Charles Gregory Davis
United States House of Representatives (Congress)Political Campaign Contributions
Campaign Finance Information '08 Election Cycle
Campaign Contribution Totals/Summary as of 12/31/2008
Cash on Hand $82,450
Total Money Receipts $1,534,915
Total Individual Contributions $1,044,065
Total Disbursements $1,512,423
Loans From Candidate $55,000
Other Loans $0
Candidate Loan Repayments $0
Debts Owed By $55,000
Refunds to Individuals $250
Refunds to Committees $0
Contributions from Other Political Committees $378,600
Contributions from Party Committees $57,250
Contributions From Individuals by State
(contribution amounts of $200 or more)
Download all of the 2008 Individual Contribution Records for this Candidate to a Spreadsheet or Other File Type
741 $766,834 76.42%
129 $154,833 15.43%
15 $28,500 2.84%
11 $18,900 1.88%
20 $11,200 1.12%
District Of Columbia
9 $5,500 0.55%
8 $4,950 0.49%
3 $3,800 0.38%
2 $2,550 0.25%
New York
1 $2,300 0.23%
1 $1,000 0.10%
2 $750 0.07%
North Carolina
3 $750 0.07%
1 $500 0.05%
1 $500 0.05%
1 $200 0.02%
1 $200 0.02%
South Carolina
1 $200 0.02%
Contributions From Poltical Action Committees
Corporation 44 $82,000
Labor 1 $1,000
Non-Connected 9 $16,863
Trade/Memership/Health 30 $92,890
Cooperative 2 $5,000
Corp.w/o Capital Stock 1 $1,000
Other 105 $231,800
Click Here for the entire list of committees supporting this candidate in '08
Contributions From Indian Tribes
None Yet Reported/Available
Top 150 Donors/Individual Financial Contributors
(contribution amounts of $200 or more)
Download All of the '08 Individual Contribution Records for this Candidate to a Spreadsheet or Other File Type
Hadaway, Laura
Olive Branch, MS 38654
Housewife/Housewife $2,300
P 01/03/2008
Hadaway, Tim
Olive Branch, MS 38654
Outdoor Services/Landscape $2,300
P 01/03/2008
Litwa, Richard
Southaven, MS 38672
Adventure Pools/Owner $2,300
P 01/03/2008
Litwa, Stacy
Southaven, MS 38672
Housewife/Housewife $2,300
P 01/03/2008
Murphy, David
Southaven, MS 38672
Murphy & Sons/Partner $2,300
P 01/03/2008
Murphy, Vickie
Southaven, MS 38672
Housewife/Housewife $2,300
P 01/03/2008
Smith, Lance
Southaven, MS 38672
Tri Firma/Owner $2,300
P 01/03/2008
Smith, Lisa
Southaven, MS 38672
Crye-Leike/Real Estate Sales $2,300
P 01/03/2008
Hayes, Emily
Southaven, MS 38672
Housewife/Housewife $2,300
P 01/04/2008
Cordell, Dan
Hernando, MS 38632
Neel- Schaffer/Engineer $2,300
P 01/07/2008
Ferguson, Mike
Olive Branch, MS 38654
McCullar Ferguson/Real Estate Agent $2,300
P 01/09/2008
Roberts, Barbara
Southaven, MS 38671
Retired/Retired $2,300
P 01/09/2008
Roberts, Frank
Southaven, MS 38671
Retired/Retired $2,300
P 01/09/2008
Smith, Ben
Southaven, MS 38672
Pickering/Engineer $2,300
P 01/09/2008
Gaines, Robert Mr.
Olive Branch, MS 38654
Self/Builder $2,300
P 01/10/2008
Gross, Pamela
Southaven, MS 38672
Housewife/Housewife $2,300
P 01/11/2008
Gross, Stephen
Southaven, MS 38672
Murphy & Sons/Developer $2,300
P 01/11/2008
Davis, Laverne K
Southaven, MS 38671
Retired/Retired $2,300
P 01/12/2008
Davis, Arthur
Southaven, MS 38671
Jones Davis/Partner $2,300
P 01/14/2008
Gravlee, Will
Allen, TX 75013
Gravlee Commercial/Real Estate $2,300
P 01/14/2008
Hicks, Dewitt
Dallas, TX 75225
Self/Contractor $2,300
P 01/15/2008
Platt, Todd
Dallas, TX 75248
Self/Developer $2,300
P 01/15/2008
Crenshaw, Hal
Memphis, TN 38117
Self/Developer $2,300
P 01/16/2008
Guy, Greg E.
