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Political Action Committee
Campaign Contribution Details
2004 Election Cycle

Committee Information

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Connected Organization NameAmerican Council of Life Insurers
Address101 Constitution Avenue NW
Suite 700 West
Washington, DC  20001
Interest Group CategoryTrade/Memership/Health
Affiliated Party--
Affiliated Candidate --

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Financial Details in the 2004 Election Cycle

Through 12/31/2004
Category$ Dollar Amount
Total Receipts$653,573
Transfers From Affiliates$0
Contributions From Individuals$280,351
Contributions From Other Political Committees$362,350
Total Loans Received$0
Total Disbursements$663,232
Transfers To Affiliates$0
Refunds To Individuals$0
Refunds to Committees$0
Loan Repayments$0
Beginning Cash$61,253
Ending Cash$51,625
Debts Owed By$0
Nonfederal Transfers Received$0
Contributions Made To Other Committees$627,153
Independent Expenditures Made$0
Party Coordinated Expenditures Made$0
Nonfederal Share of Expenditures$0

Top 100 Donations/Contributions in the 2004 Election Cycle

$ Amount
Allison, Herbert M Jr
New York, NY
TIAA-CREF/Chairman President & Chie$5,000 P07/23/2004
Choate, Eugene Mr.
Marietta, GA
Bankers Fidelity Life Insurance Com$5,000 P10/13/2003
Griswell, J. Barry Mr.
Des Moines, IA
The Principal Financial Group/Presi$5,000 P06/19/2003
Head, Glenn O. Mr.
Madison, NJ
First Investors Life Insurance Comp$5,000 P08/08/2003
Ryan, Arthur F Mr.
Mendham, NJ
The Prudential Insurance Company of$5,000 P09/25/2003
Ryan, Arthur F Mr.
Mendham, NJ
The Prudential Insurance Company of$5,000 P05/26/2004
Fraizer, Michael D Mr.
Richmond, VA
Genwoth Financial/President & CEO$3,500 P06/07/2004
Fraizer, Michael D. Mr.
Richmond, VA
General Electric Capital Assurance/$3,500 P07/28/2003
Salipante, Robert C. Mr.
Wellesley, MA
Sun Life Financial/Insurance Execut$3,260 P10/10/2003
Riley, Rick D Mr.
Austin, TX
Citizens Insurance Company of Ameri$3,000 P09/29/2003
Barrett, John F Mr.
Cincinnati, OH
Western-Southern Financial Group/Ch$2,500 P09/16/2003
Downing, Ronald G. Mr.
Breckenwidge, TX
National Farm Life Insurance/Presid$2,500 P05/14/2003
FitzGerald, L. C Mr.
Alexandria, VA
American Council of Life Insurance/$2,500 P04/26/2004
FitzGerald, L. Charles Mr.
Alexandria, VA
American Council of Life Insurance/$2,500 P05/19/2003
Harlin, James L. Mr.
Oklahoma City, OK
Banc One Insurance Holdings Inc./Pr$2,500 P10/21/2003
Vie, Richard C. Mr.
Chicago, IL
Unitrin Inc./Chairman & CEO$2,500 P10/27/2003
Downing, Ronald G Mr.
Breckenwidge, TX
National Farm Life Insurance/Presid$2,250 P02/27/2004
Salipante, Robert C Mr.
Wellesley, MA
Sun Life Financial/Insurance Execut$2,165 P10/07/2004
Pearson, L. J Mr.
Owings Mills, MD
The Baltimore Life Insurance Compan$2,100 P10/11/2004
Boyea, Bruce W. Mr.
Binghamton, NY
Security Mutual Life Insurance Comp$2,000 P07/30/2003
Noble, David J. Mr.
West Des Moines, IA
American Equity Investment Life Ins$2,000 P05/05/2003
Riley, Rick D Mr.
Austin, TX
Citizens Insurance Company of Ameri$2,000 P09/17/2004
Heitz, Mark V. Mr.
Topeka, KS
American Investors Life Insurance C$1,650 P10/02/2003
Choate, Eugene Mr.
Marietta, GA
Bankers Fidelity Life Insurance Com$1,500 P05/14/2004
Rattmann, Thomas E Mr.
Vestal, NY
Columbian Mutual Life Insurance Com$1,500 P10/12/2004
Potter, Thomas D. Mr.
Lincoln, NE
Lincoln Direct Life Insurance Compa$1,495 P06/24/2003
Woodring, Albert G Mr.
Chesterfield, MO
Reinsurance Group of America Incorp$1,400 P09/28/2004
Rattmann, Thomas E. Mr.
Vestal, NY
Columbian Mutual Life Insurance Com$1,125 P11/10/2003
Boyea, Bruce W Mr.
