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Charlottesville, VA 22902
Political Campaign Contributions
2016 Election Cycle

Zip Code Totals

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From this Zip Code for 2016
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2020 $737,174 $233,586
2018 $946,836 $385,665
2016 $884,359 $312,688
2014 $440,499 $90,144
2012 $575,841 $360,907
2010 $274,183 $173,902
2008 $525,173 $339,176
2006 $373,328 $180,876
2004 $320,351 $192,304
2002 $75,850 $16,200
2000 $314,097 $22,225

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2016 Election Cycle
Political Campaign Donor/Contributor List

$ AmountDatePrimary/
Contibuted To
ABERG, DAWN Church Of The Holy Comforter/Education Director$27 05/20/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABERG, DAWN Holy Comforter Catholic Church/Writer$27 05/20/2016P ACTBLUE
ABERG, DAWN Holy Comforter Catholic Church/Writer$27 05/10/2016P ACTBLUE
ABERG, DAWN Church Of The Holy Comforter/Education Director$27 05/10/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABERG, DAWN Holy Comforter Catholic Church/Writer$15 03/30/2016P ACTBLUE
ABERG, DAWN Holy Comforter Catholic Church/Writer$27 03/28/2016P ACTBLUE
ABERG, DAWN Holy Comforter Catholic Church/Writer$13 03/14/2016P ACTBLUE
ABERG, DAWN Holy Comforter Catholic Church/Writer$27 03/11/2016P ACTBLUE
ABERG, DAWN Holy Comforter Catholic Church/Writer$27 03/09/2016P ACTBLUE
ABERG, DAWN Holy Comforter Catholic Church/Writer$27 03/09/2016P ACTBLUE
ABERG, DAWN Holy Comforter Catholic Church/Writer$27 03/08/2016P ACTBLUE
ABERG, DAWN Holy Comforter Catholic Church/Writer$27 03/06/2016P ACTBLUE
ABERG, DAWN Holy Comforter Catholic Church/Writer$27 03/02/2016P ACTBLUE
ABERG, DAWN Holy Comforter Catholic Church/Writer$50 02/26/2016 ACTBLUE
ABERG, DAWN Church Of The Holy Comforter/Education Director$50 02/26/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABERG, DAWN Church Of The Holy Comforter/Education Director$50 02/23/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABERG, DAWN Holy Comforter Catholic Church/Writer$50 02/23/2016 ACTBLUE
ABERG, DAWN Holy Comforter Catholic Church/Writer$15 02/17/2016 ACTBLUE
ABERG, DAWN Church Of The Holy Comforter/Education Director$15 02/17/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABERG, DAWN Church Of The Holy Comforter/Education Director$10 02/02/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABERG, DAWN Holy Comforter Catholic Church/Writer$10 02/02/2016 ACTBLUE
ABERG, DAWN Holy Comforter Catholic Church/Writer$10 02/01/2016 ACTBLUE
ABERG, DAWN Church Of The Holy Comforter/Education Director$10 02/01/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABERG, DAWN Church Of The Holy Comforter/Education Director$10 01/30/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABERG, DAWN Holy Comforter Catholic Church/Writer$10 01/30/2016 ACTBLUE
ABERG, DAWN Holy Comforter Catholic Church/Writer$10 01/29/2016 ACTBLUE
ABERG, DAWN Church Of The Holy Comforter/Education Director$10 01/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABERG, DAWN Church Of The Holy Comforter/Education Director$5 01/23/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABERG, DAWN Holy Comforter Catholic Church/Writer$5 01/23/2016 ACTBLUE
ABERG, DAWN Holy Comforter Catholic Church/Writer$5 01/11/2016 ACTBLUE
ABERG, DAWN Church Of The Holy Comforter/Education Director$5 01/11/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABERG, DAWN Church Of The Holy Comforter/Education Director$25 12/29/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABERG, DAWN Holy Comforter Catholic Church/Writer$25 12/29/2015 ACTBLUE
ABERG, DAWN Holy Comforter Catholic Church/Writer$10 12/19/2015 ACTBLUE
ABERG, DAWN Church Of The Holy Comforter/Education Director$10 12/19/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABERG, DAWN Church Of The Holy Comforter/Education Director$28 11/14/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABERG, DAWN Holy Comforter Catholic Church/Writer$28 11/14/2015 ACTBLUE
ABERG, DAWN Self Employed/Writer$49 09/21/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ABERG, DAWN Holy Comforter Catholic Church/Writer$100 08/24/2015 ACTBLUE
ABERG, DAWN Holy Comforter Catholic Church/Writer$35 07/21/2015 ACTBLUE
ABERG, DAWN Holy Comforter Catholic Church/Writer$10 07/21/2015 ACTBLUE
ABRAMS, KAREN University Of Virginia/Professor$2,000 08/09/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
ABRAMS, KAREN University Of Virginia/Professor$500 08/09/2016G FRIENDS OF JANE DITTMAR - Democrat
ADAMS, BILL N/A/Retired$19 06/30/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, BILL N/A/Retired$19 06/06/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, BILL N/A/Retired$12 05/30/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, BILL N/A/Retired$19 05/30/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, BILL N/A/Retired$15 05/27/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, BILL N/A/Retired$10 05/15/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, BILL N/A/Retired$5 05/12/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, BILL N/A/Retired$19 05/04/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, BILL N/A/Retired$15 04/27/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, BILL N/A/Retired$19 04/27/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, BILL N/A/Retired$10 04/15/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, BILL N/A/Retired$5 04/12/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, BILL N/A/Retired$19 04/07/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ADAMS, BILL Ge Intelligent Platforms/Technician$80 08/09/2015 ACTBLUE
