Political Action Committee Campaign Contribution Details 2010 Election Cycle
Financial Details in the 2010 Election Cycle AMERICANS FOR A CONSERVATIVE COURSE
Through 06/30/2010
Total Receipts | $48,801 |
Transfers From Affiliates | $34,990 |
Contributions From Individuals | $13,811 |
Contributions From Other Political Committees | $0 |
Total Loans Received | $0 |
Total Disbursements | $49,009 |
Transfers To Affiliates | $4,623 |
Refunds To Individuals | $0 |
Refunds to Committees | $0 |
Loan Repayments | $0 |
Beginning Cash | $208 |
Ending Cash | $0 |
Debts Owed By | $0 |
Nonfederal Transfers Received | $0 |
Contributions Made To Other Committees | $0 |
Independent Expenditures Made | $0 |
Party Coordinated Expenditures Made | $0 |
Nonfederal Share of Expenditures | $0 |
Top 100 Donations/Contributions in the 2010 Election Cycle AMERICANS FOR A CONSERVATIVE COURSE
Hart, Steve
Washington, DC 20036
Williams & Jensen/CEO & Chairman | $4,310 |
P | 07/17/2009 |
Kratovil, Edward D.
Arlington, VA 22207
UST/Sr. VP | $2,500 |
P | 04/27/2009 |
Ervin, James
Alexandria, VA 22314
Ervin Technical Associates/Preside | $2,500 |
P | 07/28/2009 |
Cox, Christopher
Alexandria, VA 22307
Navigators Global/Principal | $2,500 |
P | 10/20/2009 |
Walter, Jeffery
Alexandria, VA 22307
The Walter Group/Government Relatio | $2,000 |
P | 03/28/2010 |
Political Candidates Receiving Contributions in the 2010 Election Cycle from AMERICANS FOR A CONSERVATIVE COURSE
No Contributions to Candidates Reported