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Hadley, MA 01035
Political Campaign Contributions
2016 Election Cycle

Zip Code Totals

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From this Zip Code for 2016
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2020 $41,438 $19,823
2018 $55,324 $29,323
2016 $64,373 $45,163
2014 $11,456 $7,656
2012 $31,030 $26,180
2010 $23,345 $18,600
2008 $32,641 $25,091
2006 $25,943 $20,013
2004 $31,200 $19,613
2002 $4,800 $2,000
2000 $5,451 $2,500

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2016 Election Cycle
Political Campaign Donor/Contributor List

$ AmountDatePrimary/
Contibuted To
ABEL, ROBERT Not Employed/Not Employed$10 10/14/2015 ACTBLUE
ABEL, ROBERT $-100 06/25/2015P ACTBLUE
ABEL, ROBERT Not Employed/Not Employed$100 06/24/2015 ACTBLUE
ABEL, ROBERT Not Employed/Not Employed$35 05/12/2015 ACTBLUE
AKSAMIJA, ZLATAN University Of Massachusetts/Professor$60 11/05/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
AKSAMIJA, ZLATAN University Of Massachusetts/Professor$50 10/20/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BRAATEN, JANE Self-Employed/Editor$25 10/10/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BREUER, MATT Photonis Usa/Scientist$30 06/30/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BREUER, MATT Photonis Usa/Scientist$27 05/31/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BREUER, MATT Photonis Usa/Scientist$5 04/30/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BREUER, MATT Photonis Usa/Scientist$27 04/27/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BRYDEN, ELIZABETH MDT MS. Retired/Retired$105 04/16/2015P CARSON AMERICA - Republican
BRYDEN, ELIZABETH MDT MS. Retired/Retired$305 04/07/2015P CARSON AMERICA - Republican
BUN, KEO Nukenine/Digital Artist & Co-Founder Of Nukenin$9 06/11/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BUN, KEO Nukenine/Digital Artist & Co-Founder Of Nukenin$9 06/11/2016P ACTBLUE
BUN, KEO Nukenine/Digital Artist & Co-Founder Of Nukenin$28 05/31/2016P ACTBLUE
BUN, KEO Nukenine/Digital Artist & Co-Founder Of Nukenin$28 05/31/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BUN, KEO Nukenine/Digital Artist & Co-Founder Of Nukenin$28 05/28/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BUN, KEO Nukenine/Digital Artist & Co-Founder Of Nukenin$28 05/28/2016P ACTBLUE
BUN, KEO Nukenine/Digital Artist & Co-Founder Of Nukenin$9 05/26/2016P ACTBLUE
BUN, KEO Nukenine/Digital Artist & Co-Founder Of Nukenin$9 05/26/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BUN, KEO Nukenine/Digital Artist & Co-Founder Of Nukenin$5 05/24/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BUN, KEO Nukenine/Digital Artist & Co-Founder Of Nukenin$5 05/24/2016P ACTBLUE
BUN, KEO Nukenine/Digital Artist & Co-Founder Of Nukenin$13 05/22/2016P ACTBLUE
BUN, KEO Nukenine/Digital Artist & Co-Founder Of Nukenin$13 05/22/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BUN, KEO Nukenine/Digital Artist & Co-Founder Of Nukenin$27 05/21/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BUN, KEO Nukenine/Digital Artist & Co-Founder Of Nukenin$27 05/21/2016P ACTBLUE
BUN, KEO Nukenine/Digital Artist & Co-Founder Of Nukenin$21 05/18/2016P ACTBLUE
BUN, KEO Nukenine/Digital Artist & Co-Founder Of Nukenin$27 05/10/2016P ACTBLUE
CHARLTON, ANDREW Pvcics/Teacher$15 06/28/2016P ACTBLUE
CHARLTON, ANDREW Pvcics/Teacher$15 06/28/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
CHARLTON, ANDREW Pvcics/Teacher$27 03/16/2016P ACTBLUE
CHARLTON, ANDREW Pvcics/Teacher$15 03/14/2016P ACTBLUE
CHARLTON, ANDREW Pvcics/Teacher$86 03/12/2016P ACTBLUE
CHARLTON, ANDREW Pvcics/Teacher$15 03/07/2016P ACTBLUE
CHARLTON, ANDREW Pvcics/Teacher$50 02/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
CHOINIERE, PAUL MR. V.A. Federal Gov./Electrician$75 11/02/2015P CARSON AMERICA - Republican
CRAKER, LYLE University Of Massachusetts/College Professor$35 05/31/2016P DCCC - Democrat
CRAKER, LYLE University Of Massachusetts/College Professor$35 05/31/2016P ACTBLUE
CRAKER, LYLE University Of Massachusetts/College Professor$26 05/30/2016P DCCC - Democrat
CRAKER, LYLE University Of Massachusetts/College Professor$35 05/30/2016P DCCC - Democrat
CRAKER, LYLE University Of Massachusetts/College Professor$26 05/28/2016P ACTBLUE
CRAKER, LYLE University Of Massachusetts/College Professor$35 05/28/2016P ACTBLUE