ADAMS, BILL Ge Intelligent Platforms/Technician$80 08/09/2015 DSCC - Democrat
ADAMS, BILL Ge Intelligent Platforms/Technician$50 07/26/2015 DCCC - Democrat
ADAMS, BILL Ge Intelligent Platforms/Technician$50 07/24/2015 ACTBLUE
ADAMS, BILL Ge Intelligent Platforms/Technician$80 07/09/2015 ACTBLUE
ADAMS, BILL Ge Intelligent Platforms/Technician$80 07/09/2015 DSCC - Democrat
ADAMS, BILL Ge Intelligent Platforms/Technician$50 06/24/2015 DCCC - Democrat
ADAMS, BILL Ge Intelligent Platforms/Technician$50 06/24/2015 ACTBLUE
ADAMS, BILL Ge Intelligent Platforms/Technician$50 05/25/2015 DCCC - Democrat
ADAMS, BILL Ge Intelligent Platforms/Technician$50 05/24/2015G ACTBLUE
ADAMS, BILL Ge Intelligent Platforms/Technician$50 04/24/2015 ACTBLUE
ADAMS, BILL Ge Intelligent Platforms/Technician$50 03/24/2015 ACTBLUE
ADAMS, BILL Ge Intelligent Platforms/Technician$50 02/24/2015 ACTBLUE
ADAMS, BILL Ge Intelligent Platforms/Technician$50 01/24/2015 ACTBLUE
ALECHKO, MICHAEL $-25 11/09/2015P DSCC - Democrat
ALEXANDER, GERARD University Of Virginia/Professor$2,700 05/18/2016G FRIENDS OF PAT TOOMEY - Republican
ALEXANDER, GERARD University Of Virginia/Professor$2,700 08/14/2015P SCOTT WALKER INC - Republican
ARON, JANICE COOK Self-Employed/Entrepreneur$2,700 03/16/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BAHOUTH, JOHN Apex Clean Energy/Executive$250 10/18/2016G FRIENDS OF JANE DITTMAR - Democrat
BAHOUTH, JOHN Apex Clean Energy/Executive$300 09/09/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
BAHOUTH, JOHN Apex Clean Energy/Executive$200 08/19/2016G FRIENDS OF JANE DITTMAR - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self-Employed/Self Employed$25 11/04/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self-Employed/Self Employed$25 11/01/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self-Employed/Self Employed$10 10/30/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self-Employed/Self Employed$25 10/27/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$10 07/26/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$10 06/26/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$10 06/26/2016P ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$10 05/26/2016P ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$10 05/26/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$25 05/16/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$25 05/16/2016P ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$25 05/14/2016P ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$25 05/14/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$10 04/26/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$10 04/26/2016P ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$25 04/16/2016P ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$25 04/16/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$25 04/14/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$25 04/14/2016P ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$15 04/02/2016P ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$15 04/02/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$10 03/26/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$10 03/26/2016P ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$25 03/16/2016P ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$25 03/16/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$50 03/14/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$25 03/14/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$50 03/14/2016P ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$25 03/14/2016P ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$100 03/09/2016P ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$100 03/09/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$10 02/26/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$10 02/26/2016 ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$100 02/20/2016 ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$100 02/20/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$25 02/16/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$25 02/14/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$25 02/14/2016 ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$100 02/08/2016 ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$100 02/08/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$27 02/04/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$27 02/04/2016 ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$10 01/26/2016 ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$10 01/26/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$25 01/16/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$25 01/14/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$25 01/14/2016 ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$10 12/26/2015 ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$10 12/26/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$25 12/14/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$25 12/14/2015 ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$10 11/26/2015 ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$10 11/26/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Information Requested/Information Requested$20 11/20/2015 DNC SERVICES CORP./DEM. NAT'L COMMITTEE - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$10 10/26/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$10 10/26/2015 ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$50 10/20/2015 ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self Employed$50 10/20/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$10 09/26/2015 ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$50 09/14/2015 ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$25 09/12/2015 ACTBLUE