Southaven, MS 38672
Bank Plus/Loan Officer $2,300
P 01/18/2008
Rogers, Toby
Rockwall, TX 75087
self/Developer $2,300
P 01/19/2008
Neel, Hibbett
Jackson, MS 39225
Neel-Schaffer/President $2,300
P 01/20/2008
Wilkins, Jerome Calvin
Memphis, TN 38125
Tasco/President $2,300
P 01/29/2008
Wilkins, Linda
Memphis, TN 38125
Tasco/Co-Owner $2,300
P 01/29/2008
Funderburk, Bettye B.
Hernando, MS 38632
Housewife/Housewife $2,300
P 01/30/2008
Taylor, Brent
Cordova, TN 38018
Brentwood Funeral Services/Presiden $2,300
P 01/31/2008
Wilson, Dale
Walls, MS 38680
American Tent/Administration $2,300
P 02/05/2008
Bridgforth, Barry
Olive Branch, MS 38654
Bridgforth Realty/Owner $2,300
P 02/07/2008
Kreunen, Kim
Southaven, MS 38672
Kreunen Inc./Owner $2,300
P 02/07/2008
Reeves, Beverly
Olive Branch, MS 38654
Housewife/Housewife $2,300
P 02/07/2008
Reeves, Jon Mr.
Olive Branch, MS 38654
Self/Developer $2,300
P 02/07/2008
Campbell, Matthew
Lake Cormorant, MS 38641
Forsythe/Engineer $2,300
P 02/14/2008
Wims, Myfis
Lake Cormorant, MS 38641
Self/President $2,300
P 02/14/2008
Hale, Paul
Southaven, MS 38672
Hale Electric/Owner $2,300
P 02/19/2008
Lipscomb, Cynthia
Lake Cormorant, MS 38641
Housewife/Housewife $2,300
P 02/19/2008
Lipscomb, Mathew III
Lake Cormorant, MS 38641
Lipscomb & Pitts/Partner $2,300
P 02/19/2008
Christian, Claiborne M.D.
Olive Branch, MS 38654
North Mississippi Orthopedics/Physi $2,300
P 02/20/2008
Christian, Rita
Olive Branch, MS 38654
N MS Orthopaedic Clinic/Office Mgr $2,300
P 02/20/2008
Couch, David
Collierville, TN 38017
Self Employed/Developer $2,300
P 02/20/2008
Creech, Robert
Southaven, MS 38672
DAC/Owner $2,300
P 02/20/2008
Crow, Bruce R.
Hernando, MS 38632
Crows Truck Service/Owner $2,300
P 02/20/2008
Harris, Jamie
Hernando, MS 38632
M & H Construction/Owner $2,300
P 02/20/2008
Harris, Julie
Hernando, MS 38632
Housewife/Housewife $2,300
P 02/20/2008
Harris, Levy
Hernando, MS 38632
L & T Construction/owner $2,300
P 02/20/2008
Hendrix, Burke
Hernando, MS 38632
Ames Plantation, LLC/Owner $2,300
P 02/20/2008
Lee, Robert
Nesbit, MS 38651
LRK/Architect $2,300
P 02/20/2008
Reaves, Cindy
Cordova, TN 38016
SR Consulting/President $2,300
P 02/20/2008
Tillman, Jay
Memphis, TN 38117
Newman-Tillman/Developer $2,300
P 02/20/2008
Turner, William
Malden, MO 63863
Self/Dentist $2,300
P 02/20/2008
Wharton, Robert
Memphis, TN 38106
G & W Diesel/Owner $2,300
P 02/20/2008
Posey, Gayle
Covington, TN 38019
posey home/mom of 6 $2,300
P 02/29/2008
Posey, William
Covington, TN 38019
Greystone Financial/CEO $2,300
P 02/29/2008
Beene, Lisa
Southaven, MS 38672
Great River Beverage/owner $2,300
P 03/03/2008
Harris, James III
Hernando, MS 38632
Self/Contractor $2,300
P 03/03/2008
McCullar, Meredith
Southaven, MS 38672
McCullar Ferguson Realty/Realtor $2,300
P 03/03/2008
Newman, Robert
Memphis, TN 38120
Self/Developer $2,300
P 03/03/2008
Rozier, Jackie
Oxford, MS 38655
Housewife/Housewife $2,300
P 03/03/2008
Bearden, Brandi
Southaven, MS 38672
Housewife/Housewife $2,300
P 03/07/2008
Bearden, Josh
Southaven, MS 38672
Barefoot Lawncare/Owner $2,300
P 03/07/2008
Hadaway, Michelle
Nesbit, MS 38651
Housewife/Housewife $2,300
P 03/07/2008
Whitfield, Joe
Olive Branch, MS 38654
Paramount/Builder $2,300
P 03/07/2008
Savage, Billy
Southaven, MS 38671
Retired/Retired $2,300
P 03/11/2008
Savage, Mary
Southaven, MS 38671
Housewife/Housewife $2,300
P 03/11/2008
Wilson, Stephanie
