kong/Head Of School$250 09/08/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLURTON, ELIZABETH U. The Harbour School Hong Kong/Head Of School$200 09/08/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLURTON, ELIZABETH U. The Harbour School Hong Kong/Head Of School$203 08/06/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
BLURTON, ELIZABETH U. The Harbour School Hong Kong/Head Of School$100 07/31/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLURTON, ELIZABETH U. The Harbour School Hong Kong/Head Of School$100 07/24/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLURTON, ELIZABETH U. The Harbour School Hong Kong/Head Of School$100 07/22/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLURTON, ELIZABETH U. The Harbour School Hong Kong/Head Of School$10 06/10/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLURTON, ELIZABETH U. The Harbour School Hong Kong/Head Of School$25 06/08/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLURTON, ELIZABETH U. The Harbour School Hong Kong/Head Of School$478 06/04/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
BLURTON, ELIZABETH U. The Harbour School Hong Kong/Head Of School$250 05/31/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BOAZ, JOSH Direct Agents/Advertising$100 10/31/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BOAZ, JOSH Direct Agents/Advertising$100 10/24/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BOAZ, JOSH Direct Agents/Advertising$100 10/11/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BOAZ, JOSH Direct Agents/Advertising$100 09/27/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BONILLA, HUGO Self Employed/Local 52 Film Tecnician$50 05/31/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BONILLA, HUGO Self Employed/Local 52 Film Tecnician$50 05/02/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BONILLA, HUGO Self Employed/Local 52 Film Tecnician$50 04/06/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BOOTH, KARLA Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garris/Attorney$100 11/02/2016G JOSH GOTTHEIMER FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
BOOTH, KARLA Paul, Weiss/Attorney$100 07/31/2016P DCCC - Democrat
BOOTH, KARLA Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garris/Attorney$100 07/29/2016G JOSH GOTTHEIMER FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
BOOTH, KARLA Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garris/Attorney$500 03/03/2016P JOSH GOTTHEIMER FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
BOOTH, KARLA $200 01/31/2016P ACTBLUE
BORBA, JOHN Berkeley College, Nyc/Not Employed, Adjunct Professor$15 11/07/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BORBA, JOHN Berkeley College, Nyc/Not Employed, Adjunct Professor$15 11/01/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BORBA, JOHN Berkeley College, Nyc/Not Employed, Adjunct Professor$5 10/24/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BORBA, JOHN None/Adjunct Professor$3 06/11/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BORBA, JOHN None/Adjunct Professor$10 06/01/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BORBA, JOHN None/Adjunct Professor$1 05/25/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BORBA, JOHN None/Adjunct Professor$10 05/18/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BORBA, JOHN None/Adjunct Professor$5 05/04/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BORBA, JOHN None/Adjunct Professor$5 04/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BOURGEOIS, STEPHANE Giz/Renewable Energy Policy$500 05/26/2016P ACTBLUE
BRAY, NIANNA Self Employed/Yoga Teacher$18 05/31/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BRAY, NIANNA Self Employed/Yoga Teacher$17 05/23/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BRAY, NIANNA Self Employed/Yoga Teacher$10 05/11/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BRAY, NIANNA Self Employed/Yoga Teacher$27 05/10/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BRECHNER, GABRIELLE Wakka Wakka/Arts$37 11/05/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BRECHNER, GABRIELLE Wakka Wakka/Arts$50 10/28/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BRECHNER, GABRIELLE Wakka Wakka/Arts$100 10/28/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BREN, CHRIS Picture Farm Production/Producer$50 06/02/2016P ACTBLUE
BREN, CHRIS Picture Farm Production/Producer$50 06/02/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BREN, CHRIS Picture Farm Production/Producer$105 05/10/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BREN, CHRIS Picture Farm Production/Producer$105 05/10/2016P ACTBLUE
BREN, CHRIS Picture Farm Production/Producer$105 04/04/2016P ACTBLUE
BREN, CHRIS Picture Farm Production/Producer$105 04/04/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BREN, CHRIS Picture Farm Production/Producer$100 03/31/2016P ACTBLUE
BREN, CHRIS Picture Farm Production/Producer$150 03/18/2016P ACTBLUE
BREN, CHRIS Picture Farm Production/Producer$300 02/04/2016P ACTBLUE