CRAKER, LYLE University Of Massachusetts/College Professor$35 04/30/2016P ACTBLUE
CRAKER, LYLE University Of Massachusetts/College Professor$35 04/30/2016P DCCC - Democrat
CRAKER, LYLE University Of Massachusetts/College Professor$35 04/28/2016P DCCC - Democrat
CRAKER, LYLE University Of Massachusetts/College Professor$26 04/28/2016P DCCC - Democrat
CRAKER, LYLE University Of Massachusetts/College Professor$26 04/28/2016P ACTBLUE
CRAKER, LYLE University Of Massachusetts/College Professor$35 04/28/2016P ACTBLUE
CRAKER, LYLE University Of Massachusetts/College Professor$5 04/01/2016P ACTBLUE
CURRIN, CECIL None/Retired$300 10/17/2016P DSCC - Democrat
CURRIN, CECIL None/Retired$300 10/17/2016P DSCC - Democrat
CURRIN, CECIL None/Retired$300 10/17/2016P DSCC - Democrat
CURRIN, CECIL None/Retired$300 10/30/2015P DSCC - Democrat
DESPRES, JOANNE Merriam-Webster, Inc./Editor$25 10/03/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
DESPRES, JOANNE Merriam-Webster, Inc./Editor$25 09/03/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
DESPRES, JOANNE Merriam-Webster, Inc./Editor$25 08/03/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
DESPRES, JOANNE Merriam-Webster, Inc./Editor$25 07/03/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
DESPRES, JOANNE Merriam-Webster, Inc./Editor$25 06/03/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
DESPRES, JOANNE Merriam-Webster, Inc./Editor$25 05/03/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
DESPRES, JOANNE Merriam-Webster, Inc./Editor$19 05/03/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
DILORENZO, DAVID None/Not Employed$100 02/17/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
DILORENZO, DAVID None/Not Employed$250 02/12/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
DILORENZO, DAVID Not Employed/Not Employed$250 02/12/2016P ACTBLUE
DREXLER, PAMELA Deerfield Academy/Registered Nurse$25 10/29/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
DREXLER, PAMELA Deerfield Academy/Registered Nurse$15 10/28/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
DREXLER, PAMELA Deerfield Academy/Registered Nurse$3 10/28/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
DREXLER, PAMELA Deerfield Academy/Registered Nurse$15 09/28/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
DREXLER, PAMELA Deerfield Academy/Registered Nurse$3 09/28/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
DREXLER, PAMELA Deerfield Academy/Registered Nurse$19 09/15/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
DZIOK, THEODORE None/Not Employed$50 05/04/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ECCLESTON, ALAN Not Employed/Not Employed$25 12/25/2016P END CITIZENS UNITED
ECCLESTON, ALAN Self/Consultant$25 12/25/2016P ACTBLUE
ECCLESTON, ALAN Self/Consultant$25 11/25/2016P ACTBLUE
ECCLESTON, ALAN Not Employed/Not Employed$25 11/25/2016P END CITIZENS UNITED
ECCLESTON, ALAN Not Employed/Not Employed$25 11/03/2016P END CITIZENS UNITED
ECCLESTON, ALAN Self/Consultant$25 11/03/2016P ACTBLUE
ECCLESTON, ALAN Self/Consultant$25 11/02/2016P ACTBLUE
ECCLESTON, ALAN Not Employed/Not Employed$25 11/02/2016P END CITIZENS UNITED
ECCLESTON, ALAN Self/Consultant$25 10/26/2016P ACTBLUE
ECCLESTON, ALAN Self/Consultant$25 10/25/2016P ACTBLUE
FEIT, RICHARD Self/Editor$20 05/31/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
FEIT, RICHARD Not Employed/Not Employed$20 05/31/2016P ACTBLUE
FEIT, RICHARD Not Employed/Not Employed$20 05/16/2016P ACTBLUE
FEIT, RICHARD Self/Editor$20 05/16/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
FEIT, RICHARD Self/Editor$20 04/30/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
FEIT, RICHARD Self/Editor$15 04/11/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support & Fundraising$5 11/28/2016P EMILY'S LIST
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support, Fundraising$25 11/07/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support, Fundraising$37 11/03/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support & Fundraising$15 10/31/2016P EMILY'S LIST
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support, Fundraising$25 10/31/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support & Fundraising$5 10/28/2016P EMILY'S LIST