Olive Branch, MS 38654
American Tent/Sales $2,300
P 03/11/2008
Bogomilsky, Tzvi
Miami Beach, FL 33140
Hallmark Accounting/Owner $2,300
G 06/02/2008
Gravlee, Will
Allen, TX 75013
Gravlee & Associates/Real Estate In $2,300
G 06/17/2008
Davis, Arthur
Southaven, MS 38671
Jones Davis/Partner $2,300
G 07/01/2008
Davis, Laverne K
Southaven, MS 38671
Retired/Retired $2,300
G 07/01/2008
Kreunen, Kim
Southaven, MS 38672
Kreunen Inc./Owner $2,300
G 07/03/2008
Pugh, Sherry
Southaven, MS 38671
Reel Neet/office $2,300
G 07/07/2008
Thomas, Robert
Southaven, MS 38671
Reel Neet/Owner $2,300
G 07/07/2008
Gross, Pamela
Southaven, MS 38672
Housewife/Housewife $2,300
G 07/17/2008
Gross, Stephen
Southaven, MS 38672
Murphy & Sons/Developer $2,300
G 07/17/2008
Worley, Carolyn S
Nesbit, MS 38651
worley iron and metal/sec bookkeepe $2,300
G 07/30/2008
Worley, Lonny F
Nesbit, MS 38651
Worley Salvage/President $2,300
G 07/30/2008
Adair, Jackie F
Como, MS 38619
self/retired $2,300
G 08/01/2008
Adair, Tammy
Senatobia, MS 38668
Direct/Sales $2,300
G 08/01/2008
Adair, William C
Como, MS 38619
Self/Investor $2,300
G 08/01/2008
Wilson, Dale
Walls, MS 38680
American Tent/Administration $2,300
G 08/08/2008
Wilson, Judy
Olive Branch, MS 38654
American Tent/Sales $2,300
G 08/08/2008
Murphy, David
Southaven, MS 38672
Murphy & Sons/Partner $2,300
G 08/15/2008
Murphy, Vickie
Southaven, MS 38672
Housewife/Housewife $2,300
G 08/15/2008
Gaines, Robert Mr.
Olive Branch, MS 38654
Self/Builder $2,300
G 08/27/2008
Harris, Julie
Hernando, MS 38632
Housewife/Housewife $2,300
G 08/27/2008
Harris, Levy
Hernando, MS 38632
L & T Construction/owner $2,300
G 08/27/2008
Smith, Lance
Southaven, MS 38672
Tri Firma/Owner $2,300
G 08/27/2008
Smith, Lisa
Southaven, MS 38672
Crye-Leike/Real Estate Sales $2,300
G 08/27/2008
Wims, Angela
Lake Cormorant, MS 38641
Housewife/Housewife $2,300
G 08/27/2008
Wims, Myfis
Lake Cormorant, MS 38641
Self/President $2,300
G 08/27/2008
Reeves, Jon
Olive Branch, MS 38654
Self/Developer $2,300
G 08/28/2008
Harris, Jamie
Hernando, MS 38632
M & H Construction/Owner $2,300
G 08/29/2008
Harris, Debbie
Ridgeland, MS 39157
Housewife/Housewife $2,300
G 09/03/2008
Harris, Larry
Ridgeland, MS 39158
Harris Jernigan & Geno, PLLC/Attorn $2,300
G 09/03/2008
Wilkins, Jerome Calvin
Memphis, TN 38125
Tasco/President $2,300
G 09/10/2008
Wilkins, Linda
Memphis, TN 38125
Tasco/Co-Owner $2,300
G 09/10/2008
Crenshaw, Connie M
Nesbit, MS 38651
Homemaker/Homemaker $2,300
G 09/11/2008
Thomas, Blake
Southaven, MS 38671
reel neet erosion control/construct $2,300
G 09/11/2008
Wharton, Robert
Memphis, TN 38106
G & W Diesel/Owner $2,300
G 09/11/2008
Posey, Gayle
Covington, TN 38019
posey home/mom of 6 $2,300
G 09/12/2008
Hale, Paul
Southaven, MS 38672
Hale Electric/Owner $2,300
G 10/13/2008
Jordan, Christopher
Southaven, MS 38672
Self/Sales $2,300
G 10/14/2008
Jordan, Jennifer D
Southaven, MS 38672
Healthfoods Store/Owner $2,300
G 10/14/2008
Litwa, Richard
Southaven, MS 38672
Adventure Pools/Owner $2,300
G 10/14/2008
Litwa, Stacy
Southaven, MS 38672
Housewife/Housewife $2,300
G 10/14/2008
Creech, Robert
Southaven, MS 38672
DAC/Owner $2,300
G 10/15/2008
Creech, Tonya
Southaven, MS 38672
DeSoto County Schools/Teacher $2,300
G 10/15/2008
Faulkner, Hanna
Southaven, MS 38671
self/self $2,300
G 10/23/2008
Faulkner, Steve
Southaven, MS 38671
desoto baptist/radiology $2,300
G 10/23/2008
Grommersch, Tim Mr.