BAILEY, DAVID Self/Self$100 07/27/2015 ACTBLUE
BAILEY, RONALD Self Employed/Journalist$100 06/15/2016G GARY JOHNSON 2016 - Libertarian
BALDWIN, ONNIE Self/Psychotherapist$250 04/08/2016 FRIENDS OF JANE DITTMAR - Democrat
BARNES, JANE Self/Self-Emloyed$25 10/18/2016G FRIENDS OF JANE DITTMAR - Democrat
BELL, MAGGIE Self/Translator, Mother$15 06/24/2016P ACTBLUE
BELL, MAGGIE Self/Translator, Mother$6 06/11/2016P ACTBLUE
BELL, MAGGIE Self/Translator, Mother$10 06/09/2016P ACTBLUE
BELL, MAGGIE Self/Translator, Mother$2 06/07/2016P ACTBLUE
BELL, MAGGIE Self/Translator, Mother$5 06/04/2016P ACTBLUE
BELL, MAGGIE Self/Translator, Mother$10 05/31/2016P ACTBLUE
BELL, MAGGIE Self/Translator, Mother$5 05/28/2016P ACTBLUE
BELL, MAGGIE Self/Translator, Mother$10 05/24/2016P ACTBLUE
BELL, MAGGIE Self/Translator, Mother$10 05/18/2016P ACTBLUE
BELL, MAGGIE Self/Translator, Mother$10 05/09/2016P ACTBLUE
BELL, MAGGIE Self/Translator, Mother$10 05/07/2016P ACTBLUE
BELL, MAGGIE Self/Translator, Mother$10 05/03/2016P ACTBLUE
BELL, MAGGIE Self/Translator, Mother$10 04/30/2016P ACTBLUE
BELL, MAGGIE Self/Translator, Mother$10 04/29/2016P ACTBLUE
BELL, MAGGIE Self/Translator, Mother$15 04/26/2016P ACTBLUE
BELL, MAGGIE Self/Translator, Mother$10 04/23/2016P ACTBLUE
BELL, MAGGIE Self/Translator, Mother$15 04/21/2016P ACTBLUE
BELL, MAGGIE Self/Translator, Mother$5 04/19/2016P ACTBLUE
BELL, MAGGIE Self/Translator, Mother$10 04/19/2016P ACTBLUE
BELL, MAGGIE Self/Translator, Mother$5 04/14/2016P ACTBLUE
BELL, MAGGIE Self/Translator, Mother$10 04/13/2016P ACTBLUE
BELL, MAGGIE Self/Translator, Mother$10 04/09/2016P ACTBLUE
BELL, MAGGIE Self/Translator, Mother$10 04/07/2016P ACTBLUE
BELL, MAGGIE Self/Translator, Mother$10 04/02/2016P ACTBLUE
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$10 07/06/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$15 06/24/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$6 06/11/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$10 06/09/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$2 06/07/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$5 06/04/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$10 05/31/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$5 05/28/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$10 05/24/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$10 05/18/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$10 05/09/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$10 05/07/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$10 05/03/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$77 04/30/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$10 04/30/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$10 04/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$15 04/26/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$10 04/23/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$15 04/21/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$10 04/19/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$5 04/19/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$5 04/14/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$10 04/13/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$10 04/09/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$10 04/07/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$10 04/02/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$10 03/30/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$10 03/28/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, MARGARET Self/Self Employed$27 03/17/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, RUTH N/A/Retired$250 11/04/2016G FRIENDS OF JANE DITTMAR - Democrat
BELL, RUTH Not Employed/Not Employed$250 11/04/2016P ACTBLUE
BELL, RUTH N/A/Retired$300 11/04/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BELL, RUTH None/Not Employed$50 05/03/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, RUTH Not Employed/Not Employed$100 01/18/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, RUTH Not Employed/Not Employed$100 01/18/2016 ACTBLUE
BELL, RUTH Not Employed/Not Employed$25 12/12/2015 ACTBLUE
BELL, RUTH Not Employed/Not Employed$25 12/12/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, RUTH Not Employed/Not Employed$25 10/05/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, RUTH Not Employed/Not Employed$50 09/30/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, RUTH Not Employed/Not Employed$50 09/30/2015 ACTBLUE
BELL, RUTH Not Employed/Not Employed$50 08/15/2015 ACTBLUE
BELL, RUTH Not Employed/Not Employed$50 08/15/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BELL, RUTH Not Employed/Not Employed$50 08/08/2015 ACTBLUE
BELL, RUTH Not Employed/Not Employed$50 07/11/2015 ACTBLUE
