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Los Angeles, CA 90068
Political Campaign Contributions
2016 Election Cycle

Zip Code Totals

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From this Zip Code for 2016
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2020 $1,860,374 $826,968
2018 $1,952,554 $859,667
2016 $1,791,541 $891,519
2014 $479,309 $320,287
2012 $1,654,038 $1,085,903
2010 $591,260 $458,733
2008 $1,534,286 $1,236,925
2006 $552,084 $334,278
2004 $947,128 $689,113
2002 $245,643 $85,750
2000 $472,304 $177,565

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2016 Election Cycle
Political Campaign Donor/Contributor List

$ AmountDatePrimary/
Contibuted To
AARONSON, ANNE None/Not Employed$50 06/28/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
AARONSON, ANNE Not Employed/Not Employed$50 06/28/2016P ACTBLUE
AARONSON, ANNE Not Employed/Not Employed$15 06/07/2016P ACTBLUE
AARONSON, ANNE None/Not Employed$15 06/07/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
AARONSON, ANNE None/Not Employed$20 05/10/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
AARONSON, ANNE Not Employed/Not Employed$20 05/10/2016P ACTBLUE
AARONSON, ANNE Not Employed/Not Employed$5 05/04/2016P ACTBLUE
AARONSON, ANNE Not Employed/Not Employed$10 05/04/2016P ACTBLUE
AARONSON, ANNE None/Not Employed$10 05/04/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
AARONSON, ANNE None/Not Employed$5 05/04/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
AARONSON, ANNE None/Not Employed$27 04/18/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
AARONSON, ANNE Not Employed/Not Employed$27 04/18/2016P ACTBLUE
AARONSON, ANNE Not Employed/Not Employed$7 04/14/2016P ACTBLUE
AARONSON, ANNE Not Employed/Not Employed$2 04/14/2016P ACTBLUE
AARONSON, ANNE None/Not Employed$2 04/14/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
AARONSON, ANNE None/Not Employed$7 04/14/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
AARONSON, ANNE None/Not Employed$27 04/08/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
AARONSON, ANNE Not Employed/Not Employed$27 04/08/2016P ACTBLUE
AARONSON, ANNE Not Employed/Not Employed$10 03/30/2016P ACTBLUE
AARONSON, ANNE Not Employed/Not Employed$27 03/24/2016P ACTBLUE
AARONSON, ANNE Not Employed/Not Employed$50 03/11/2016P ACTBLUE
AARONSON, ANNE Not Employed/Not Employed$27 03/07/2016P ACTBLUE
AARONSON, ANNE Not Employed/Not Employed$38 02/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$38 12/31/2016P DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self/Filmmaker$38 12/31/2016P ACTBLUE
AARONSON, REUBEN Self/Filmmaker$5 12/29/2016P ACTBLUE
AARONSON, REUBEN Self/Filmmaker$5 12/29/2016P ACTBLUE
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$5 12/29/2016P DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$5 12/29/2016P DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$25 12/15/2016P DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self/Filmmaker$25 12/15/2016P ACTBLUE
AARONSON, REUBEN Self/Filmmaker$38 11/30/2016P ACTBLUE
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$38 11/30/2016P DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$5 11/29/2016P DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$5 11/29/2016P DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self/Filmmaker$5 11/29/2016P ACTBLUE
AARONSON, REUBEN Self/Filmmaker$5 11/29/2016P ACTBLUE
AARONSON, REUBEN Self/Filmmaker$25 11/15/2016P ACTBLUE
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$25 11/15/2016P DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$25 06/15/2016P DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self/Filmmaker$25 06/15/2016P ACTBLUE
AARONSON, REUBEN Self/Filmmaker$38 05/31/2016P ACTBLUE
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$38 05/31/2016P DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$5 05/30/2016P DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$5 05/30/2016P DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self/Filmmaker$5 05/29/2016P ACTBLUE
AARONSON, REUBEN Self/Filmmaker$5 05/29/2016P ACTBLUE
AARONSON, REUBEN Self/Filmmaker$25 05/15/2016P ACTBLUE
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$25 05/15/2016P DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$5 04/30/2016P DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$5 04/30/2016P DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$38 04/30/2016P DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self/Filmmaker$5 02/29/2016 ACTBLUE
AARONSON, REUBEN Self/Filmmaker$25 02/15/2016 ACTBLUE
AARONSON, REUBEN Self/Filmmaker$5 01/29/2016 ACTBLUE
AARONSON, REUBEN Self/Filmmaker$25 01/15/2016 ACTBLUE
AARONSON, REUBEN Self/Filmmaker$5 12/29/2015 ACTBLUE
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$5 12/29/2015 DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$5 12/29/2015 DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$25 12/15/2015 DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self/Filmmaker$25 12/15/2015 ACTBLUE
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$5 11/29/2015 DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$25 11/15/2015 DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self/Filmmaker$25 11/15/2015 ACTBLUE