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support, Fundraising$5 10/23/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support, Fundraising$5 10/20/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support & Fundraising$20 10/20/2016P EMILY'S LIST
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support & Fundraising$25 10/20/2016P EMILY'S LIST
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support, Fundraising$25 10/19/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support, Fundraising$37 10/14/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support, Fundraising$10 10/12/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support & Fundraising$56 10/12/2016P EMILY'S LIST
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support & Fundraising$65 10/03/2016P EMILY'S LIST
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support, Fundraising$50 10/02/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support, Fundraising$5 09/20/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support, Fundraising$5 09/17/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support, Fundraising$5 09/15/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support, Fundraising$5 09/12/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support, Fundraising$5 08/31/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support, Fundraising$5 08/31/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support, Fundraising$5 08/22/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support, Fundraising$5 08/20/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support, Fundraising$5 08/20/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support, Fundraising$5 08/18/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support, Fundraising$25 08/11/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support, Fundraising$5 07/29/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support, Fundraising$5 07/26/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
FIGUS, ADRIENNE Yiddish Book Center/Tech Support, Fundraising$5 07/20/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
GALVIN, JASON Self/Self$100 06/30/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
GALVIN, JASON Self/Self$27 06/07/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
GALVIN, JASON Self/Self$27 05/31/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
GALVIN, JASON Self/Self$100 05/03/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
GALVIN, JASON Self/Self$50 04/30/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
GALVIN, JASON Self/Self$27 04/19/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
GALVIN, JASON Self/Self$50 04/16/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
GALVIN, JASON Self/Self$100 04/07/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
GALVIN, JASON Self/Self$10 02/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
GALVIN, JASON Self/Self$100 02/26/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
GALVIN, JASON Self/Self$100 02/18/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
GENDRON, LEN None/Not Employed$25 06/04/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
GENDRON, LEN Not Employed/Not Employed$25 06/04/2016P ACTBLUE
GENDRON, LEN Not Employed/Not Employed$50 05/31/2016P ACTBLUE
GENDRON, LEN None/Not Employed$50 05/31/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
GENDRON, LEN None/Not Employed$25 05/22/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
GENDRON, LEN Not Employed/Not Employed$25 05/22/2016P ACTBLUE
GENDRON, LEN Not Employed/Not Employed$50 05/18/2016P ACTBLUE
GENDRON, LEN None/Not Employed$50 05/18/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
GENDRON, LEN None/Not Employed$50 05/17/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
GENDRON, LEN Not Employed/Not Employed$50 05/17/2016P ACTBLUE
GENDRON, LEN Not Employed/Not Employed$50 04/29/2016P ACTBLUE
GENDRON, LEN None/Not Employed$50 04/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
GENDRON, LEN None/Not Employed$50 04/19/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
GENDRON, LEN Not Employed/Not Employed$50 04/19/2016P ACTBLUE
GENDRON, LEN Not Employed/Not Employed$50 04/08/2016P ACTBLUE
GENDRON, LEN None/Not Employed$50 04/08/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
GRENNAN, KEVIN None/Retired$50 11/05/2016P ACTBLUE
GRENNAN, KEVIN N/A/Retired$50 11/05/2016G MAGGIE FOR NH - Democrat