BELT, CAROLYN J None/Not Employed$50 05/28/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BENJAMIN, DAVID Not Employed/Not Employed$50 11/05/2016P END CITIZENS UNITED
BENJAMIN, DAVID Not Employed/Not Employed$100 12/23/2015 END CITIZENS UNITED
BENJAMIN, DAVID Not Employed/Not Employed$15 12/06/2015 END CITIZENS UNITED
BENJAMIN, DAVID Not Employed/Not Employed$100 11/23/2015 END CITIZENS UNITED
BENNIS, KATHARINE Self-Employed/Therapist Coach$53 12/13/2015P JAMIE RASKIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
BENNIS, KATHARINE Self-Employed/Therapist Coach$250 06/21/2015P JAMIE RASKIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
BENNIS, KATHARINE Self/Therapist Coach$250 06/17/2015P ACTBLUE
BERRY, GARY N/A/Retired$10 06/02/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BERRY, GARY N/A/Retired$10 05/02/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BILLS, MICHAEL Self Employed/Investor$5,000 02/19/2016P MOVING AMERICA FORWARD
BILLS, MICHAEL Bluestem Asset Management/President$2,700 02/04/2016G KATIE MCGINTY FOR SENATE - Democrat
BILLS, MICHAEL Bluestem Asset Management/President$2,700 02/04/2016P KATIE MCGINTY FOR SENATE - Democrat
BILLS, MICHAEL D. Bluestone Asset Management/Founder/Ceo$5,000 02/24/2016P COLORADO DEMOCRATIC PARTY - Democrat
BLACK, JOHN Kashori Corporation/Founder$5 12/31/2016P DSCC - Democrat
BLACK, JOHN Kashori Corporation/Founder$5 12/31/2016P ACTBLUE
BLACK, JOHN Kashori Corporation/Founder$24 11/07/2016P ACTBLUE
BLACK, JOHN Kashori Corporation/Founder$24 11/07/2016P DSCC - Democrat
BLACK, JOHN Kashori Corporation/Founder$10 11/06/2016P DSCC - Democrat
BLACK, JOHN Kashori Corporation/Founder$10 11/06/2016P ACTBLUE
BLACK, JOHN Kashori Corporation/Founder$10 11/04/2016P ACTBLUE
BLACK, JOHN Kashori Corporation/Founder$10 11/04/2016P DSCC - Democrat
BLACK, JOHN Kashori Corporation/Founder$10 11/02/2016P DSCC - Democrat
BLACK, JOHN Kashori Corporation/Founder$10 11/02/2016P ACTBLUE
BLACK, JOHN Kashori Corporation/Founder$25 10/29/2016P ACTBLUE
BLACK, JOHN Kashori Corporation/Founder$25 10/29/2016P DSCC - Democrat
BLACK, JOHN Kashori Corporation/Founder$24 10/23/2016P DSCC - Democrat
BLACK, JOHN Kashori Corporation/Founder$24 10/23/2016P ACTBLUE
BLACK, JOHN $-24 03/04/2016P DSCC - Democrat
BLACK, JOHN $-24 03/03/2016P ACTBLUE
BLAKE, ALYSSA Boston Scientific Corporation/Representative Ii, Field Clin$30 12/30/2016P BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE ('BSC PAC')
BLAKE, ALYSSA Boston Scientific Corporation/Representative Ii, Field Clin$20 11/18/2016P BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE ('BSC PAC')
BLAKE, ALYSSA Boston Scientific Corporation/Representative Ii, Field Clin$130 12/18/2015 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORPORATION POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE ('BSC PAC')
BLAND, MICHELLE University Of Virginia/Assistant Professor$30 11/06/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLAND, MICHELLE University Of Virginia/Assistant Professor$85 11/02/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLAND, MICHELLE University Of Virginia/Assistant Professor$50 10/10/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLAND, MICHELLE University Of Virginia/Assistant Professor$50 08/30/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLAND, MICHELLE University Of Virginia/Assistant Professor$50 07/29/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BLANK, JOHNATHAN T. Mcguirewoods/Partner$377 11/28/2016P MCGUIREWOODS LLP
BLANK, JOHNATHAN T. Mcguirewoods/Partner$460 10/19/2016P MCGUIREWOODS LLP
BLANK, JOHNATHAN T. Mcguirewoods/Partner$676 09/30/2016P MCGUIREWOODS LLP
BLANK, JOHNATHAN T. Mcguirewoods/Partner$1,068 08/31/2016P MCGUIREWOODS LLP
BLANK, JOHNATHAN T. Mcguirewoods/Partner$419 07/31/2016P MCGUIREWOODS LLP
BLANK, JOHNATHAN T. Mcguirewoods/Partner$144 06/30/2016P MCGUIREWOODS LLP
BLANK, JOHNATHAN T. Mcguirewoods/Partner$368 05/31/2016P MCGUIREWOODS LLP
BLANK, JOHNATHAN T. Mcguirewoods/Partner$471 04/30/2016P MCGUIREWOODS LLP
BLANK, JOHNATHAN T. Mcguirewoods/Partner$326 03/31/2016P MCGUIREWOODS LLP
BLANK, JOHNATHAN T. Mcguirewoods/Partner$432 02/29/2016P MCGUIREWOODS LLP
BLANK, JOHNATHAN T. Mcguirewoods/Partner$249 01/31/2016P MCGUIREWOODS LLP
BLANK, JOHNATHAN T. Mcguirewoods/Partner$372 12/31/2015P MCGUIREWOODS LLP
BLANK, JOHNATHAN T. Mcguirewoods/Partner$1,127 11/30/2015P MCGUIREWOODS LLP
BLANK, JOHNATHAN T. Mcguirewoods/Partner$873 10/31/2015P MCGUIREWOODS LLP
BLANK, JOHNATHAN T. Mcguirewoods/Partner$93 09/30/2015 MCGUIREWOODS LLP
BLANK, JOHNATHAN T. Mcguirewoods/Partner$476 08/31/2015P MCGUIREWOODS LLP
BLANK, JOHNATHAN T. Mcguirewoods/Partner$150 07/31/2015 MCGUIREWOODS LLP
BLANK, JOHNATHAN T. Mcguirewoods/Partner$272 06/30/2015P MCGUIREWOODS LLP
BLANK, JOHNATHAN T. Mcguirewoods/Partner$456 05/31/2015P MCGUIREWOODS LLP
BLANK, JOHNATHAN T. Mcguirewoods/Partner$206 04/10/2015P MCGUIREWOODS LLP
BLANK, JOHNATHAN T. Mcguirewoods/Partner$433 03/31/2015P MCGUIREWOODS LLP
BLANK, JOHNATHAN T. Mcguirewoods/Partner$276 02/28/2015P MCGUIREWOODS LLP
BLANK, JOHNATHAN T. Mcguirewoods/Partner$260 01/09/2015P MCGUIREWOODS LLP
BOLAND, THOMAS F. Seneca Financial Group/Managing Director$500 06/29/2015P ROBERT HURT FOR CONGRESS - Republican
BOSWORTH, PRISCILLA $-50 09/09/2016P DSCC - Democrat
BRADFORD, LOUISA Self/Architect/Passive House Consultant51$50 10/28/2016P ACTBLUE