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$5 10/29/2015 DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$25 10/15/2015 DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self/Filmmaker$25 10/15/2015 ACTBLUE
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$5 09/29/2015 DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$25 09/15/2015 DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self/Filmmaker$25 09/15/2015 ACTBLUE
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$5 08/30/2015 DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$25 08/16/2015 DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self/Filmmaker$25 08/15/2015 ACTBLUE
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$5 07/29/2015 DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self Employed/Filmmaker$25 07/15/2015 DCCC - Democrat
AARONSON, REUBEN Self/Filmmaker$25 07/15/2015 ACTBLUE
ABDULIAN, MARI Michael Churukian, MD/Physician Assistant$250 03/30/2016P TARKANIAN FOR CONGRESS - Republican
ABRAMS, PETER Tapestry Films/Producer$1,000 09/08/2016P DSCC - Democrat
ABRAMS, PETER J. Tapestry Films/Producer$250 08/22/2016G LUANN BENNETT FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Match Coooedinator$3 06/29/2016P ACTBLUE
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$3 06/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$9 06/13/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Match Coooedinator$9 06/13/2016P ACTBLUE
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Match Coooedinator$50 06/02/2016P ACTBLUE
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$50 06/02/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$3 05/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Match Coooedinator$3 05/29/2016P ACTBLUE
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Match Coooedinator$13 05/22/2016P ACTBLUE
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$13 05/22/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$3 04/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Match Coooedinator$3 04/29/2016P ACTBLUE
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Match Coooedinator$15 03/31/2016P ACTBLUE
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Match Coooedinator$27 03/29/2016P ACTBLUE
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Match Coooedinator$3 03/29/2016P ACTBLUE
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Match Coooedinator$27 03/27/2016P ACTBLUE
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Match Coooedinator$27 03/21/2016P ACTBLUE
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Match Coooedinator$65 03/16/2016P ACTBLUE
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Match Coooedinator$15 03/08/2016P ACTBLUE
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Match Coooedinator$3 02/29/2016 ACTBLUE
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Match Coooedinator$100 02/29/2016 ACTBLUE
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$100 02/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$3 02/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$50 02/17/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Match Coooedinator$50 02/17/2016 ACTBLUE
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Match Coooedinator$27 02/10/2016 ACTBLUE
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$27 02/10/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$100 01/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$3 01/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$10 01/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$10 01/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Match Coooedinator$10 01/29/2016 ACTBLUE
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Match Coooedinator$3 01/29/2016 ACTBLUE
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Match Coooedinator$100 01/29/2016 ACTBLUE
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Match Coooedinator$10 01/29/2016 ACTBLUE
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Match Coooedinator$20 01/14/2016 ACTBLUE
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Match Coooedinator$20 01/14/2016 ACTBLUE
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Match Coooedinator$20 01/14/2016 ACTBLUE
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$20 01/14/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$20 01/14/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$20 01/14/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$25 01/12/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Match Coooedinator$25 01/12/2016 ACTBLUE