GRENNAN, KEVIN N/A/Retired$50 10/19/2016G MAGGIE FOR NH - Democrat
GRENNAN, KEVIN N/A/Retired$50 10/16/2016G MAGGIE FOR NH - Democrat
GURVITCH, SARAH Mt Holyoke College/Rn$30 11/06/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
GURVITCH, SARAH Mt Holyoke College/Rn$15 11/02/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
GURVITCH, SARAH Mt Holyoke College/Rn$25 10/18/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
GURVITCH, SARAH Mt Holyoke College/Rn$25 10/03/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
GURVITCH, SARAH Mt Holyoke College/Rn$25 09/10/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
GURVITCH, SARAH Mt Holyoke College/Rn$38 04/26/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
HALL-WITT, JENNIFER Smith College/Lecturer$25 11/01/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
HALL-WITT, JENNIFER Self-Employed/Somatic Therapist$50 10/17/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
HALL-WITT, JENNIFER Self-Employed/Somatic Therapist$100 08/31/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
HANDLEN, PAUL Self/Mechanic$27 07/01/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
HANDLEN, PAUL Self/Mechanic$10 05/12/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
HANDLEN, PAUL High Horse Brewing/Brewer$10 05/12/2016P ACTBLUE
HANDLEN, PAUL High Horse Brewing/Bartender$27 05/10/2016P ACTBLUE
HANDLEN, PAUL Self/Mechanic$27 05/10/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
HANDLEN, PAUL Self/Mechanic$10 04/12/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
HANDLEN, PAUL Self/Mechanic$28 04/12/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
HANDLEN, PAUL High Horse Brewing/Bartender$28 04/12/2016P ACTBLUE
HANDLEN, PAUL High Horse Brewing/Bartender$10 04/12/2016P ACTBLUE
HANDLEN, PAUL Self/Mechanic$50 02/25/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
HANDLEN, PAUL Self/Mechanic$20 02/18/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
HANDLEN, PAUL Self/Mechanic$10 02/12/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
HANDLEN, PAUL Self/Mechanic$20 02/09/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
HANDLEN, PAUL Self/Mechanic$20 01/31/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
HANDLEN, PAUL Self/Mechanic$25 01/26/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
HENNESSEY, HARTLEY Self-Employed/Chiropractic Physician$50 04/30/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
HENNESSEY, HARTLEY Self-Employed/Chiropractic Physician$50 02/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
HENNESSEY, HARTLEY Self-Employed/Chiropractic Physician$50 02/09/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
HITE, JON Northampton Housing Authority/Housing Administrator$250 05/02/2016P MAGGIE FOR NH - Democrat
HOWARD, LESLIE Baystate Medical Center, Springfield/Physician$5,000 10/18/2016P DSCC - Democrat
HOWARD, LESLIE Baystate Medical Center, Springfield/Physician$5,000 10/18/2016P DSCC - Democrat
HOWARD, LESLIE Baystate Medical Center, Springfield/Physician$5,000 10/18/2016P DSCC - Democrat
INNES, EVA $-5 11/07/2016P ACTBLUE
INNES, EVA $-5 11/07/2016P ACTBLUE
INNES, EVA $-5 11/03/2016P ACTBLUE
INNES, EVA $-5 11/03/2016P ACTBLUE
INNES, EVA $-5 09/20/2016P ACTBLUE
INNES, EVA $-5 09/20/2016P ACTBLUE
INNES, EVA $-5 09/20/2016P ACTBLUE
KIERAS, STEVEN MR Veterans Administration/Boiler Plant Operato$100 12/01/2015 NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA POLITICAL VICTORY FUND - Unknown
KIERAS, STEVEN MR Veterans Administration/Boiler Plant Operato$100 08/24/2015 NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA POLITICAL VICTORY FUND - Unknown
KIRN, JEREMY Hampshire College/Student$25 05/31/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
KIRN, JEREMY Hampshire College/Student$25 05/31/2016P ACTBLUE
KIRN, JEREMY Hampshire College/Student$25 04/26/2016P ACTBLUE
KIRN, JEREMY Hampshire College/Student$25 04/26/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
KIRN, JEREMY Hampshire College/Student$50 04/10/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
KIRN, JEREMY Hampshire College/Student$50 04/10/2016P ACTBLUE
KIRN, JEREMY Hampshire College/Student$50 04/09/2016P ACTBLUE
KIRN, JEREMY Hampshire College/Student$50 04/09/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
KIRN, JEREMY Hampshire College/Student$25 03/23/2016P ACTBLUE