BRADFORD, LOUISA Self/Architect/Passive House Consultant51$50 09/28/2016P ACTBLUE
BRADFORD, LOUISA Self/Architect/Passive House Consultant51$50 08/28/2016P ACTBLUE
BRADFORD, LOUISA Self/Architect/Passive House Consultant51$50 08/17/2016P ACTBLUE
BRADFORD, LOUISA Self/Architect/Passive House Consultant51$50 06/28/2016P ACTBLUE
BRADFORD, LOUISA T. Self Employed/Architect$50 10/30/2016P DCCC - Democrat
BRADFORD, LOUISA T. Self Employed/Architect$50 09/28/2016P DCCC - Democrat
BRADFORD, LOUISA T. Self Employed/Architect$50 08/28/2016P DCCC - Democrat
BRADFORD, LOUISA T. Self Employed/Architect$50 08/17/2016P DCCC - Democrat
BRADFORD, LOUISA T. Self Employed/Architect$50 07/28/2016P DCCC - Democrat
BRADFORD, LOUISA T. Self Employed/Architect$27 07/13/2016P DCCC - Democrat
BRADFORD, LOUISA T. Self Employed/Architect$50 06/28/2016P DCCC - Democrat
BRANN, ELIZABETH Albemarle County Public Schools/Teacher$250 08/06/2016P JILL STEIN FOR PRESIDENT - Green
BRANN, MICHAEL Green Blue Institute/Director Of Operations$250 07/26/2016P JILL STEIN FOR PRESIDENT - Green
BRANN, MICHAEL Greenblue/Systems Admin / Operations$27 04/06/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BRANN, MICHAEL Greenblue/Systems Admin / Operations$50 01/26/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BRANN, MICHAEL Greenblue/Systems Admin / Operations$15 01/26/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BRANN, MICHAEL Greenblue/Systems Admin / Operations$15 01/26/2016 ACTBLUE
BRANN, MICHAEL Greenblue/Systems Admin / Operations$50 01/26/2016 ACTBLUE
BRANN, MICHAEL Greenblue/Systems Admin / Operations$25 01/08/2016 ACTBLUE
BRANN, MICHAEL Greenblue/Systems Admin / Operations$15 01/08/2016 ACTBLUE
BRANN, MICHAEL Greenblue/Systems Admin / Operations$25 01/08/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BRANN, MICHAEL Greenblue/Systems Admin / Operations$15 01/08/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BRANN, MICHAEL Greenblue/Systems Admin / Operations$25 12/31/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BRANN, MICHAEL Greenblue/Systems Admin / Operations$50 09/30/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BRANN, MICHAEL Greenblue/Systems Admin / Operations$15 09/30/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BRAVERMAN, JENNIFER Braverman & Lin/Paralegal$30 06/29/2016P ACTBLUE
BRAVERMAN, JENNIFER Braverman & Lin/Paralegal$20 05/22/2016P ACTBLUE
BRAVERMAN, JENNIFER Braverman & Lin/Paralegal$25 05/11/2016P ACTBLUE
BRAVERMAN, JENNIFER Braverman & Lin/Paralegal$25 04/27/2016P ACTBLUE
BRAVERMAN, JENNIFER Braverman & Lin/Paralegal$15 04/09/2016P ACTBLUE
BRAVERMAN, JENNIFER Braverman & Lin/Paralegal$25 04/06/2016P ACTBLUE
BRAVERMAN, JENNIFER Braverman & Lin/Paralegal$15 03/26/2016P ACTBLUE
BRAVERMAN, JENNIFER Braverman & Lin/Paralegal$50 03/15/2016P ACTBLUE
BRAVERMAN, JENNIFER Braverman & Lin/Paralegal$15 03/15/2016P ACTBLUE
BRAVERMAN, JENNIFER L None/Not Employed$30 06/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BRAVERMAN, JENNIFER L None/Not Employed$20 05/22/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BRAVERMAN, JENNIFER L None/Not Employed$25 05/11/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BRAVERMAN, JENNIFER L None/Not Employed$25 04/27/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BRAVERMAN, JENNIFER L None/Not Employed$15 04/09/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BRAVERMAN, JENNIFER L None/Not Employed$25 04/06/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BRAVERMAN, JENNIFER L None/Not Employed$50 02/26/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BRAVERMAN, JENNIFER L None/Not Employed$50 02/26/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BREWER, RICHARD J. MD Self/Surgeon$250 12/10/2015 FRIENDS OF JANE DITTMAR - Democrat
BREWSTER, ANTOINETTE Retired/Retired$1,000 09/22/2016G FRIENDS OF JANE DITTMAR - Democrat
BREWSTER, ANTOINETTE Retired/Retired$1,050 04/22/2016G FRIENDS OF JANE DITTMAR - Democrat
BREWSTER, ANTOINETTE Retired/Retired$200 04/22/2016 FRIENDS OF JANE DITTMAR - Democrat
BREWSTER, ANTOINETTE Retired/Retired$2,500 01/26/2016 FRIENDS OF JANE DITTMAR - Democrat
BREWSTER, BENJAMIN Retired/Retired$1,000 09/22/2016G FRIENDS OF JANE DITTMAR - Democrat
BREWSTER, BENJAMIN Retired/Retired$200 04/22/2016 FRIENDS OF JANE DITTMAR - Democrat
BREWSTER, BENJAMIN Retired/Retired$1,050 04/22/2016G FRIENDS OF JANE DITTMAR - Democrat
BREWSTER, BENJAMIN Retired/Retired$2,500 01/26/2016 FRIENDS OF JANE DITTMAR - Democrat
BROOKEMAN, HAMISH S&P Global/Data Architect$500 10/16/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
BROOKEMAN, HAMISH S&P Global/Data Architect$200 04/30/2016P ACTBLUE
BROOKEMAN, HAMISH S&P Global Market Intelligence/Director, Data Architecture - 2024$5,000 03/08/2016P S&P GLOBAL INC. POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE
BROWN, CARY Self/Artist$1,000 09/24/2016P ACTBLUE
BROWN, CARY Self/Artist$2,700 09/24/2016P ACTBLUE
BROWN, CARY Self/Artist$1,000 09/24/2016G FRIENDS OF JANE DITTMAR - Democrat
BROWN, CHARLES Apex Clean Energy Inc/Executive Vice President - Finance$500 05/09/2016P APEX CLEAN ENERGY, INC PAC
BROWN, JENNIFER City Of Charlottesville/City Treasurer$1,000 09/26/2016P ACTBLUE
BROWN, JENNIFER City Of Charlottesville/City Treasurer$250 03/24/2016P ACTBLUE
BROWN, JENNIFER Not Employed/Not Employed$250 09/17/2015P ACTBLUE
BROWN, JENNIFER J. Retired/Retired$500 06/13/2016G FRIENDS OF JANE DITTMAR - Democrat