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$3 12/29/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$10 12/19/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$10 12/18/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$10 12/16/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$5 12/07/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$3 11/29/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$10 11/03/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$10 10/29/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$3 10/29/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$10 10/28/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$10 10/14/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$15 10/14/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABREU, VANESSA Ogle Productions/Production Coordinator$200 10/11/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ACEVEDO, KIRK Self-Employed/Actor$5 11/07/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACEVEDO, KIRK Self-Employed/Actor$7 11/05/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACEVEDO, KIRK Self-Employed/Actor$7 11/03/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACEVEDO, KIRK Self-Employed/Actor$7 11/02/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACEVEDO, KIRK Self-Employed/Actor$7 11/02/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACKLEY, NEIL First American Corp./Vp Financial Reporting$125 12/20/2016P HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN PAC
ACKLEY, NEIL First American Corp./Vp Financial Reporting$125 11/18/2016P HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN PAC
ACKLEY, NEIL First American Corp./Vp Financial Reporting$125 10/20/2016P HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN PAC
ACKLEY, NEIL First American Corp./Vp Financial Reporting$125 09/20/2016P HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN PAC
ACKLEY, NEIL First American Corp./Vp Financial Reporting$125 08/20/2016P HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN PAC
ACKLEY, NEIL First American Corp./Vp Financial Reporting$120 07/20/2016P HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN PAC
ACKLEY, NEIL First American Corp./Vp Financial Reporting$125 06/20/2016P HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN PAC
ACKLEY, NEIL First American Corp./Vp Financial Reporting$125 05/20/2016P HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN PAC
ACKLEY, NEIL First American Corp./Vp Financial Reporting$125 04/20/2016P HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN PAC
ACKLEY, NEIL First American Corp./Vp Financial Reporting$125 12/20/2015 HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN PAC
ACKLEY, NEIL First American Corp./Vp Financial Reporting$125 11/20/2015 HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN PAC
ACKLEY, NEIL First American Corp./Vp Financial Reporting$125 10/20/2015 HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN PAC
ACKLEY, NEIL First American Corp./Vp Financial Reporting$125 09/20/2015 HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN PAC
ACKLEY, NEIL First American Corp./Vp Financial Reporting$125 08/20/2015 HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN PAC
ACKLEY, NEIL First American Corp./Vp Financial Reporting$120 07/20/2015 HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN PAC
ACKLEY, NEIL First American Corp./Vp Financial Reporting$125 06/20/2015 HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN PAC
ACKLEY, NEIL First American Corp./Vp Financial Reporting$125 05/20/2015 HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN PAC
ACKLEY, NEIL First American Corp./Vp Financial Reporting$125 04/20/2015 HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN PAC
ACKLEY, NEIL First American Corp./Vp Financial Reporting$125 03/20/2015 HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN PAC
ACKLEY, NEIL First American Corp./Vp Financial Reporting$125 02/20/2015 HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN PAC
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$3 11/06/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$5 10/28/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$5 10/23/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$5 10/21/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$10 10/18/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$5 10/17/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$2 10/08/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$8 10/07/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$5 09/26/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$10 09/18/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$8 09/17/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$8 09/15/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$1 09/07/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$2 09/07/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$3 08/21/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$10 08/18/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$10 08/07/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$8 07/28/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$10 07/18/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$8 06/23/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$10 06/18/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$10 06/08/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$10 06/08/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$10 05/18/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$5 04/28/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$5 04/28/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$5 04/28/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ACOSTA SMITH, SHELLEY Self-Employed/Writer$10 04/18/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, HUNTER Self Employed/Filmmaker$50 04/06/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ADAMS, JILL