KIRN, JEREMY Hampshire College/Student$15 03/22/2016P ACTBLUE
KIRN, JEREMY Hampshire College/Student$10 03/17/2016P ACTBLUE
KIRN, JEREMY Hampshire College/Student$50 03/14/2016P ACTBLUE
KIRN, JEREMY Hampshire College/Student$50 03/13/2016P ACTBLUE
KIRN, JEREMY Hampshire College/Student$50 03/12/2016P ACTBLUE
KIRN, JEREMY Hampshire College/Student$15 03/06/2016P ACTBLUE
KIRN, JEREMY Hampshire College/Student$27 03/06/2016P ACTBLUE
KIRN, JEREMY Hampshire College/Student$15 02/26/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
KNIGHT, SHARON $-300 04/27/2016G CARSON AMERICA - Republican
KNIGHT, SHARON Information Requested Per Best Efforts/Intercession$50 03/31/2016G CARSON AMERICA - Republican
KNIGHT, SHARON Information Requested Per Best Efforts/Intercession$-50 03/31/2016P CARSON AMERICA - Republican
KNIGHT, SHARON Intercession$-250 02/29/2016P CARSON AMERICA - Republican
KNIGHT, SHARON Intercession$250 02/29/2016G CARSON AMERICA - Republican
KNIGHT, SHARON Intercession$250 02/26/2016P CARSON AMERICA - Republican
KNIGHT, SHARON Intercession$500 02/05/2016P CARSON AMERICA - Republican
KNIGHT, SHARON Intercession$500 02/05/2016P CARSON AMERICA - Republican
KNIGHT, SHARON Intercession$1,000 01/29/2016P CARSON AMERICA - Republican
KNIGHT, SHARON Intercession$1,000 05/04/2015P CARSON AMERICA - Republican
KNIGHT, SHARON $250 03/15/2015P CARSON AMERICA - Republican
KOSTEK, ANTHONY MR. Retired/Retired$75 12/30/2015P CARSON AMERICA - Republican
KOSTEK, ANTHONY MR. Retired/Retired$75 10/14/2015P CARSON AMERICA - Republican
KOSTEK, ANTHONY MR. Retired/Retired$75 09/08/2015P CARSON AMERICA - Republican
KOSTEK, ANTHONY MR. Retired/Retired$75 08/10/2015P CARSON AMERICA - Republican
LARSON, ART Self-Employed/Printer$13 06/04/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
LARSON, ART Self-Employed/Printer$13 06/04/2016P ACTBLUE
LARSON, ART Self-Employed/Printer$27 05/18/2016P ACTBLUE
LARSON, ART Self-Employed/Printer$27 05/18/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
LATHAM, RAYMOND Not Employed/Not Employed$100 02/10/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
LATHAM, RAYMOND Not Employed/Not Employed$75 01/12/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
LATHAM, RAYMOND Not Employed/Not Employed$25 12/12/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
LEVENSON, DEBORAH N/A/Retired$35 05/22/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
LEVENSON, DEBORAH N/A/Retired$50 05/10/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
LEVENSON, DEBORAH N/A/Retired$50 04/08/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
LOPEZ, KEN Self-Employed/Bookseller$50 11/07/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
LOPEZ, KEN Self-Employed/Bookseller$50 11/01/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
LOPEZ, KEN Self-Employed/Bookseller$25 10/24/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
LOPEZ, KEN Self-Employed/Bookseller$50 10/04/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
LOPEZ, KEN Self-Employed/Bookseller$25 09/29/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
LOPEZ, KEN Self-Employed/Bookseller$100 09/23/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
MARTULA, DAVID Self-Employed/Financial Planner$50 10/30/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
MARTULA, DAVID Self-Employed/Financial Planner$50 10/18/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
MARTULA, DAVID Self-Employed/Financial Planner$50 10/17/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
MARTULA, DAVID Self-Employed/Financial Planner$5 10/05/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
MEAKIM, GLENN None/Retired$250 08/15/2016P DSCC - Democrat
MEAKIM, GLENN $250 04/17/2015P DSCC - Democrat
MEAKIM, GLENN A Smith Cellign/Retired$250 11/20/2015P DNC SERVICES CORP./DEM. NAT'L COMMITTEE - Democrat
MENGEL, GAIL $-25 02/22/2016P DSCC - Democrat
MENGEL, GAIL $-25 02/19/2016P ACTBLUE
MENGEL, GAIL $-2 02/19/2016P ACTBLUE
MENN, JULIUS $-2 12/16/2015P ACTBLUE
MENN, JULIUS $-3 12/16/2015P ACTBLUE
MENN, JULIUS $-25 05/03/2015 ACTBLUE
MENN, JULIUS $-10 05/03/2015 ACTBLUE
MILEUR, JEROME University Of Massachusetts Amherst/Retired Political Science Professor$2,000 08/05/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
MILEUR, JEROME M Umass-Amherst/Professor$2,700 06/17/2016G FRIENDS OF CHERI BUSTOS - Democrat