Binghamton, NY
Security Mutual Life Insurance Comp$1,000 P10/07/2004
Cook, Graham J Mr.
Des Moines, IA
Homesteaders Life Company/Chairman$1,000 P10/04/2004
Cook, Graham J. Mr.
Des Moines, IA
Homesteaders Life Company/Chairman$1,000 P10/29/2003
Eisenbarth, Gary L. Mr.
Oak Brook, IL
MTL Insurance Company/President & C$1,000 P07/07/2003
Hawkins, R. K Mr.
Goddard, KS
American Underwriters Life Insuranc$1,000 P09/25/2003
Lewis, James G
Frisco, TX
Central Security Life Insurance Com$1,000 P10/11/2004
Lewis, James G.
Frisco, TX
Central Security Life Insurance Com$1,000 P10/01/2003
MacLeay, Thomas H Mr.
Montpelier, VT
National Life Insurance/Chairman an$1,000 P09/08/2003
MacLeay, Thomas H Mr.
Montpelier, VT
National Life Insurance/Chairman an$1,000 P07/26/2004
Masterson, Michael M Mr. CLU
Sioux Falls, SD
Midland National Life/President & C$1,000 P12/16/2004
Merriman, Michael A Mr.
Kansas City, MO
Americo Life Inc./Chairman of the B$1,000 P07/02/2004
Merriman, Michael A. Mr.
Kansas City, MO
Americo Life Inc./Chairman of the B$1,000 P08/08/2003
Molendrop, Dayton
Indianapolis, IN
OneAmerica/President & Chief Execut$1,000 P10/11/2004
Muller, Gary L Mr.
Kansas City, MO
Great Southern Life Insurance Compa$1,000 P07/02/2004
Muller, Gary L. Mr.
Kansas City, MO
Americo Life Inc./President & CEO$1,000 P08/08/2003
Pearson, L. J Mr.
Owings Mills, MD
$1,000 P05/21/2004
Pearson, L. J Mr.
Owings Mills, MD
The Baltimore Life Insurance Compan$1,000 P05/12/2004
Prieur, C. J Mr.
Wellesley Hills, MA
Sun Life Financial/President & COO$1,000 P10/12/2004
Riley, Harold E Mr.
Austin, TX
Citizens Insurance Company/Chairman$1,000 P09/29/2003
Riley, Harold E Mr.
Austin, TX
Citizens Insurance Company/Chairman$1,000 P09/17/2004
Semler, Jerry D Mr. CLU
Indianapolis, IN
American United Life/Chairman Presi$1,000 P10/11/2004
Vie, Richard C. Mr.
Chicago, IL
Unitrin Inc./Chairman & CEO$1,000 P10/16/2003
Welch, Larry D.
Austin, TX
Citizens Insurance Company of Ameri$1,000 P10/29/2003
Zachry, James P Mr.
San Antonio, TX
Tower Life Insurance Company/Chairm$1,000 P02/26/2004
Zachry, James P. Mr.
San Antonio, TX
Tower Life Insurance Company/Chairm$1,000 P05/26/2003
Atha, Allen Mr. III
Topeka, KS
American Investors Life Insurance C$800 P10/02/2003
Atkinson, David B Mr.
St. Louis, MO
RGA Reinsurance Company/President &$800 P09/28/2004
Hammond, Mark K.
Olathe, KS
American Investors Life Insurance C$800 P10/02/2003
Miller, Michael H. Mr.
Lawrence, KS
American Investors Life Insurance C$800 P10/02/2003
Riley, Ray A
Austin, TX
Citizens Insurance Company of Ameri$800 P09/17/2004
Gibbons, Robert J Mr.
Lafayette, IN
The Lafayette Life Insurance Compan$655 P08/13/2004
Lancaster, John H Mr.
Baton Rouge, LA
Guaranty Income Life Insurance Comp$650 P09/13/2004
Masterson, Michael M. Mr. CLU
Sioux Falls, SD
Midland National Life/President & C$650 P07/31/2003
Clark, Robert W Mr.
Roanoke, VA
Shenandoah Life Insurance Company/P$615 P03/29/2004
Gibbons, Robert J. Mr.
Lafayette, IN
The Lafayette Life Insurance Compan$600 P10/13/2003
Riley, Ray A.
Austin, TX
Citizens Insurance Company of Ameri$600 P10/29/2003
Miller, Peggy
Washington, DC
American Council of Life Insurers/A$550 P03/19/2004
Blackburn, John D. Mr.
Lincoln, IL
COUNTRY Life Insurance Company/Chie$500 P10/02/2003
Castano, David G
Schaumburg, IL
XL Life Insurance and Annunity Comp$500 P07/08/2004
Cernich, Steven E
Schaumberg, IL
XL Life Insurance and Annunity Comp$500 P07/08/2004
Eisenbarth, Gary L Mr.