Self-Employed/Television/Web Producer$2,700 06/16/2015P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$7 11/07/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$7 11/04/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$7 11/03/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$7 11/02/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$7 11/01/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$7 11/01/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$7 10/28/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$7 10/24/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$7 10/19/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$7 10/17/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$7 10/10/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$5 10/09/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$7 10/08/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$5 09/30/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$5 09/29/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$5 09/28/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$5 09/27/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$5 09/26/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$5 09/26/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$5 09/23/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$5 09/22/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$5 09/21/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$5 09/20/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$5 09/19/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$5 09/15/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$5 09/09/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$5 09/06/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, TIMOTHY Massivemusic/Creative Director$5 09/02/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADDIS, KEITH Industry Entertainment/Artists' Manager$500 11/06/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ADDIS, KEITH Industry Entertainment/Artists' Manager$-2,700 10/20/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ADDIS, KEITH Industry Entertainment/Artists' Manager$-2,700 10/20/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ADDIS, KEITH Industry Entertainment/Artists' Manager$-2,700 10/20/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ADDIS, KEITH $-2,700 10/20/2016P ACTBLUE
ADDIS, KEITH $-2,700 10/20/2016P ACTBLUE
ADDIS, KEITH $-2,700 10/20/2016P ACTBLUE
ADDIS, KEITH Industry Entertainment/Artists' Manager$2,700 10/17/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ADDIS, KEITH Industry Entertainment/Artists' Manager$2,700 10/10/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ADDIS, KEITH Keith Addis & Associates/Film/Tv Producer$500 10/08/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
ADDIS, KEITH Industry Entertainment/Artists' Manager$2,700 10/03/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ADDIS, KEITH Industry Entertainment/Artists' Manager$2,700 09/26/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ADDIS, KEITH Industry Entertainment/Film/Tv Producer$2,700 09/26/2016P ACTBLUE
ADDIS, KEITH Industry Entertainment/Film Producer$1,000 07/18/2016P KAINE FOR COMMON GROUND - Democrat
ADDIS, KEITH Keith Addis & Assoc./Film/Tv Producer$700 12/01/2015P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADDIS, KEITH Keith Addis & Assoc./Film/Tv Producer$2,000 11/30/2015P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADDIS, KEITH Industry Entertainment/Film/Tv Producer$2,500 11/11/2015P ACTBLUE
ADDIS, KEITH Industry Entertainment/Film/Tv Producer$1,000 03/28/2015P ACTBLUE
ADDIS, KEITH Industry Entertainment/Film Producer$1,000 03/28/2015P SCHATZ FOR SENATE - Democrat
AGUADO, BEGO?A Lausd/Teacher$100 05/31/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
AGUADO, BEGO?A Lausd/Teacher$100 04/17/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
AGUADO, BEGONA Lausd/Teacher$100 05/31/2016P ACTBLUE
AGUILAR MASTRETTA, CATALINA Self-Employed/Filmmaker$25 11/03/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILAR MASTRETTA, CATALINA Self-Employed/Filmmaker$10 10/27/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILAR MASTRETTA, CATALINA Self-Employed/Filmmaker$25 10/07/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILAR MASTRETTA, CATALINA Self-Employed/Filmmaker$10 09/27/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILAR MASTRETTA, CATALINA Self-Employed/Filmmaker$50 09/23/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILAR MASTRETTA, CATALINA Self-Employed/Filmmaker$10 08/27/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILAR MASTRETTA, CATALINA Self-Employed/Filmmaker$10 07/27/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILAR MASTRETTA, CATALINA Self-Employed/Filmmaker$10 06/27/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILAR MASTRETTA, CATALINA Self-Employed/Filmmaker$15 06/08/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILAR MASTRETTA, CATALINA Self-Employed/Filmmaker$10 05/27/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILAR MASTRETTA, CATALINA Self-Employed/Filmmaker$10 05/27/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILAR MASTRETTA, CATALINA Self-Employed/Filmmaker$75 