BROWN, JENNIFER J. Retired/Retired$250 03/24/2016 FRIENDS OF JANE DITTMAR - Democrat
BROWN, JENNIFER J. Retired/Retired$250 09/17/2015 FRIENDS OF JANE DITTMAR - Democrat
BROWN, SUMNER Occupational Health Strategies/Health Educator$25 12/07/2016P END CITIZENS UNITED
BROWN, SUMNER Occupational Health Strategies/Health Educator$25 12/07/2016P ACTBLUE
BROWN, SUMNER Occupational Health Strategies/Health Educator$25 11/07/2016P ACTBLUE
BROWN, SUMNER Occupational Health Strategies/Health Educator$25 11/07/2016P END CITIZENS UNITED
BROWN, SUMNER Occupational Health Strategies/Health Educator$25 10/07/2016P END CITIZENS UNITED
BROWN, SUMNER Occupational Health Strategies/Health Educator$25 09/07/2016P END CITIZENS UNITED
BROWN, SUMNER Occupational Health Strategies/Health Educator$25 08/07/2016P END CITIZENS UNITED
BROWN, SUMNER Occupational Health Strategies/Health Educator$25 07/07/2016P END CITIZENS UNITED
BULLOCK, ZACHARY Select.../Teacher$27 05/03/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BUSHMAN, ROBERT None/Not Employed$10 05/13/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BUSHMAN, ROBERT Not Employed/Not Employed$10 05/13/2016P ACTBLUE
BUSHMAN, ROBERT Not Employed/Not Employed$10 04/13/2016P ACTBLUE
BUSHMAN, ROBERT None/Not Employed$10 04/13/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BUSHMAN, ROBERT None/Not Employed$100 04/03/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BUSHMAN, ROBERT Not Employed/Not Employed$100 04/03/2016P ACTBLUE
BYFIELD, INES Self/Paperhanger$10 07/08/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BYFIELD, INES Self/Paperhanger$10 07/07/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BYFIELD, INES Self/Paperhanger$10 06/08/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BYFIELD, INES Self/Paperhanger$10 06/07/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BYFIELD, INES Self/Paperhanger$10 05/08/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BYFIELD, INES Self/Paperhanger$10 05/07/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BYFIELD, INES Self/Paperhanger$10 04/08/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BYFIELD, INES Self/Paperhanger$10 04/07/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
BYFIELD, INES Self/Paperhanger$20 02/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
CANNON, HENRY University Of Virginia/News Writer$500 12/03/2016 FOSTER CAMPBELL FOR THE US SENATE - Democrat
CANNON, HENRY University Ofvirginia/News Writer$500 12/03/2016 FOSTER CAMPBELL FOR THE US SENATE - Democrat
CANNON, HENRY University Of Virginia/News Writer$500 12/03/2016P ACTBLUE
CANNON, HENRY University Of Virginia/News Writer$500 12/03/2016P ACTBLUE
CANNON, HENRY University Of Virginia/News Writer$500 11/08/2016P ACTBLUE
CANNON, HENRY University Of Virginia/Writer$500 11/08/2016P DCCC - Democrat
CANNON, HENRY University Of Virginia/Writer$500 11/01/2016P DCCC - Democrat
CANNON, HENRY University Of Virginia/News Writer$500 11/01/2016P ACTBLUE
CANNON, HENRY University Of Virginia/News Writer$500 10/25/2016P ACTBLUE
CANNON, HENRY University Of Virginia/Writer$500 10/25/2016P DCCC - Democrat
CANNON, HENRY University Of Virginia/Writer$500 10/18/2016P DCCC - Democrat
CANNON, HENRY B Universityof Virginia/News Writer$500 12/03/2016P KAINE FOR VIRGINIA - Democrat
CAPSHAW, PARKE Red Light Management/Assistant$500 05/26/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
CAPSHAW, PARKE Red Light Management/Assistant$500 05/26/2015P ACTBLUE
CAPSHAW, PARKE Red Light Management/Assistant$1,000 05/11/2015 ACTBLUE
CAPSHAW, PARKE Red Light Management/Assistant$1,000 05/11/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
CAPSHAW, PARKE EAGER Self-Employed/Management$50,000 09/12/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
CAPSHAW, PARKE EAGER Self-Employed/Management$436 09/12/2016P DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF SOUTH CAROLINA - Democrat
CAPSHAW, PARKE EAGER Self-Employed/Management$2,700 03/16/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
CAPSHAW, PARKE EAGER Self-Employed/Management$2,700 03/16/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARLEY, ANNE Chenille Books/Consultant$500 09/06/2016G FRIENDS OF JANE DITTMAR - Democrat
CARLEY, ANNE M Chenille Books/Book Developer$500 08/19/2016G FRIENDS OF JANE DITTMAR - Democrat
CARNEY, WENDY Self-Employed/Artist$25 10/31/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARNEY, WENDY Self-Employed/Artist$10 10/21/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARNEY, WENDY Self-Employed/Artist$25 09/30/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARNEY, WENDY Self-Employed/Artist$25 09/23/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARNEY, WENDY Self-Employed/Artist$10 09/21/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARNEY, WENDY Self-Employed/Artist$25 09/15/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARNEY, WENDY Self-Employed/Artist$8 09/15/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARNEY, WENDY Self-Employed/Artist$8 09/15/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARNEY, WENDY Self-Employed/Artist$8 09/10/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARNEY, WENDY Self-Employed/Artist$8 09/09/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARP, JOSHUA U.S. General Services Adminstration/Software Developer$250 11/03/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARP, JOSHUA 18F/Software Developer$142 10/16/2016P DCCC - Democrat