Oak Brook, IL
MTL Insurance Company/President & C$500 P08/10/2004
Fink, Michael
Austin, TX
Citizens Insurance Company of Ameri$500 P10/29/2003
Henning, Thomas E Mr. CLU
Lincoln, NE
The Security Mutual Life Insurance/$500 P03/31/2004
Hohmann, James E
North Barrington, IL
XL Life Insurance Company/President$500 P09/13/2004
Lay, Jack B
Creve Coeur, MO
RGA Reinsurance/EVP & CFO$500 P09/28/2004
Le Seure, Danny Mr.
Hudson, IL
CC Services Inc./Senior Manager Mar$500 P07/28/2003
Machado, Edward J
Roanoke, VA
Shenandoah Life Insurance Company/S$500 P03/29/2004
Mayo, Wade H Mr.
Dallas, TX
Life Insurance Company of the South$500 P09/02/2004
Mehle, David J.
Austin, TX
Citizens Insurance Company of Ameri$500 P10/29/2003
Miller, Peggy
Washington, DC
American Council of Life Insurers/A$500 P06/09/2003
Montgomery, David B Mr.
Schaumburg, IL
XL Life Insurance and Annunity Comp$500 P07/08/2004
Petry, Paul E Mr.
Osterville, MA
Boston Mutual Life Insurance Compan$500 P11/17/2004
Petry, Paul E Mr.
Osterville, MA
Boston Mutual Life Insurance Compan$500 P02/25/2004
Potter, Thomas D Mr.
Lincoln, NE
Lincoln Direct Life Insurance Compa$500 P10/11/2004
Prieur, C. James Mr.
Wellesley Hills, MA
Sun Life Financial/President & COO$500 P10/08/2003
Schuster, Paul A
Chesterfield, MO
RGA Reinsurance Company/Execuitve V$500 P09/28/2004
Schutz, Pamela S Ms.
Richmond, VA
Genworth Financial/President$500 P09/02/2003
Schutz, Pamela S Ms.
Richmond, VA
Genworth Financial/President$500 P06/07/2004
Turner, David C
McLean, VA
American Council of Life Insurers/V$500 P03/03/2004
Vargo, Deborah J Ms.
Carmel, IN
Lafayette Life Insurance Company/Vi$500 P08/13/2004
Wallman, David T Mr. FSA
Lincoln, NE
The Security Mutual Life Insurance/$500 P03/31/2004
Zimmerman, Kent P
St. Louis, MO
RGA Reinsurance Company/Vice Presid$500 P09/28/2004
Zippel, George R Mr.
Lynchburg, VA
First Colony Life Insurance Company$500 P09/02/2003
Zippel, George R Mr.
Lynchburg, VA
First Colony Life Insurance Company$500 P06/07/2004
Craig, John J Mr. II
Sioux Falls, SD
Midland National Life Insurance Com$450 P12/16/2004
Buehrer, Mark D
Fenton, MO
RGA Reinsurance Group/Senior Vice P$400 P09/28/2004
Foster, George A Mr. Jr.
Baton Rouge, LA
Guaranty Income Life Insurance Comp$400 P09/13/2004
Peterson, Robert R Jr
Roanoke, VA
Shenandoah Life/Senior Vice Preside$400 P03/29/2004
Correa, Jaime
Wildwood, MO
RGA Reinsurance Group of America/Sr$350 P09/28/2004
Craig, John J. Mr. II
Sioux Falls, SD
Midland National Life Insurance Com$350 P07/31/2003
Newsome, Jon P
Longboat Key, FL
Midland National Life Insurance Com$350 P12/16/2004
Newsome, Jon P.