04/28/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILAR MASTRETTA, CATALINA Self-Employed/Filmmaker$25 04/07/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILERA, PEDRO N/A/Retired$25 10/30/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILERA, PEDRO N/A/Retired$50 10/28/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILERA, PEDRO N/A/Retired$25 10/25/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILERA, PEDRO N/A/Retired$25 10/14/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILERA, PEDRO N/A/Retired$5 10/10/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILERA, PEDRO N/A/Retired$25 10/10/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILERA, PEDRO N/A/Retired$25 10/07/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILERA, PEDRO N/A/Retired$25 09/25/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILERA, PEDRO N/A/Retired$5 09/10/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILERA, PEDRO N/A/Retired$25 08/25/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILERA, PEDRO N/A/Retired$25 08/11/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILERA, PEDRO N/A/Retired$5 08/10/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILERA, PEDRO N/A/Retired$25 07/31/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILERA, PEDRO N/A/Retired$25 07/25/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILERA, PEDRO N/A/Retired$25 07/12/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILERA, PEDRO N/A/Retired$5 07/10/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILERA, PEDRO N/A/Retired$10 07/07/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILERA, PEDRO N/A/Retired$25 06/30/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILERA, PEDRO N/A/Retired$25 06/30/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILERA, PEDRO N/A/Retired$25 06/24/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILERA, PEDRO N/A/Retired$25 06/24/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUILERA, PEDRO N/A/Retired$5 06/10/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AGUIRRE, TYLER Fww/Organizer$50 03/09/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
AGUIRRE, TYLER Fww/Organizer$250 12/30/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
AGUIRRE, TYLER Not Employed/Not Employed$250 12/30/2015P ACTBLUE
ALASTRA, TOMMY Self-Employed/Entertainment Production$250 06/29/2015P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ALEXANDER, ALTHEA University Of Southern California/Administrator$1,000 10/10/2016G KAMALA HARRIS FOR SENATE - Democrat
ALEXANDER, ALTHEA University Of Southern California/Administrator$1,000 10/10/2016G KAMALA HARRIS FOR SENATE - Democrat
ALEXANDER, ALTHEA Not Employed/Retired$150 07/08/2016P KIRKPATRICK FOR SENATE - Democrat
ALEXANDER, ALTHEA Usc/Assistant Dean$1,000 03/24/2016P KAREN BASS FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
ALEXANDER, ALTHEA Usc/Assistant Dean$500 01/21/2015P KAREN BASS FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
ALLEN, ADAM Not Employed/Not Employed$18 04/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ALLEN, ADAM Not Employed/Not Employed$18 04/26/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ALLEN, ADAM Not Employed/Not Employed$27 04/20/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ALLEN, JOHN Possible Pictures/Film Maker$36 12/26/2016P ACTBLUE
ALLEN, JOHN Self Employed/Filmmaker$45 12/14/2016P MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION
ALLEN, JOHN Self Employed/Filmmaker$45 12/14/2016P MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION
ALLEN, JOHN Possible Pictures/Film Maker$1,000 11/06/2016P LOCAL VOICES
ALLEN, JOHN Possible Pictures/Film Maker$1,000 11/06/2016P ACTBLUE
ALLEN, JOHN Possible Pictures/Film Maker$100 11/01/2016P ACTBLUE
ALLEN, JOHN Self Employed/Filmmaker$100 11/01/2016G CATHERINE CORTEZ MASTO FOR SENATE - Democrat
ALLEN, JOHN Self Employed/Filmmaker$200 10/29/2016G CATHERINE CORTEZ MASTO FOR SENATE - Democrat
ALLEN, JOHN Possible Pictures/Film Maker$200 10/29/2016P ACTBLUE
ALLEN, JOHN Self Employed/Filmmaker$150 10/26/2016P MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION
ALLEN, JOHN Self Employed/Filmmaker$150 10/26/2016P MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION
ALLEN, JOHN Self Employed/Filmmaker$75 10/24/2016P MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION
ALLEN, JOHN Self Employed/Filmmaker$45 09/06/2016P MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION
ALLEN, JOHN Self Employed/Filmmaker$50 08/29/2016G CATHERINE CORTEZ MASTO FOR SENATE - Democrat
ALLEN, JOHN Possible Pictures/Film Maker$50 08/29/2016P ACTBLUE
ALLEN, JOHN Possible Pictures/Film Maker$50 08/04/2016P ACTBLUE
ALLEN, JOHN Self Employed/Filmmaker$50 08/04/2016G CATHERINE CORTEZ MASTO FOR SENATE - Democrat
ALLEN, JOHN Self Employed/Filmmaker$50 07/17/2016G CATHERINE CORTEZ MASTO FOR SENATE - Democrat
ALLEN, JOHN Self Employed/Artist$40 05/10/2016P MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION
ALLEN, JOHN Self Employed/Artist$40 04/07/2016P MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION
ALLEN, JOHN Self Employed/Artist$60 04/07/2016P MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION
ALLEN, JOHN Self Employed/Artist$16 04/01/2016P MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION
ALLEN, JOHN Self Employed/Artist$16 04/01/2016P MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION
ALLEN, JOHN Self Employed/Artist$16 04/01/2016P MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION
ALLEN, JOHN Self Employed/Artist$16 04/01/2016P MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION
ALPERN, ESTHER LEE None/Retired$35 12/29/2015 ACTBLUE
ALPERN, ESTHER LEE None/Retired$35 11/29/2015 ACTBLUE
ALPERN, ESTHER LEE None/Retired$35 10/29/2015 ACTBLUE
ALPERN, ESTHER LEE N/A/Retired$35 10/29/2015 DCCC - Democrat
ALPERN, ESTHER LEE N/A/Retired$35 09/29/2015 DCCC - Democrat
ALPERN, ESTHER LEE None/Retired$35 09/29/2015 ACTBLUE
ALPERN, ESTHER LEE N/A/Retired$35 08/30/2015 DCCC - Democrat
ALPERN, ESTHER LEE None/Retired$35 08/29/2015 ACTBLUE
ALPERN, ESTHER LEE None/Retired$35 07/29/2015 ACTBLUE
ALPERN, ESTHER LEE N/A/Retired$35 07/29/2015 DCCC - Democrat
ALPERN, ESTHER LEE N/A/Retired$35 06/29/2015 DCCC - Democrat
ALPERN, ESTHER LEE None/Retired$35 06/29/2015 ACTBLUE
ALPERN, ESTHER LEE None/Retired$35 05/29/2015P ACTBLUE
ALPERN, ESTHER LEE None/Retired$35 04/29/2015 ACTBLUE
ALPERN, ESTHER LEE None/Retired$35 03/29/2015 ACTBLUE
ALPERN, ESTHER LEE None/Retired$35 02/28/2015 ACTBLUE
ALPERN, ESTHER LEE None/Retired$35 01/29/2015 ACTBLUE
ALTMAN, JONATHAN Munger Tolles & Olson Llp/Attorney$700 06/18/2015P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ALTMAN, JONATHAN Munger Tolles & Olson Llp/Attorney$2,000 04/30/2015P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ALTUNA, RICHARD Self-Employed/Architect$150 11/07/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ALTUNA, RICHARD Self/Architecture$150 11/07/2016P ACTBLUE
ALTUNA, RICHARD Self-Employed/Architect$150 11/05/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ALTUNA, RICHARD Self/Architecture$150 11/05/2016P ACTBLUE
ALTUNA, RICHARD Self-Employed/Architect$150 11/04/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ALTUNA, RICHARD Self/Architecture$150 11/04/2016P ACTBLUE
ALTUNA, RICHARD Self-Employed/Architect$150 11/03/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ALTUNA, RICHARD Self/Architecture$150 11/03/2016P ACTBLUE
ALTUNA, RICHARD Self-Employed/Architect$150 10/29/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ALTUNA, RICHARD Self/Architecture$150 10/29/2016P ACTBLUE
ALTUNA, RICHARD Self-Employed/Architect$150 10/25/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ALTUNA, RICHARD Self-Employed/Architect$150 10/16/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ALTUNA, RICHARD Self-Employed/Architect$150 10/10/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ALTUNA, RICHARD Self-Employed/Architect$100 10/05/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ALTUNA, RICHARD Self-Employed/Architect$100 09/30/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ALTUNA, RICHARD Self-Employed/Architect$100 09/26/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ALTUNA, RICHARD Self-Employed/Architect$150 09/15/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ALTUNA, RICHARD Self-Employed/Architect$150 08/18/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ALTUNA, RICHARD Self-Employed/Architect$100 07/28/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ALTUNA, RICHARD Self-Employed/Architect$50 07/22/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AMENT, ZACHARY Westwind Recovery Residences/Addiction's Treatment Counselor$100 10/19/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AMENT, ZACHARY Westwind Recovery Residences/Addiction's Treatment Counselor$1,495 03/23/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AMENT, ZACHARY Westwind Recovery Residences/Addiction's Treatment Counselor$2,504 03/23/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ANDERSON, HOPE Hope Anderson Productions/Writer/Filmmaker$375 10/21/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ANDERSON, HOPE Hope Anderson Productions/Writer/Filmmaker$5 10/17/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ANDERSON, HOPE Hope Anderson Productions/Writer/Filmmaker$250 10/16/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
ANDERSON, HOPE Hope Anderson Productions/Writer/Filmmaker$100 10/05/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
ANDERSON, HOPE Hope Anderson Productions/Writer/Filmmaker$100 09/15/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ANDERSON, HOPE Hope Anderson Productions/Writer/Filmmaker$500 08/01/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
ANDERSON, HOPE Hope Anderson Productions/Writer/Filmmaker$500 04/21/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
ANDERSON, HOPE Hope Anderson Productions/Writer/Filmmaker$250 02/03/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ANDERSON, HOPE Hope Anderson Productions/Writer/Filmmaker$250 10/25/2015P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ANDERSON, JANE Self/Screenwriter$50 12/22/2016P ACTBLUE
ANDERSON, JANE Self/Screenwriter$50 11/22/2016P ACTBLUE
ANDERSON, JANE Self/Screenwriter$50 10/22/2016P ACTBLUE
ANDERSON, JANE Self-Employed/Screenwriter$50 10/22/2016G PETE AGUILAR FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
ANDREWS, CECELIA Icm Partners/Consultant$350 06/21/2016P ACTBLUE