BREN, CHRIS Picture Farm Production/Producer$300 02/04/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BROWN, RON Publick Pizza Corp/President$10 11/05/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BROWN, RON Publick Pizza Corp/President$25 11/03/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BROWN, RON Publick Pizza Corp/President$25 11/01/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BROWN, RON Publick Pizza Corp/President$3 10/25/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BROWN, RON Publick Pizza Corp/President$50 10/22/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BROWN, RON Publick Pizza Corp/President$50 10/22/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BROWN, RON Publick Pizza Corp/President$50 08/22/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BROWN, RON Publick Pizza Corp/President$50 08/22/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BROWN, RON Publick Pizza Corp/President$10 08/14/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BROWN, RON Restauranteur/Restauranteur$27 05/31/2016P ACTBLUE
BROWN, RON Self/Restauranteur$27 05/31/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BROWN, RON Self/Restauranteur$10 04/30/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BROWN, RON Restauranteur/Restauranteur$10 04/30/2016P ACTBLUE
BROWN, RON Restauranteur/Restauranteur$10 04/27/2016P ACTBLUE
BROWN, RON Self/Restauranteur$10 04/27/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BROWN, RON Self/Restauranteur$15 04/15/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BROWN, RON Restauranteur/Restauranteur$15 04/15/2016P ACTBLUE
BROWN, RON Restauranteur/Restauranteur$10 04/08/2016P ACTBLUE
BROWN, RON Self/Restauranteur$10 04/08/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BROWN, RON Self/Restauranteur$15 04/05/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BROWN, RON Restauranteur/Restauranteur$15 04/05/2016P ACTBLUE
BROWN, RON Restauranteur/Restauranteur$10 04/03/2016P ACTBLUE
BROWN, RON Self/Restauranteur$10 04/03/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BROWN, RONALD Publick Pizza Corp./President$25 10/09/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BROWN, RONALD Publick Pizza Corp./President$10 09/23/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BROWN, RONALD Publick Pizza Corp./President$50 09/22/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BROWN, RONALD Publick Pizza Corp./President$50 09/22/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BROWN, RONALD Publick Pizza Corp./President$10 09/14/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BUFFA, DOMINICK First Sterling Financial Inc/Real Estate Finance$250 10/21/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BUFFA, DOMINICK First Sterling Financial/Managing Director$250 08/29/2016G SUOZZI FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
BUFFA, DOMINICK First Sterling Financial/Managing Director$500 03/10/2016P SUOZZI FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
BURKAN, JONATHAN Morgan Stanley/Sr. Vice President$500 10/05/2016P VETERANS FOR DEFENDING THE MAJORITY - Republican
BURKAN, JONATHAN Morgan Stanley/Finance$250 08/29/2016G FASO FOR CONGRESS - Republican
BURKAN, JONATHAN Ubs/Finance$250 08/29/2016G ZELDIN FOR CONGRESS - Republican
BURKAN, JONATHAN Ubs/Financial Advisor$1,000 08/01/2016P NY REPUBLICAN FEDERAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE - Republican
BURKAN, JONATHAN $250 06/23/2016G FRIENDS OF MIA LOVE - Republican
BURKAN, JONATHAN Ubs/Finance$250 03/28/2016P MIKE GALLAGHER FOR WISCONSIN - Republican
BURKAN, JONATHAN Ubs/Finance$250 03/28/2016P MIKE GALLAGHER FOR WISCONSIN - Republican
BURKAN, JONATHAN Ubs/Finance$250 02/22/2016P ZELDIN FOR CONGRESS - Republican
BURKAN, JONATHAN Ubs/Finance$1,000 01/22/2016P MARCO RUBIO FOR PRESIDENT - Republican
BURKAN, JONATHAN Ubs/Financial Advisor$250 12/22/2015P AYOTTE VICTORY COMMITTEE - Republican
BURKAN, JONATHAN Ubs/Analyst$500 12/01/2015P RON JOHNSON FOR SENATE INC - Republican
BURKAN, JONATHAN Ubs/Finance$1,000 11/16/2015P MARCO RUBIO FOR PRESIDENT - Republican
BURKAN, JONATHAN Ubs/Finance$2,700 06/18/2015P SCOTT WALKER INC - Republican
BURKAN, JONATHAN Ubs/Financial Services$1,000 04/13/2015P NY REPUBLICAN FEDERAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE - Republican
BURKAN, JONATHAN MR Ubs/Senior Vice President$500 04/27/2015P THE RICHARD BURR COMMITTEE - Republican
BURKAN, JONATHAN MR. Morgan Stanley/Finance$250 06/07/2016G CITIZENS FOR TURNER - Republican
BURKAN, JONATHAN W MR Ubs/Finance$500 08/05/2016P MARCO RUBIO FOR SENATE 2016 - Republican
BURKIN, JONATHAN $500 08/06/2016G FRIENDS OF PAT TOOMEY - Republican
BURNS, MAGGIE Breather Products Us Inc./Head Of Operations, New York$60 11/05/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BURNS, MAGGIE Breather Products Us Inc./Head Of Operations, New York$120 11/01/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BUYS, SEBASTIAN Line Break, Llc/Designer, Developer$50 11/07/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BUYS, SEBASTIAN Line Break, Llc/Designer, Developer$250 11/04/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BYRNE, ILA Diagro/Innovation Director$250 06/20/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CALDWELL, KEVIN Tory Burch, Llc/Event Planner$25 10/31/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CALDWELL, KEVIN Tory Burch, Llc/Event Planner$25 10/09/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CALDWELL, KEVIN Tory Burch, Llc/Event Planner$25 09/26/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CALDWELL, KEVIN Tory Burch, Llc/Event Planner$25 09/12/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CALDWELL, KEVIN Tory Burch, Llc/Event Planner$11 08/30/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CALDWELL, KEVIN Tory Burch, Llc/Event Planner$750 08/30/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