Longboat Key, FL
Midland National Life Insurance Com$350 P07/31/2003

Political Candidates Receiving Contributions in the 2004 Election Cycle from

Candidate NameOfficePartyStateDistrictPrimary/
$ Dollar
BACHUS, SPENCER T House of RepsRepublicanAL 06G$1,00009/24/2004
BAKER, RICHARD HUGH House of RepsRepublicanLA 06G$1,50006/16/2004
BAKER, RICHARD HUGH House of RepsRepublicanLA 06P$5,00001/29/2003
BAKER, RICHARD HUGH House of RepsRepublicanLA 06G$3,50003/30/2004
BARRETT, JAMES GRESHAM House of RepsRepublicanSC 03P$2,00011/19/2003
BAYH, EVAN SenateDemocratIN --P$2,00011/19/2003
BAYH, EVAN SenateDemocratIN --G$1,00003/02/2004
BAYH, EVAN SenateDemocratIN --P$18003/11/2003
BAYH, EVAN SenateDemocratIN --P$1,81903/31/2003
BECERRA, XAVIER House of RepsDemocratCA 31P$1,00005/06/2003
BENNETT, ROBERT F SenateRepublicanUT --P$1,00006/26/2003
BENNETT, ROBERT F SenateRepublicanUT --G$1,00008/17/2004
BLUNT, ROY House of RepsRepublicanMO 07P$5,00003/25/2003
BOEHNER, JOHN A House of RepsRepublicanOH 08G$1,00005/25/2004
BOREN, DAVID DANIEL House of RepsDemocratOK 02G$23509/27/2004
BREAUX, JOHN B SenateDemocratLA --P$1,00006/26/2003
BROWN-WAITE, VIRGINIA House of RepsRepublicanFL 05P$2,00003/31/2003
BROWNBACK, SAMUEL DALE SenateRepublicanKS --P$1,00003/31/2003
BUNNING, JIM SenateRepublicanKY --G$1,00004/23/2004
BUNNING, JIM SenateRepublicanKY --P$1,00006/26/2003
BUNNING, JIM SenateRepublicanKY --G$3,00005/06/2003
BUNNING, JIM SenateRepublicanKY --P$1,00009/22/2003
BUNNING, JIM SenateRepublicanKY --G$1,00012/11/2003
BUSH, GEORGE W PresidentRepublicanDC --P$5,00006/13/2003
BUYER, STEVE House of RepsRepublicanIN 04P$1,00011/19/2003
CAMP, DAVID LEE House of RepsRepublicanMI 04P$1,50006/26/2003
CAMP, DAVID LEE House of RepsRepublicanMI 04G$2,50003/02/2004
CAMP, DAVID LEE House of RepsRepublicanMI 04G$1,00003/02/2004
CAPITO, SHELLEY MOORE House of RepsRepublicanWV 02P$2,00012/11/2003
CARDIN, BENJAMIN LOUIS House of RepsDemocratMD 03G$2,26607/20/2004
CARDIN, BENJAMIN LOUIS House of RepsDemocratMD 03G$23307/20/2004
CARDIN, BENJAMIN LOUIS House of RepsDemocratMD 03P$2,50009/26/2003
CARSON, BRAD House of RepsDemocratOK 02P$1,00005/06/2003
CARTER, JOHN RICE House of RepsRepublicanTX 31P$1,00012/11/2003
CASTLE, MICHAEL N House of RepsRepublicanDE 01P$1,00005/11/2004
CASTLE, MICHAEL N House of RepsRepublicanDE 01P$1,00006/26/2003
CHAFEE, LINCOLN D SenateRepublicanRI --P$1,00011/19/2003
CHAMBLISS, SAXBY SenateRepublicanGA --P$1,00005/25/2004
COLE, TOM JEFFERY House of RepsRepublicanOK 04P$1,00005/06/2003
COLE, TOM JEFFERY House of RepsRepublicanOK 04P$1,00003/12/2004
CONRAD, KENT SenateDemocratND --P$1,00001/29/2003
CONRAD, KENT SenateDemocratND --P$46712/16/2003
CRANE, PHILIP M House of RepsRepublicanIL 08P$1,00009/22/2003
CRANE, PHILIP M House of RepsRepublicanIL 08G$2,00010/29/2004
CRANE, PHILIP M House of RepsRepublicanIL 08P$1,00002/03/2004
CRAPO, MICHAEL D SenateRepublicanID --P$1,00006/26/2003
CRAPO, MICHAEL D SenateRepublicanID --P$1,00006/26/2003
CRAPO, MICHAEL D SenateRepublicanID --G$1,00010/15/2004
CRAPO, MICHAEL D SenateRepublicanID --G$50006/16/2004
CRAPO, MICHAEL D SenateRepublicanID --P$1,00009/22/2003
CROWLEY, JOSEPH House of RepsDemocratNY 07P$1,00005/11/2004
CROWLEY, JOSEPH House of RepsDemocratNY 07P$1,00006/26/2003