ANDREWS, CECELIA R Icm Partners/Attorney$350 06/21/2016P PAC FOR A CHANGE - Democrat
ANDREWS, CECELIA R. None/Retired$50 08/14/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ANSCHUTZ, MARYETTA The Episcopal School Of Los Angeles/Head Of School And Episcopal Priest$50 11/07/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ANSCHUTZ, MARYETTA The Episcopal School Of Los Angeles/Head Of School And Episcopal Priest$1,000 11/03/2015P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ANTELLINE, CHARLOTTE $-5 03/02/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ANTELLINE, CHARLOTTE $-5 03/02/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ANTELLINE, CHARLOTTE $-5 03/02/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ANTILLON (PERSONAL), CARLOS $-5 12/31/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ANTILLON (PERSONAL), CARLOS $-5 12/31/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ANTILLON, CARLOS $-8 12/31/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ANTILLON, CARLOS $-8 12/31/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ANTILLON, CARLOS $-8 12/31/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ANTILLON, CARLOS Antillon Inc/Professional$5 12/10/2016P ACTBLUE
ANTILLON, CARLOS Antillon Inc/Professional$8 11/30/2016P ACTBLUE
ANTILLON, CARLOS $-10 02/16/2015P DCCC - Democrat
APPEL, CINDY Walt Disney Pictures/Writer$250 07/29/2016P WRITERS GUILD OF AMERICA WEST, INC. PAC (WGAW PAC)
APPEL, CINDY Self-Employed/Writer$250 07/01/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ARCHER, SHIRLEY Self-Employed/Author, Health Educator, Speaker$10 10/15/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ARDAKANI, NAVID Self/Dr$50 02/09/2016 ACTBLUE
ARDAKANI, NAVID Self/Dr$50 02/09/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ARDAKANI, NAVID Self/Dr$50 02/02/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ARDAKANI, NAVID Self/Dr$50 02/02/2016 ACTBLUE
ARDAKANI, NAVID Self/Dr$50 01/02/2016 ACTBLUE
ARDAKANI, NAVID Self/Dr$50 01/02/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ARDAKANI, NAVID Self/Dr$50 12/02/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ARDAKANI, NAVID Self/Dr$50 12/02/2015 ACTBLUE
ARDAKANI, NAVID Self/Dr$50 11/02/2015 ACTBLUE
ARDAKANI, NAVID Self/Dr$3 10/09/2015 ACTBLUE
ARDAKANI, NAVID Self/Dr$10 10/09/2015 ACTBLUE
ARDAKANI, NAVID Self/Dr$50 10/02/2015 ACTBLUE
ARDAKANI, NAVID Self/Dr$10 09/15/2015 ACTBLUE
ARDAKANI, NAVID Self/Dr$50 09/02/2015 ACTBLUE
ARENS, FRED Objects/Management$250 11/18/2015P ACTBLUE
ARENS, FRED Objects/Management$250 11/18/2015P STRICKLAND FOR SENATE - Democrat
ARETA, ARETA None/Not Employed$6 10/12/2016P DSCC - Democrat
ARETA, ARETA None/Not Employed$6 10/12/2016P DSCC - Democrat
ARETA, ARETA None/Not Employed$6 10/12/2016P DSCC - Democrat
ARONS, ANNE R. $216 07/19/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ARONS, RUSSELL Warner Bros./Marketing$500 10/07/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
ASHBY, SHERRY N/A/Unemployed$15 12/31/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ASHBY, SHERRY Not Employed/Not Employed$15 12/30/2016P ACTBLUE
ASHBY, SHERRY Not Employed/Not Employed$19 12/08/2016P ACTBLUE
ASHBY, SHERRY N/A/Unemployed$19 12/08/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ASHBY, SHERRY N/A/Unemployed$15 12/04/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ASHBY, SHERRY Not Employed/Not Employed$15 12/03/2016P ACTBLUE
ASHBY, SHERRY Not Employed/Not Employed$15 11/30/2016P ACTBLUE
ASHBY, SHERRY N/A/Unemployed$15 11/30/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ASHBY, SHERRY N/A/Unemployed$19 11/08/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ASHBY, SHERRY Not Employed/Not Employed$19 11/08/2016P ACTBLUE
ASHBY, SHERRY N/A/Unemployed$15 11/06/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ASHBY, SHERRY Not Employed/Not Employed$15 11/05/2016P ACTBLUE
ASHBY, SHERRY Not Employed/Not Employed$15 11/03/2016P ACTBLUE
ASHBY, SHERRY N/A/Unemployed$15 11/03/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ASHBY, SHERRY N/A/Unemployed$19 10/30/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ASHBY, SHERRY N/A/Unemployed$15 10/30/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ASHBY, SHERRY Not Employed/Not Employed$15 10/29/2016P ACTBLUE
ASHBY, SHERRY Not Employed/Not Employed$19 10/28/2016P ACTBLUE
ASHBY, SHERRY Not Employed/Not Employed$15 10/25/2016P ACTBLUE
ASHBY, SHERRY Not Employed/Not Employed$15 10/22/2016P ACTBLUE
ASHBY, SHERRY $-25 10/06/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ASHBY, SHERRY $-25 10/06/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ASHER, REBECCA Fox/Director$100 12/31/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ASHER, REBECCA Various Television Networks/Director$100 12/31/2016P ACTBLUE
ASHER, REBECCA Self-Employed/Director$100 12/13/2016P KAMALA HARRIS FOR SENATE - Democrat
ASHER, REBECCA Various Television Networks/Director$100 12/13/2016P ACTBLUE
ASHER, REBECCA Various Television Networks/Director$100 11/30/2016P ACTBLUE
ASHER, REBECCA Various Television Networks/Director$100 11/30/2016P ACTBLUE
ASHER, REBECCA Self Employed$100 11/30/2016 FOSTER CAMPBELL FOR THE US SENATE - Democrat
ASHER, REBECCA Self Employed/Director$100 11/30/2016 FOSTER CAMPBELL FOR THE US SENATE - Democrat