CARP, JOSHUA 18F/Software Developer$142 10/15/2016G KATIE MCGINTY FOR SENATE - Democrat
CARP, JOSHUA 18F/Software Developer$142 10/15/2016G KATIE MCGINTY FOR SENATE - Democrat
CARP, JOSHUA 18F/Software Developer$142 10/15/2016G CATHERINE CORTEZ MASTO FOR SENATE - Democrat
CARP, JOSHUA 18F/Software Developer$142 10/15/2016G MAGGIE FOR NH - Democrat
CARP, JOSHUA 18F/Software Developer$142 10/15/2016G DEBORAH ROSS FOR SENATE - Democrat
CARP, JOSHUA 18F/Software Developer$142 10/15/2016G DEBORAH ROSS FOR SENATE - Democrat
CARPENTER, MIRIAM R. N/A/Retired$75 11/08/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
CARTER, CAROL S Retired/Retired (Former Uva Health System)$200 08/26/2016G FRIENDS OF JANE DITTMAR - Democrat
CATON, DOUGLAS E MR. Business Executive/Self-Employed$476 11/29/2016 REPUBLICAN PARTY OF MINNESOTA - FEDERAL - Republican
CATON, DOUGLAS E MR. Management Services Corp/President$500 06/06/2016P BOB GOODLATTE FOR CONGRESS COMMITTEE - Republican
CATON, DOUGLAS E. MR. Management Services Corp./Ceo/Owner$10,000 11/03/2016P TRUMP VICTORY
CATON, DOUGLAS E. MR. Management Services Corp./Ceo/Owner$25,000 10/24/2016P TRUMP VICTORY
CAUGHRON, CYNTHIA Charlottesville Waldorf School/Business Manager$250 10/25/2016G FRIENDS OF JANE DITTMAR - Democrat
CAUGHRON, SAMUEL D. M.D. Charlottesville Wellness Center Family/Physician$250 06/06/2016G FRIENDS OF JANE DITTMAR - Democrat
CHAIKLIN, HENRY None/Not Employed$100 05/14/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
CHAIKLIN, HENRY Not Employed/Not Employed$100 05/14/2016P ACTBLUE
CHAIKLIN, HENRY Not Employed/Not Employed$100 03/09/2016P ACTBLUE
CHANDLER, KEVIN Apex Clean Energy Inc/Public Affairs Manager$250 03/15/2016P APEX CLEAN ENERGY, INC PAC
CHARNETZKI, PAUL Retired/Retired$100 10/28/2016G RON JOHNSON FOR SENATE INC - Republican
CHARNETZKI, PAUL Retired/Retired$100 10/28/2016G RON JOHNSON FOR SENATE INC - Republican
CHARNETZKI, PAUL Retired/Retired$50 10/23/2016G RON JOHNSON FOR SENATE INC - Republican
CHARNETZKI, PAUL Retired/Retired$50 10/23/2016G RON JOHNSON FOR SENATE INC - Republican
CHARNETZKI, PAUL N/A/Retired$100 10/18/2016G TOM GARRETT FOR CONGRESS - Republican
CHARNETZKI, PAUL N/A/Retired$250 09/30/2016G TOM GARRETT FOR CONGRESS - Republican
CHARNETZKI, PAUL N/A/Retired$250 08/23/2016G TOM GARRETT FOR CONGRESS - Republican
CHARNETZKI, PAUL N/A/Retired$250 06/30/2016G TOM GARRETT FOR CONGRESS - Republican
CHARNETZKI, PAUL Retired/Retired$100 05/02/2016P CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT - Republican
CHARNETZKI, PAUL Retired/Retired$100 04/25/2016P CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT - Republican
CHARNETZKI, PAUL Retired/Retired$100 04/05/2016P CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT - Republican
CHARNETZKI, PAUL Retired/Retired$100 03/17/2016P CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD Chase Investment Council/Investment Counselor$250 09/28/2016G TOM GARRETT FOR CONGRESS - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD Chase Investment Counselor Corp/Investment Counselor$1,000 08/23/2016P PAUL GOSAR FOR CONGRESS - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD Chase Investment Counsel Corporatio/Investment Counselor$1,000 08/19/2016P MARY THOMAS FOR CONGRESS - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD $1,000 08/08/2016P VOLUNTEERS FOR NEHLEN - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD Chase Investment Counsel Corporation/Investment Counselor$5,000 02/18/2016P FREEDOMWORKS PAC
CHASE, DERWOOD Chase Investment Counsel Corporatio/Investment Counselor$1,000 02/05/2016P MARY THOMAS FOR CONGRESS - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD Chase Investment Counsel Corporat/Investment Counselor$1,000 09/30/2015P STUTZMAN FOR SENATE - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD Chase Investment Counsel Corporat/Investment Counselor$1,000 09/30/2015P STUTZMAN FOR SENATE - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD Chase Investment Counsel Corporat/Investment Counselor$1,000 09/30/2015P RON DESANTIS FOR FLORIDA - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD Chase Investment Counsel Corp/Ceo$500 06/22/2015P ROBERT HURT FOR CONGRESS - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD Chase Investment Counsel Corporat/Investment Counselor$1,000 05/29/2015 FRIENDS OF MIKE LEE INC - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD Chase Investment Counsel Corporat/Investment Counselor$1,000 05/29/2015 FRIENDS OF MIKE LEE INC - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD Chase Investment Counsel Corporat/Investment Counselor$1,000 03/30/2015 FRIENDS OF MIKE LEE INC - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD Chase Investment Counsel Corporat/Investment Counselor$1,000 03/30/2015 FRIENDS OF MIKE LEE INC - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD JR Chase Investment Counsel Corp/Investment Counselor$1,000 06/06/2016P TED BUDD FOR CONGRESS - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD JR Chase Investment Counsel/Investment Counselor$1,000 05/19/2015P RON DESANTIS FOR FLORIDA - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD JR. Chase Investment Counsel Corporation/Investment Counselor$500 12/08/2015P SALMON FOR CONGRESS - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD JR. Chase Investment Counsel Corporation/Investment Counselor$500 10/09/2015P SALMON FOR CONGRESS - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD MR S, MR, J Chase Investment Counsel Corporat/Investment Counselor$900 09/30/2016G MARCO RUBIO FOR SENATE 2016 - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD MR S, MR, J Chase Investment Counsel Corporation/Investment Counselor$1,800 09/30/2016G MARCO RUBIO FOR SENATE 2016 - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD MR. Chase Investment Counsel Corporation$2,000 10/14/2016P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD MR. Chase Investment Counsel Corporation/Investment Counselor$1,000 08/19/2016P FREEDOMWORKS PAC