CROWLEY, JOSEPH House of RepsDemocratNY 07P$1,00003/12/2004
CROWLEY, JOSEPH House of RepsDemocratNY 07P$1,00003/25/2003
DASCHLE, THOMAS ANDREW SenateDemocratSD --P$2,50003/25/2003
DASCHLE, THOMAS ANDREW SenateDemocratSD --G$3,00002/03/2004
DASCHLE, THOMAS ANDREW SenateDemocratSD --G$2,00009/26/2003
DAVIS, GEOFFREY C House of RepsRepublicanKY 04G$1,00012/15/2004
DELAY, THOMAS DALE House of RepsRepublicanTX 22G$2,00004/23/2004
DODD, CHRISTOPHER J SenateDemocratCT --G$50006/16/2004
DODD, CHRISTOPHER J SenateDemocratCT --G$2,50003/25/2003
DODD, CHRISTOPHER J SenateDemocratCT --G$1,00003/12/2004
DODD, CHRISTOPHER J SenateDemocratCT --P$1,00011/19/2003
DODD, CHRISTOPHER J SenateDemocratCT --G$1,00006/26/2003
DOLE, ELIZABETH H SenateRepublicanNC --G$2,00010/22/2003
DORGAN, BYRON L SenateDemocratND --P$1,00003/18/2004
DORGAN, BYRON L SenateDemocratND --P$1,00006/26/2003
DUNN, JENNIFER House of RepsRepublicanWA 08P$1,00005/06/2003
EMANUEL, RAHM House of RepsDemocratIL 05G$1,00009/24/2004
EMERSON, JO ANN H House of RepsRepublicanMO 08P$1,00011/19/2003
ENGLISH, PHILIP S House of RepsRepublicanPA 03G$1,00006/16/2004
ENGLISH, PHILIP S House of RepsRepublicanPA 03G$1,00010/15/2004
FEENEY, TOM House of RepsRepublicanFL 24P$2,00009/22/2003
FEINSTEIN, DIANNE SenateDemocratCA --P$1,00006/26/2003
FERGUSON, MIKE House of RepsRepublicanNJ 7P$1,00006/26/2003
FERGUSON, MIKE House of RepsRepublicanNJ 7P$1,00003/12/2004
FOLEY, MARK House of RepsRepublicanFL 16P$1,00005/06/2003
FORD, HAROLD E JR House of RepsDemocratTN 9P$1,00003/12/2004
FORD, HAROLD E JR House of RepsDemocratTN 9P$83803/16/2004
FORD, HAROLD E JR House of RepsDemocratTN 9P$16103/16/2004
FRANK, BARNEY House of RepsDemocratMA 04G$1,00009/24/2004
FRANK, BARNEY House of RepsDemocratMA 04P$2,00010/22/2003
FRANK, BARNEY House of RepsDemocratMA 04P$2,00006/26/2003
FRANK, BARNEY House of RepsDemocratMA 04P$1,00003/12/2004
FROST, MARTIN House of RepsDemocratTX 32P$1,00006/26/2003
GARRETT, E SCOTT House of RepsRepublicanNJ 05P$2,00006/26/2003
GRASSLEY, CHARLES E SenateRepublicanIA --G$1,00006/26/2003
GRASSLEY, CHARLES E SenateRepublicanIA --P$2,00001/23/2003
GRASSLEY, CHARLES E SenateRepublicanIA --G$2,00003/25/2003
GRASSLEY, CHARLES E SenateRepublicanIA --G$2,00003/02/2004
GREEN, MARK A House of RepsRepublicanWI 08P$94203/12/2004
GREEN, MARK A House of RepsRepublicanWI 08P$1,00009/26/2003
GREGG, JUDD A SenateRepublicanNH --P$2,00003/25/2003
GREGG, JUDD A SenateRepublicanNH --P$1,00006/26/2003
GREGG, JUDD A SenateRepublicanNH --G$2,00010/22/2003
GREGG, JUDD A SenateRepublicanNH --P$1,00005/06/2003
HARRIS, KATHERINE House of RepsRepublicanFL 13P$2,00009/22/2003
HARRIS, KATHERINE House of RepsRepublicanFL 13G$75007/14/2004
HATCH, ORRIN G SenateRepublicanUT --P$2,00003/25/2003
HENSARLING, THOMAS JEB House of RepsRepublicanTX 05P$1,00003/31/2003
HENSARLING, THOMAS JEB House of RepsRepublicanTX 05P$2,00011/19/2003
HENSARLING, THOMAS JEB House of RepsRepublicanTX 05G$1,00010/29/2004
HERGER, WALLY House of RepsRepublicanCA 2P$1,00009/22/2003
HERGER, WALLY House of RepsRepublicanCA 2G$1,00008/05/2004
HERGER, WALLY House of RepsRepublicanCA 2P$1,00003/25/2003
HILL, BARON P. House of RepsDemocratIN 09P$50008/07/2003
HOLDEN, TIM House of RepsDemocratPA 17P$1,00002/13/2004