CALDWELL, KEVIN Tory Burch, Llc/Event Planner$11 08/25/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CALDWELL, KEVIN Tory Burch, Llc/Event Planner$34 08/01/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CALDWELL, KEVIN Tory Burch, Llc/Event Planner$21 07/28/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
CALDWELL, KEVIN Tory Burch, Llc/Event Planner$45 07/11/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
CALDWELL, KEVIN Tory Burch, Llc/Event Planner$11 06/30/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CALDWELL, KEVIN Tory Burch, Llc/Event Planner$20 06/17/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CALDWELL, KEVIN Tory Burch, Llc/Event Planner$15 06/07/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CALDWELL, KEVIN Tory Burch, Llc/Event Planner$11 06/06/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CALDWELL, KEVIN Tory Burch, Llc/Event Planner$11 05/21/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CALDWELL, KEVIN Tory Burch, Llc/Event Planner$11 04/15/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CALDWELL, STACY The College Board/College Readiness Assessments$250 09/30/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
CALDWELL, STACY The College Board/College Readiness Assessments$1,000 09/21/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
CALEVRO, KAMI Touchstone/Accountant$31 09/24/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
CALEVRO, KAMI Touchstone/Accountant$500 09/24/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
CALEVRO, KAMO Cast & Crew/Accountant$250 11/06/2016P ACTBLUE
CALEVRO, KAMO Cast & Crew/Accountant$250 11/06/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARNEY, MICHELLE Producer/Self-Employed$10 11/03/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARNEY, MICHELLE Producer/Self-Employed$10 10/27/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARNEY, MICHELLE Producer/Self-Employed$10 10/20/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARNEY, MICHELLE Producer/Self-Employed$35 10/16/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARNEY, MICHELLE Producer/Self-Employed$10 10/13/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARNEY, MICHELLE Producer/Self-Employed$500 10/06/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARNEY, MICHELLE Producer/Self-Employed$10 10/06/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARO, JUANITA N/A/Homemaker$100 10/27/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARO, JUANITA N/A/Homemaker$100 09/27/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARO, JUANITA N/A/Homemaker$100 08/27/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARO, JUANITA N/A/Homemaker$100 07/27/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARO, JUANITA $-75 07/01/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARO, JUANITA N/A/Homemaker$100 06/27/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARO, JUANITA N/A/Homemaker$75 06/01/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARO, JUANITA N/A/Homemaker$100 05/27/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARO, JUANITA N/A/Homemaker$100 05/18/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARO, JUANITA $-75 05/01/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARO, JUANITA N/A/Homemaker$100 04/27/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARO, JUANITA N/A/Homemaker$100 04/18/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARO, JUANITA N/A/Homemaker$75 04/01/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, CARLOS Dstillery/Marketing$35 11/15/2015 ACTBLUE
CELIS, CARLOS Dstillery/Marketing$35 11/15/2015 DCCC - Democrat
CELIS, CARLOS Dstillery/Marketing$35 10/31/2015 DCCC - Democrat
CELIS, CARLOS Dstillery/Marketing$35 10/31/2015 ACTBLUE
CELIS, CARLOS Dstillery/Marketing$35 10/15/2015 ACTBLUE
CELIS, CARLOS Dstillery/Marketing$35 10/15/2015 DCCC - Democrat
CELIS, CARLOS Dstillery/Marketing$35 09/30/2015 DCCC - Democrat
CELIS, CARLOS Dstillery/Marketing$35 09/30/2015 ACTBLUE
CELIS, CARLOS Dstillery/Marketing$35 09/15/2015 ACTBLUE
CELIS, CARLOS Dstillery/Marketing$35 09/15/2015 DCCC - Democrat
CELIS, CARLOS Dstillery/Marketing$35 08/31/2015 DCCC - Democrat
CELIS, CARLOS Dstillery/Marketing$35 08/31/2015 ACTBLUE
CELIS, CARLOS Dstillery/Marketing$35 07/31/2015 ACTBLUE