Southaven, MS 38672
City of Southven/Administrative $2,300
G 10/23/2008
Crenshaw, Hal
Memphis, TN 38117
Self/Developer $2,300
G 10/30/2008
Faulkner, Kristi
Southaven, MS 38671
City of Southaven/Administrative $2,260
G 08/08/2008
Dellepenna, Stacy
Brandon, MS 39047
Housewife/Housewife $2,200
P 03/11/2008
Nelson, Kurt
Memphis, TN 38111
IDI/Partner $2,000
P 01/21/2008
Valentine, Roy
Lamar, MS 38642
RCCI/President $2,000
P 01/23/2008
Davis, Sluggo
Hernando, MS 38632
DeSoto County/Chancery Court $2,000
P 01/25/2008
Snowden, Bayard
Memphis, TN 38117
Colliers, Wilkinson & Snowden/Presi $2,000
P 01/25/2008
Whitfield, Paul
Hernando, MS 38632
Whitfield Electric/Owner $2,000
P 01/25/2008
Ferrell, Keith
Memphis, TN 38114
Ferrell Paving/Owner $2,000
P 01/28/2008
Hernandez, Jacinto M.D.
Memphis, TN 38120
Midsouth Nephrology Consulta/Physic $2,000
P 01/31/2008
Woods, Chris
Memphis, TN 38133
Chris Woods Construction/Owner $2,000
P 01/31/2008
Bailey, Robert
New Albany, MS 38652
Self/Real Estate Sales $2,000
P 02/07/2008
Davis, Clifford P
Friars Point, MS 38631
Retired/Retired $2,000
P 02/20/2008
Fulton, Michael
Oxford, MS 38655
Self/Attorney $2,000
P 02/20/2008
Webster, Jimmy
Hernando, MS 38632
Retired/Retired $2,000
P 02/20/2008
Kogler, James
Red Banks, MS 38661
Kogler Equipment/Presidetn $2,000
P 03/03/2008
Rumler, Rod
Hernando, MS 38632
Delta Technical College/President $2,000
P 03/03/2008
Dunlap, Robert
Batesville, MS 38606
Dunlap & Kyle/Owner $2,000
P 03/07/2008
Gross, C.O.
Nesbit, MS 38651
Retired/Retired $2,000
P 03/11/2008
Haynes, Rex
Horn Lake, MS 38637
Southgroup Insurance/Owner $2,000
G 08/21/2008
Madakasira, Sudhakar
Brandon, MS 39047
Self/MD $2,000
G 09/29/2008
Smith, Gail
Southaven, MS 38672
Smith&Forsythe/bookkeeper $1,700
P 01/09/2008
Taylor, Kimberly
Cordova, TN 38018
Housewife/Housewife $1,700
P 03/07/2008
Kreunen, Teresa
Southaven, MS 38672
Housewife/Housewife $1,580
P 02/07/2008
Vance, Larry
Jackson, MS 39205
self/insurance $1,500
P 01/15/2008
Mathison, William
Jackson, MS 39205
Fox Everett/Vice President $1,500
P 01/16/2008
Bass, Joe
Dallas, TX 75230
Hillwood/Real Estate $1,500
P 01/17/2008
Ryan, Gil
Oakland, TN 38060
Ryan Commercial Properties/Owner $1,500
P 01/28/2008
Gouras, Chris
Ridgeland, MS 39158
Gouras & Assoc/Consultant $1,500
P 03/03/2008
Odom, Edward
Byhalia, MS 38611
Retired/retired $1,500
P 03/03/2008
Davis, Clifford P
Friars Point, MS 38631
Retired/Retired $1,500
G 08/20/2008
Kreunen, Teresa
Southaven, MS 38672
Housewife/Housewife $1,421
G 09/03/2008
Drumwright, Greg
Southaven, MS 38672
Green King Spray/Owner $1,300
P 02/15/2008
Pugh, Bobby
Southaven, MS 38671
Reel Neat/President $1,300
P 03/03/2008
Thomas, Robert
Southaven, MS 38671
Reel Neet/Owner $1,300
P 03/03/2008
Tillman, Chad
Collierville, TN 38017
McDonalds Corporation/Owner $1,300
P 03/03/2008
DeHart, James
Memphis, TN 38104
Self/Attorney $1,250
P 03/03/2008