HOOLEY, DARLENE House of RepsDemocratOR 05P$1,00003/12/2004
HOOLEY, DARLENE House of RepsDemocratOR 05P$16707/22/2003
HOOLEY, DARLENE House of RepsDemocratOR 05P$1,00011/19/2003
HOOLEY, DARLENE House of RepsDemocratOR 05P$1,00009/22/2003
HOOLEY, DARLENE House of RepsDemocratOR 05P$1,83205/11/2004
HOUGHTON, AMORY JR House of RepsRepublicanNY 29P$1,00009/22/2003
HOYER, STENY HAMILTON House of RepsDemocratMD 05P$1,00010/22/2003
HOYER, STENY HAMILTON House of RepsDemocratMD 05P$2,50002/03/2004
HULSHOF, KENNY CHARLES House of RepsRepublicanMO 09P$1,00005/06/2003
ISTOOK, ERNEST J JR House of RepsRepublicanOK 05P$51311/19/2003
JOHN, CHRIS House of RepsDemocratLA 07P$1,00012/11/2003
JOHNSON, NANCY L House of RepsRepublicanCT 05G$2,50005/25/2004
JOHNSON, NANCY L House of RepsRepublicanCT 05P$3,00009/22/2003
JOHNSON, NANCY L House of RepsRepublicanCT 05G$1,00003/02/2004
JOHNSON, NANCY L House of RepsRepublicanCT 05P$2,00006/26/2003
JOHNSON, TIM SenateDemocratSD --G$5,00006/26/2003
JONES, STEPHANIE TUBBS House of RepsDemocratOH 11G$1,25005/25/2004
JONES, STEPHANIE TUBBS House of RepsDemocratOH 11G$1,00009/30/2004
JONES, WALTER B House of RepsRepublicanNC 03P$1,00002/03/2004
KANJORSKI, PAUL E House of RepsDemocratPA 11P$1,00002/03/2004
KANJORSKI, PAUL E House of RepsDemocratPA 11P$1,00003/30/2004
KANJORSKI, PAUL E House of RepsDemocratPA 11P$1,00010/22/2003
KANJORSKI, PAUL E House of RepsDemocratPA 11G$1,00009/24/2004
KANJORSKI, PAUL E House of RepsDemocratPA 11P$2,00004/20/2004
KELLY, SUE W House of RepsRepublicanNY 19P$2,00006/16/2004
KELLY, SUE W House of RepsRepublicanNY 19P$1,00012/11/2003
KENNEDY, MARK RAYMOND House of RepsRepublicanMN 06P$1,00006/22/2004
KENNEDY, MARK RAYMOND House of RepsRepublicanMN 06P$17806/22/2004
KENNEDY, MARK RAYMOND House of RepsRepublicanMN 06P$2,00009/22/2003
KING, STEVEN A House of RepsRepublicanIA 05P$1,00004/23/2004
KNOLLENBERG, JOSEPH K House of RepsRepublicanMI 09P$1,00006/26/2003
KYL, JON L SenateRepublicanAZ --P$1,00011/19/2003
LAHOOD, RAY House of RepsRepublicanIL 18G$1,00003/02/2004
LANDRIEU, MARY L SenateDemocratDC --P$1,00003/25/2003
LATHAM, TOM House of RepsRepublicanIA 04P$1,00006/26/2003
LEWIS, JERRY House of RepsRepublicanCA 41G$1,00008/05/2004
LEWIS, JOHN House of RepsDemocratGA 05P$1,00006/26/2003
LEWIS, JOHN House of RepsDemocratGA 05P$1,00003/12/2004
LIEBERMAN, JOSEPH I SenateDemocratCT --P$1,00006/16/2004
LINCOLN, BLANCHE LAMBERT SenateDemocratAR --P$1,00003/25/2003
LINDER, JOHN House of RepsRepublicanGA 07P$1,00011/19/2003
LINDER, JOHN House of RepsRepublicanGA 07P$1,00005/25/2004
LUCAS, FRANK D House of RepsRepublicanOK 03P$1,00006/26/2003
LUCAS, KENNETH RAY House of RepsDemocratKY 04P$1,00011/19/2003
LUGAR, RICHARD G SenateRepublicanDC --P$1,00012/15/2004
LUNGREN, DANIEL E House of RepsRepublicanCA 03G$1,00003/12/2004
LUNGREN, DANIEL E House of RepsRepublicanCA 03P$1,00001/27/2004
MANZULLO, DONALD A House of RepsRepublicanIL 16P$2,50002/03/2004
MATHESON, JIM MR. House of RepsDemocratUT 02P$1,00003/12/2004
MATHESON, JIM MR. House of RepsDemocratUT 02P$1,00009/22/2003
MATSUI, ROBERT House of RepsDemocratCA 05G$1,00009/15/2004
MATSUI, ROBERT House of RepsDemocratCA 05G$1,00002/03/2004
MATSUI, ROBERT House of RepsDemocratCA 05P$1,00010/22/2003