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$25 11/07/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$37 11/02/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$5 10/17/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$10 09/19/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$19 07/30/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$5 06/30/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$5 06/16/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$25 06/08/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$5 05/31/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$25 05/27/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$5 05/26/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$3 05/19/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$5 05/19/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$5 05/17/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$5 05/11/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$10 05/03/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$5 04/22/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$5 04/20/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$5 04/19/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$25 04/18/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$5 04/18/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$5 04/17/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$25 04/15/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$25 04/13/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$5 04/08/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$5 04/07/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$5 04/06/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CELIS, GABRIEL Distillery/Client Services$5 04/05/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CH, ANDY Wingify/Sales$50 05/23/2016P ACTBLUE
CH, ANDY Wingify/Sales$50 05/23/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
CHAMBARD, KATHLEEN Scholastic Inc./Sr Director, Digital Marketing$15 11/08/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CHAMBARD, KATHLEEN Scholastic Inc./Sr Director, Digital Marketing$15 11/05/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CHAMBARD, KATHLEEN Scholastic Inc./Sr Director, Digital Marketing$100 10/29/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CHAMBARD, KATHLEEN Scholastic Inc./Sr Director, Digital Marketing$15 10/16/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CHAMBARD, KATHLEEN Scholastic Inc./Sr Director, Digital Marketing$15 10/09/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CHAMBARD, KATHLEEN Scholastic Inc./Sr Director, Digital Marketing$15 10/09/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CHAMBARD, KATHLEEN Scholastic Inc./Sr Director, Digital Marketing$200 10/02/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CHANG, JENNIFER Self Employed/Writer$27 06/30/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
CHANG, JENNIFER Self Employed/Writer$15 06/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
CHANG, JENNIFER Self Employed/Writer$15 06/07/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
CHANG, JENNIFER Self Employed/Writer$27 05/31/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
CHANG, JENNIFER Self Employed/Writer$15 05/31/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
CHANG, JENNIFER Self Employed/Writer$7 05/26/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
CHANG, JENNIFER Self Employed/Writer$15 05/18/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
CHANG, JENNIFER Self Employed/Writer$7 04/30/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
CHANG, JENNIFER Self Employed/Writer$10 04/28/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
CHANG, JENNIFER Self Employed/Writer$10 04/21/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
CHANG, JENNIFER Self Employed/Writer$10 04/18/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
CHANG, JENNIFER Self Employed/Writer$15 04/18/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
CHANG, JENNIFER Self Employed/Writer$11 04/15/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
CHANG, JENNIFER Self Employed/Writer$125 04/15/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
CHANG, JENNIFER Self Employed/Writer$6 04/13/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
CHANG, JENNIFER Self Employed/Writer$10 04/08/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
CHANG, JENNIFER Self Employed/Writer$15 04/06/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
CHANG, JENNIFER Self Employed/Writer$5 02/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat

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Committees (PACs):
"527" Organizations:
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   527 Organizations


Celebrity Contributors:
   Aaron Sorkin
   Andrew Fastow
   Arnold Palmer
   Arnold Schwarzenegger
   Ben Affleck
   Bill Cosby
   Bill Gates
   Calvin Klein
   Dennis Kozlowski
   Donald Trump
   George Soros
   Hugh Hefner
   Jack Grubman
   Jeff Skilling
   John Grisham
   John Rigas
   Ken Lay
   Martha Stewart
   Mel Gibson
   Oprah Winfrey
   Ralph Lauren
   Donald Trump
   Richard Scrushy
   Rush Limbaugh
   Sam Waksal
   Scott Sullivan
   Steven Spielberg
   Tom Cruise
   Tommy Hilfiger
Industry Contributors:
   CEO/Chief Executives
   College Professors
   Trial Lawyers
   Golf Professionals
   Poker Professionals
   Mortgage Brokers
   Futures Brokers
   Stock Brokers
   Options Brokers
   Life Insurance
   Health Insurance
   Auto Insurance
   Securities Lawyers
   Boats & Yachts
   Defense Contracts
Baseball Contributors:
   New York Yankees
   Boston Red Sox
   Chicago Cubs
Notable Politicians:
   Barack Obama
   George W Bush
   John Kerry
   Ralph Nader
   Hillary Clinton
   Apple Computer
   New York Times
   News Corporation
   General Electric
   Exxon Mobil
   Ford Motor
   Anheuser Busch
Top 10 Contributors:
   Thomas Steyer
   Linda Mcmahon
   Sheldon Adelson
   Miriam Adelson
   Bob Perry
   Michael Bloomberg
   Harold Simmons
   Fred Eychaner
   J Ricketts
   John Raese