MILEUR, JEROME M Umass-Amherst/Professor$2,700 06/15/2015P FRIENDS OF CHERI BUSTOS - Democrat
MILEUR, JEROME M. None/Retired$2,700 08/19/2016G SCHNEIDER FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
MILEUR, JEROME M. N/A/Retired$1,700 09/05/2015P FRIENDS OF RAJA FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
MILEUR, JEROME M. N/A/Retired$2,700 09/05/2015G FRIENDS OF RAJA FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
MILEUR, JEROME M. N/A/Retired$1,000 05/09/2015P FRIENDS OF RAJA FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
MINICHIELLO, RYAN Umass Amherst/Student$39 04/08/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
MINTON, JOE Digital Development Management/Video Game Agency$200 09/26/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
MINTON, JOE Digital Development Management/Video Game Agency$250 07/30/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
MINTON, JOE Digital Development Management/Video Game Agency$40 07/30/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
MINTON, JOE Digital Development Management/Video Game Agency$250 07/30/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
MINTON, JOE Digital Development Management/Video Game Agency$50 07/20/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
MINTON, JOE Digital Development Management/Video Game Agency$50 07/01/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
MITROLKA, JUDITH Self-Employed/Bookkeeper$10 04/30/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
MITROLKA, JUDITH Self-Employed/Bookkeeper$10 04/15/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
MITROLKA, JUDITH Self-Employed/Bookkeeper$10 04/08/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
MORAN, SUSAN $-100 02/10/2016P ACTBLUE
MOSKIN, CAMELA Town Of Amherst/Instructinal Aide$38 04/30/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
MOSKIN, CAMELA Town Of Amherst/Instructinal Aide$25 04/30/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
MOSLER, SUSAN Not Employed/Not Employed$100 04/06/2016P ACTBLUE
MOSLER, SUSAN Not Employed/Not Employed$100 04/06/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
MOSLER, SUSAN Not Employed/Not Employed$250 03/31/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
MOSLER, SUSAN Not Employed/Not Employed$250 03/31/2016P ACTBLUE
MOSLER, SUSAN Not Employed/Not Employed$100 03/12/2016P ACTBLUE
MOSLER, SUSAN Not Employed/Not Employed$250 03/06/2016P ACTBLUE
MOSLER, SUSAN Not Employed/Not Employed$250 03/06/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
NELSON, KRISTIN Self/Consultant$50 11/07/2016P ACTBLUE
NELSON, KRISTIN A Network For Grateful Living/Non Profit Director$50 11/07/2016G MAGGIE FOR NH - Democrat
NELSON, KRISTIN A Network For Grateful Living/Non Profit Director$50 10/31/2016G MAGGIE FOR NH - Democrat
NELSON, KRISTIN A Network For Grateful Living/Director$100 10/31/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
NELSON, KRISTIN Self/Consultant$50 10/31/2016P ACTBLUE
NELSON, KRISTIN A Network For Grateful Living/Director$50 09/30/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
NELSON, KRISTIN A Network For Grateful Living/Director$50 09/26/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
OAKLEY, ROSALEE F Retired/Retired$100 10/05/2016P ELIZABETH FOR MA INC - Democrat
OGILVIE, BRIAN University Of Massachusetts Amherst/Historian$20 12/03/2016P MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION
OGILVIE, BRIAN University Of Massachusetts Amherst/Historian$20 11/03/2016P MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION
OGILVIE, BRIAN University Of Massachusetts Amherst/Historian$20 12/03/2015 MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION
OGILVIE, BRIAN University Of Massachusetts Amherst/Historian$20 11/03/2015 MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION
OGILVIE, BRIAN University Of Massachusetts Amherst/Historian$20 10/03/2015 MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION
OGILVIE, BRIAN University Of Massachusetts Amherst/Historian$20 09/03/2015 MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION
OGILVIE, BRIAN University Of Massachusetts Amherst/Historian$20 08/03/2015 MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION
OGILVIE, BRIAN University Of Massachusetts Amherst/Historian$20 07/03/2015 MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION
PAPPENHEIMER, JOHN N/A/Programmer$1,000 10/20/2016P DCCC - Democrat
PAPPENHEIMER, JOHN N/A/Not Employed$1,000 10/11/2016G MAGGIE FOR NH - Democrat
PAPPENHEIMER, JOHN Not Employed/Not Employed$2,000 09/28/2016P ACTBLUE
PAPPENHEIMER, JOHN None/Not Employed$2,000 09/28/2016P DSCC - Democrat
PAPPENHEIMER, JOHN N/A/Programmer$250 07/21/2015P DCCC - Democrat
PARKER, MARIAN Montessori School Of Northampton/Educatir$27 04/26/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
PARKER, MARIAN Montessori School Of Northampton/Educatir$27 04/26/2016P ACTBLUE
PARKER, MARIAN Montessori School Of Northampton/Educatir$54 04/07/2016P ACTBLUE
PARKER, MARIAN Montessori School Of Northampton/Educatir$54 04/07/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
PARKER, MARIAN Montessori School Of Northampton/Educatir$27 03/17/2016P ACTBLUE
PARKER, MARIAN Montessori School Of Northampton/Educatir$54 03/12/2016P ACTBLUE
PARKER, MARIAN Montessori School Of Northampton/Educatir$18 03/09/2016P ACTBLUE
PETERSON, JAN Connecticut River Internist/Nurse Practitioner$100 11/08/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
QUINLAN, PATRICK Solablock Llc/Chief Executive Officer$375 10/31/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
QUINLAN, PATRICK Solablock Llc/Chief Executive Officer$374 10/17/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
QUINLAN, PATRICK Solablock Llc/Chief Executive Officer$250 09/30/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
QUINLAN, PATRICK Solablock Llc/Chief Executive Officer$100 09/26/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
QUINLAN, PATRICK Solablock Llc/Chief Executive Officer$100 09/23/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
QUINLAN, PATRICK Solablock Llc/Chief Executive Officer$1,000 09/12/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
RAGLE, JOHN None/Not Employed$50 05/10/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
RAGLE, JOHN Not Employed/Not Employed$50 05/10/2016P ACTBLUE
RAGLE, JOHN Retired/Retired$50 04/26/2016P KASICH FOR AMERICA INC - Republican
RAGLE, JOHN Retired/Retired$50 04/18/2016P KASICH FOR AMERICA INC - Republican
RAGLE, JOHN None/Not Employed$50 04/05/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
RAGLE, JOHN Retired/Retired$50 03/31/2016P KASICH FOR AMERICA INC - Republican
RAGLE, JOHN Retired/Retired$50 03/11/2016P KASICH FOR AMERICA INC - Republican
RAGLE, JOHN None/Not Employed$50 02/09/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
RAGLE, JOHN None/Not Employed$50 01/11/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
RAGLE, JOHN None/Not Employed$50 12/19/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
RAGLE, JOHN L None/Retired$50 04/05/2016P ACTBLUE
RAGLE, JOHN L None/Retired$50 03/27/2016P ACTBLUE
RAGLE, JOHN L None/Retired$100 03/06/2016P ACTBLUE
RAGLE, JOHN L None/Retired$50 03/02/2016P ACTBLUE
RAGLE, JOHN L None/Retired$50 02/09/2016 ACTBLUE
RAGLE, JOHN L None/Retired$50 01/11/2016 ACTBLUE
RITTER, JUNE Smith/Database Administrator$100 11/03/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RITTER, JUNE Smith College/Database Administrator$100 10/30/2016P DCCC - Democrat
RITTER, JUNE Smith College/Dba$100 10/29/2016P ACTBLUE
RITTER, JUNE Smith College/Database Administrator$188 10/02/2016P DCCC - Democrat
RITTER, JUNE Smith College/Database Administrator$250 09/30/2016P DCCC - Democrat
RITTER, JUNE Smith College/Dba$250 09/30/2016P ACTBLUE
RITTER, JUNE Smith/Database Administrator$200 09/17/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RITTER, JUNE Smith/Database Administrator$200 07/28/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RITTER, KIRSTEN Smith College/Technology$250 02/10/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ROJAS, CAMILO $-50 03/13/2015P ACTBLUE
ROSEMAN, EDWARD Self Employed/Publisher$270 09/18/2016P MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION
SAVOLAINEN, KEIJO Self/Self$3 05/28/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SAVOLAINEN, KEIJO Self/Self$3 05/10/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SAVOLAINEN, KEIJO Self/Self$10 04/30/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SAVOLAINEN, KEIJO Self/Self$3 04/28/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SAVOLAINEN, KEIJO Self/Self$3 04/26/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SAVOLAINEN, KEIJO Self/Self$3 04/24/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SAVOLAINEN, KEIJO Self/Self$1 04/16/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SAVOLAINEN, KEIJO Self/Self$3 04/14/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SAVOLAINEN, KEIJO Self/Self$3 04/11/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SAVOLAINEN, KEIJO Self/Self$10 04/10/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SAVOLAINEN, KEIJO Self/Self$3 04/05/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SOKOL, DAVID Self-Employed/Magazine Editor$10 11/08/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
SOKOL, DAVID Self-Employed/Magazine Editor$15 10/17/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
THIBAULT, EMMA Wellesley College/Student$25 10/09/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
THIBAULT, EMMA Wellesley College/Student$19 09/25/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
VANDOLOSKI, HARRY U.S. Postal Service/Rural Mail Carrier$50 04/29/2016P CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT - Republican
VANDOLOSKI, HARRY U.S. Postal Service/Rural Mail Carrier$5 02/27/2016P CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT - Republican
VANDOLOSKI, HARRY Us Postal Service/Rural Mail Carrier$71 12/16/2015P CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT - Republican
VANDOLOSKI, HARRY Us Postal Service/Rural Mail Carrier$41 12/13/2015P CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT - Republican
VANDOLOSKI, HARRY Us Postal Service/Rural Mail Carrier$45 12/10/2015P CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT - Republican
WARNER, LOYCE S Information Requested/Information Requested$75 09/30/2015 DSCC - Democrat
WOODS, RORIE Self/Carpenter$15 06/08/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
WOODS, RORIE Self/Carpenter$5 04/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
WOODS, RORIE Self/Carpenter$3 04/15/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
WOODS, RORIE Self/Carpenter$27 04/06/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
WUEST, CHARLES Behavioral Health Network/Social Worker$15 05/27/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
WUEST, CHARLES Behavioral Health Network/Social Worker$15 05/18/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
WUEST, CHARLES Behavioral Health Network/Social Worker$15 04/18/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
WUEST, CHARLES Behavioral Health Network/Social Worker$20 04/15/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
YARROWS, RICHARD E. MR. Retired/Retired$100 05/03/2016P CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT - Republican
YARROWS, RICHARD E. MR. Retired/Retired$100 04/06/2016P CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT - Republican
YARROWS, RICHARD E. MR. Retired/Retired$100 02/11/2016P CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT - Republican


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Committees (PACs):
"527" Organizations:
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Celebrity Contributors:
   Aaron Sorkin
   Andrew Fastow
   Arnold Palmer
   Arnold Schwarzenegger
   Ben Affleck
   Bill Cosby
   Bill Gates
   Calvin Klein
   Dennis Kozlowski
   Donald Trump
   George Soros
   Hugh Hefner
   Jack Grubman
   Jeff Skilling
   John Grisham
   John Rigas
   Ken Lay
   Martha Stewart
   Mel Gibson
   Oprah Winfrey
   Ralph Lauren
   Donald Trump
   Richard Scrushy
   Rush Limbaugh
   Sam Waksal
   Scott Sullivan
   Steven Spielberg
   Tom Cruise
   Tommy Hilfiger
Industry Contributors:
   CEO/Chief Executives
   College Professors
   Trial Lawyers
   Golf Professionals
   Poker Professionals
   Mortgage Brokers
   Futures Brokers
   Stock Brokers
   Options Brokers
   Life Insurance
   Health Insurance
   Auto Insurance
   Securities Lawyers
   Boats & Yachts
   Defense Contracts
Baseball Contributors:
   New York Yankees
   Boston Red Sox
   Chicago Cubs
Notable Politicians:
   Barack Obama
   George W Bush
   John Kerry
   Ralph Nader
   Hillary Clinton
   Apple Computer
   New York Times
   News Corporation
   General Electric
   Exxon Mobil
   Ford Motor
   Anheuser Busch
Top 10 Contributors:
   Thomas Steyer
   Linda Mcmahon
   Sheldon Adelson
   Miriam Adelson
   Bob Perry
   Michael Bloomberg
   Harold Simmons
   Fred Eychaner
   J Ricketts
   John Raese