MCCARTHY, CAROLYN House of RepsDemocratNY 04P$1,00010/22/2003
MCCRERY, JAMES OTIS III House of RepsRepublicanLA 04P$1,00004/23/2004
MCINNIS, SCOTT House of RepsRepublicanCO 03P$1,00006/26/2003
MEEKS, GREGORY W House of RepsDemocratNY 06P$1,00009/22/2003
MEEKS, GREGORY W House of RepsDemocratNY 06P$16109/22/2003
MENENDEZ, ROBERT House of RepsDemocratNJ 13P$5,00008/07/2003
MIKULSKI, BARBARA SenateDemocratMD --P$1,00002/03/2004
MOORE, DENNIS House of RepsDemocratKS 03P$1,00003/12/2004
MOORE, DENNIS House of RepsDemocratKS 03P$1,00003/25/2003
MOORE, DENNIS House of RepsDemocratKS 03P$1,00009/22/2003
MOORE, DENNIS House of RepsDemocratKS 03P$1,00006/16/2004
MURPHY, TIM House of RepsRepublicanPA 18P$2,00005/06/2003
NEAL, RICHARD E House of RepsDemocratMA 02P$2,00007/23/2004
NELSON, E BENJAMIN SenateDemocratNE --G$2,50005/11/2004
NELSON, E BENJAMIN SenateDemocratNE --P$1,00005/06/2003
NELSON, E BENJAMIN SenateDemocratNE --P$1,00010/22/2003
NEY, ROBERT W House of RepsRepublicanOH 18G$1,00009/24/2004
NICKLES, DONALD LEE SenateRepublicanOK --P$1,00006/26/2003
NICKLES, DONALD LEE SenateRepublicanOK --P$1,00005/06/2003
NORWOOD, CHARLES W REP House of RepsRepublicanDC 09P$1,00012/11/2003
NUSSLE, JIM House of RepsRepublicanIA 01P$1,00003/25/2003
NUSSLE, JIM House of RepsRepublicanIA 01G$1,00003/02/2004
OXLEY, MICHAEL G House of RepsRepublicanOH 04P$2,50012/22/2003
OXLEY, MICHAEL G House of RepsRepublicanOH 04G$2,50005/25/2004
PICKERING, CHARLES W House of RepsRepublicanMS 03G$1,00004/23/2004
POMEROY, EARL RALPH House of RepsDemocratND 00G$2,50012/22/2003
POMEROY, EARL RALPH House of RepsDemocratND 00P$1,50009/26/2003
POMEROY, EARL RALPH House of RepsDemocratND 00G$1,50003/02/2004
POMEROY, EARL RALPH House of RepsDemocratND 00G$1,00002/03/2004
POMEROY, EARL RALPH House of RepsDemocratND 00P$2,00006/26/2003
POMEROY, EARL RALPH House of RepsDemocratND 00P$1,50010/22/2003
PRYCE, DEBORAH D House of RepsRepublicanOH 15G$50009/29/2004
PRYCE, DEBORAH D House of RepsRepublicanOH 15G$2,50007/20/2004
RAMSTAD, JAMES M House of RepsRepublicanMN 03P$1,00009/26/2003
RAMSTAD, JAMES M House of RepsRepublicanMN 03P$1,00006/26/2003
RAMSTAD, JAMES M House of RepsRepublicanMN 03P$1,00003/12/2004
RANGEL, CHARLES B House of RepsDemocratNY 15P$2,00006/26/2003
RANGEL, CHARLES B House of RepsDemocratNY 15P$2,00005/11/2004
REID, HARRY SenateDemocratNV --P$2,00003/25/2003
REID, HARRY SenateDemocratNV --P$1,00011/19/2003
RENZI, RICHARD GEORGE House of RepsRepublicanAZ 01P$1,00001/29/2003
RENZI, RICHARD GEORGE House of RepsRepublicanAZ 01P$1,00003/31/2003
REYNOLDS, THOMAS M House of RepsRepublicanNY 26P$1,00003/31/2003
REYNOLDS, THOMAS M House of RepsRepublicanNY 26P$3,00006/26/2003
ROGERS, MICHAEL J House of RepsRepublicanMI 08P$1,00006/26/2003
ROGERS, MICHAEL J House of RepsRepublicanMI 08P$1,00003/30/2004
ROYCE, ED MR House of RepsRepublicanCA 40G$1,00008/05/2004
RYAN, PAUL D House of RepsRepublicanWI 01P$1,81505/19/2004
RYAN, PAUL D House of RepsRepublicanWI 01P$18405/19/2004
RYAN, PAUL D House of RepsRepublicanWI 01P$2,10805/05/2003
SANDLIN, MAX House of RepsDemocratTX 01G$2,00003/02/2004
SANDLIN, MAX House of RepsDemocratTX 01G$1,00006/16/2004
SANDLIN, MAX House of RepsDemocratTX 01P$1,00009/22/2003
SCHUMER, CHARLES E SenateDemocratNY --P$1,00008/05/2004