ASHER, REBECCA Fox/Director$100 11/30/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ASHER, REBECCA Fox/Director$250 11/29/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ASHER, REBECCA Various Television Networks/Director$250 11/29/2016P ACTBLUE
ASHER, REBECCA Various Television Networks/Director$250 11/22/2016P ACTBLUE
ASHER, REBECCA Self Employed/Director$250 11/22/2016 FOSTER CAMPBELL FOR THE US SENATE - Democrat
ASHER, REBECCA Self Employed/Director$250 11/22/2016 FOSTER CAMPBELL FOR THE US SENATE - Democrat
ASHER, REBECCA Self-Employed/Director$300 11/06/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ASHER, REBECCA Self-Employed/Director$200 11/03/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ASHER, REBECCA Various Television Networks/Director$100 10/31/2016P ACTBLUE
ASHER, REBECCA Fox/Director$100 10/31/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ASHER, REBECCA Self-Employed/Director$200 10/12/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ASHER, REBECCA Self-Employed/Director$200 10/09/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ASHER, REBECCA Self-Employed/Director$100 10/09/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ASHER, REBECCA Various Television Networks/Director$100 09/30/2016P ACTBLUE
ASHER, REBECCA Fox/Director$100 09/30/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ASHER, REBECCA Self-Employed/Director$51 09/29/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
ASHER, REBECCA Self-Employed/Director$200 09/29/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ASHER, REBECCA Self-Employed/Director$100 09/25/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ASHER, REBECCA Various Television Networks/Director$100 08/31/2016P ACTBLUE
ASHER, REBECCA Fox/Director$100 08/31/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ASHER, REBECCA Self-Employed/Director$150 08/09/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
ASHER, REBECCA Fox/Director$100 07/31/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ASHER, REBECCA Self-Employed/Director$25 07/31/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ASHER, REBECCA Self-Employed/Director$200 07/26/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
ASHER, REBECCA Fox/Director$100 06/30/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ASHER, REBECCA Various Television Networks/Director$100 06/30/2016P ACTBLUE
ASHER, REBECCA Various Television Networks/Director$100 05/31/2016P ACTBLUE
ASHER, REBECCA Fox/Directo$100 05/31/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ASHER, REBECCA Self-Employed/Director$100 05/26/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ASHER, REBECCA Various Television Networks/Director$100 04/30/2016P ACTBLUE
ASHER, REBECCA Fox/Directo$100 04/30/2016P DCCC - Democrat
ASHER, REBECCA Self-Employed/Director$100 04/22/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ASHER, REBECCA Various Television Networks/Director$100 03/31/2016P ACTBLUE
ASHER, REBECCA Various Television Networks/Director$100 03/30/2016P ACTBLUE
ATTWOOD, DOROTHY TYYNE The Walt Disney Company/Svp, Global Public Policy$54,000 08/16/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
ATTWOOD, DOROTHY TYYNE The Walt Disney Company/Svp, Global Public Policy$2,700 12/22/2015P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ATTWOOD-DUPONT, JACQUELINE Pulsepoint Group/Senior Associate$2,700 12/22/2015P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AUBERJONOIS, JUDITH N/A/Unemployed$25 11/06/2016P DCCC - Democrat

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   Individual's Name
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Committees (PACs):
"527" Organizations:
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   Contributors by Zip


   Top $$$ Contributors
   Contributions by Zip
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   Committees (PACs)
   527 Organizations


Celebrity Contributors:
   Aaron Sorkin
   Andrew Fastow
   Arnold Palmer
   Arnold Schwarzenegger
   Ben Affleck
   Bill Cosby
   Bill Gates
   Calvin Klein
   Dennis Kozlowski
   Donald Trump
   George Soros
   Hugh Hefner
   Jack Grubman
   Jeff Skilling
   John Grisham
   John Rigas
   Ken Lay
   Martha Stewart
   Mel Gibson
   Oprah Winfrey
   Ralph Lauren
   Donald Trump
   Richard Scrushy
   Rush Limbaugh
   Sam Waksal
   Scott Sullivan
   Steven Spielberg
   Tom Cruise
   Tommy Hilfiger
Industry Contributors:
   CEO/Chief Executives
   College Professors
   Trial Lawyers
   Golf Professionals
   Poker Professionals
   Mortgage Brokers
   Futures Brokers
   Stock Brokers
   Options Brokers
   Life Insurance
   Health Insurance
   Auto Insurance
   Securities Lawyers
   Boats & Yachts
   Defense Contracts
Baseball Contributors:
   New York Yankees
   Boston Red Sox
   Chicago Cubs
Notable Politicians:
   Barack Obama
   George W Bush
   John Kerry
   Ralph Nader
   Hillary Clinton
   Apple Computer
   New York Times
   News Corporation
   General Electric
   Exxon Mobil
   Ford Motor
   Anheuser Busch
Top 10 Contributors:
   Thomas Steyer
   Linda Mcmahon
   Sheldon Adelson
   Miriam Adelson
   Bob Perry
   Michael Bloomberg
   Harold Simmons
   Fred Eychaner
   J Ricketts
   John Raese