SCHUMER, CHARLES E SenateDemocratNY --P$2,00008/07/2003
SCOTT, DAVID ALBERT House of RepsDemocratGA 13P$1,00006/26/2003
SCOTT, DAVID ALBERT House of RepsDemocratGA 13P$1,00003/12/2004
SESSIONS, PETE MR. House of RepsRepublicanTX 32G$1,00007/14/2004
SHADEGG, JOHN B. House of RepsRepublicanAZ 03P$1,00005/06/2003
SHAYS, CHRISTOPHER House of RepsRepublicanCT 04P$1,00003/02/2004
SHELBY, RICHARD C SenateRepublicanAL --G$2,00006/26/2003
SHERMAN, BRAD House of RepsDemocratCA 27G$1,00006/16/2004
SLAUGHTER, LOUISE M House of RepsDemocratNY 28P$1,00011/19/2003
SMITH, GORDON HAROLD SenateRepublicanOR --P$2,00002/03/2004
SMITH, GORDON HAROLD SenateRepublicanOR --P$50004/23/2004
SNOWE, OLYMPIA J SenateRepublicanME --P$16007/21/2003
SNOWE, OLYMPIA J SenateRepublicanME --P$1,00009/22/2003
SPECTER, ARLEN SenateRepublicanPA --P$1,00006/26/2003
SULLIVAN, JOHN House of RepsRepublicanOK 01P$1,00009/26/2003
SUNUNU, JOHN E SenateRepublicanNH --P$1,00009/22/2003
SUNUNU, JOHN E SenateRepublicanNH --P$1,00006/26/2003
TANNER, JOHN S House of RepsDemocratTN 08P$2,00006/16/2004
TAUSCHER, ELLEN O House of RepsDemocratCA 10G$2,00005/25/2004
TAUSCHER, ELLEN O House of RepsDemocratCA 10P$1,00003/25/2003
TAUZIN, WILBERT J II House of RepsRepublicanLA 03P$1,50006/26/2003
TERRY, LEE House of RepsRepublicanNE 02P$1,00005/06/2003
THOMAS, WILLIAM MARSHALL House of RepsRepublicanCA 22P$2,00003/25/2003
THOMAS, WILLIAM MARSHALL House of RepsRepublicanCA 22P$2,50003/31/2003
TIBERI, PATRICK JOSEPH House of RepsRepublicanOH 12G$1,00006/16/2004
VOINOVICH, GEORGE SEN SenateRepublicanOH --P$1,00006/26/2003
VOINOVICH, GEORGE SEN SenateRepublicanOH --P$1,00003/25/2003
VOINOVICH, GEORGE SEN SenateRepublicanOH --G$2,50003/30/2004
VOINOVICH, GEORGE SEN SenateRepublicanOH --P$2,50002/13/2004
WELLER, GERALD C JERRY House of RepsRepublicanDC 11G$1,00008/05/2004


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Celebrity Contributors:
   Aaron Sorkin
   Andrew Fastow
   Arnold Palmer
   Arnold Schwarzenegger
   Ben Affleck
   Bill Cosby
   Bill Gates
   Calvin Klein
   Dennis Kozlowski
   Donald Trump
   George Soros
   Hugh Hefner
   Jack Grubman
   Jeff Skilling
   John Grisham
   John Rigas
   Ken Lay
   Martha Stewart
   Mel Gibson
   Oprah Winfrey
   Ralph Lauren
   Donald Trump
   Richard Scrushy
   Rush Limbaugh
   Sam Waksal
   Scott Sullivan
   Steven Spielberg
   Tom Cruise
   Tommy Hilfiger
Industry Contributors:
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   Golf Professionals
   Poker Professionals
   Mortgage Brokers
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   Stock Brokers
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   Life Insurance
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   Securities Lawyers
   Boats & Yachts
   Defense Contracts
Baseball Contributors:
   New York Yankees
   Boston Red Sox
   Chicago Cubs
Notable Politicians:
   Barack Obama
   George W Bush
   John Kerry
   Ralph Nader
   Hillary Clinton
   Apple Computer
   New York Times
   News Corporation
   General Electric
   Exxon Mobil
   Ford Motor
   Anheuser Busch
Top 10 Contributors:
   Thomas Steyer
   Linda Mcmahon
   Sheldon Adelson
   Miriam Adelson
   Bob Perry
   Michael Bloomberg
   Harold Simmons
   Fred Eychaner
   J Ricketts
   John Raese