CHASE, DERWOOD MR. Chase Investment Counsel Corporation/Investment Counselor$1,000 08/19/2016P FREEDOMWORKS PAC
CHASE, DERWOOD MR. Chase Investment Counsel Corporation/Investment Counselor$150 08/19/2016P FREEDOMWORKS PAC
CHASE, DERWOOD MR. Chase Investments/Chairman Emeritus$500 06/06/2016P BOB GOODLATTE FOR CONGRESS COMMITTEE - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD MR. Chase Investment Counsel/Investment Counselor$1,000 04/30/2015P RAND PAUL FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD S JR Chase Investment/Investment Counselor$1,700 09/28/2016G RON JOHNSON FOR SENATE INC - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD S JR Chase Investment Counsel/President & Director$250 04/22/2016P RON JOHNSON FOR SENATE INC - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD S JR $1,000 08/10/2015P SCOTT WALKER INC - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD S JR Chase Investment Counsel/President & Director$1,000 03/30/2015P RON JOHNSON FOR SENATE INC - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD S JR. Chase Investment Counsel Corp./Investment Counselor$2,000 02/24/2016P DAVIDSON FOR CONGRESS - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD S MR JR Chase Investment Counsel Corporat/Investment Counselor$1,000 11/08/2016G RAND PAUL FOR US SENATE - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD S MR JR Chase Investment Counsel Corporatio/Investment Counselor$1,700 09/30/2016G FRIENDS OF PAT TOOMEY - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD S MR JR Chase Investment Counsel Corporat/Investment Counselor$900 09/30/2016G MARCO RUBIO FOR SENATE 2016 - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD S MR JR Chase Investment Counsel Corporat/Investment Counselor$1,800 09/30/2016G MARCO RUBIO FOR SENATE 2016 - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD S MR JR Chase Investment/Investment Counselor$1,700 09/28/2016G RON JOHNSON FOR SENATE INC - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD S MR JR Chase Investment Counsel Corporatio/Investment Counselor$1,000 08/29/2016G FRIENDS OF PAT TOOMEY - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD S MR JR Chase Investment Counsel Corp./Investment Counselor$1,000 04/26/2016P FLEMING FOR LOUISIANA - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD S MR JR Chase Investment Counsel Corporatio/Investment Counselor$1,000 04/22/2015P FRIENDS OF PAT TOOMEY - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD S MR. JR Chase Investment/Investment Advisor$1,000 06/28/2016G FRIENDS OF DAVE BRAT INC. - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD S MR. JR Chase Investment Counsel Corporation/Investment Counselor$1,000 02/29/2016P JIM FOR NC - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD S MR. JR Chase Investment/Investment Advisor$1,000 06/16/2015P FRIENDS OF DAVE BRAT INC. - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD S. JR. Chase Investment Counsel Corporatio/Investment Counselor$1,700 09/28/2016G CLUB FOR GROWTH PAC
CHASE, DERWOOD S. JR. Chase Investment Counsel Corporatio/Investment Counselor$1,700 09/28/2016G CLUB FOR GROWTH PAC
CHASE, DERWOOD S. JR. Chase Investment Counsel Corporatio/Investment Counselor$900 09/28/2016P CLUB FOR GROWTH PAC
CHASE, DERWOOD S. JR. Chase Investment Counsel Corporatio/Investment Counselor$1,800 09/28/2016G CLUB FOR GROWTH PAC
CHASE, DERWOOD S. JR. Chase Investment Counsel Corporatio/Investment Counselor$1,000 08/19/2016G CLUB FOR GROWTH PAC
CHASE, DERWOOD S. JR. Chase Investment Counsel Corporatio/Investment Counselor$150 07/29/2016P CLUB FOR GROWTH PAC
CHASE, DERWOOD S. JR. Chase Investment Counsel/Investment Counselor$1,000 07/19/2016G THOMAS MASSIE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD S. JR. Chase Investment Counsel Corporatio/Investment Counselor$1,000 05/24/2016P CLUB FOR GROWTH PAC
CHASE, DERWOOD S. JR. Chase Investment Counsel Corporatio/Investment Counselor$1,000 05/24/2016 CLUB FOR GROWTH PAC
CHASE, DERWOOD S. JR. Chase Investment Counsel Corporatio/Investment Counselor$1,000 04/26/2016P CLUB FOR GROWTH PAC
CHASE, DERWOOD S. JR. Chase Investment Counsel Corporatio/Investment Counselor$1,000 04/22/2016P CLUB FOR GROWTH PAC
CHASE, DERWOOD S. JR. Chase Investment Counsel Corporatio/Investment Counselor$2,000 02/19/2016P CLUB FOR GROWTH PAC
CHASE, DERWOOD S. JR. Chase Investment Counsel Corporatio/Investment Counselor$1,000 02/19/2016P CLUB FOR GROWTH PAC
CHASE, DERWOOD S. JR. Chase Investment Counsel Corporatio/Investment Counselor$1,000 02/05/2016P CLUB FOR GROWTH PAC
CHASE, DERWOOD S. JR. Chase Investment Counsel Corporatio/Investment Counselor$500 12/08/2015P CLUB FOR GROWTH PAC
CHASE, DERWOOD S. JR. Chase Investment Counsel Corporatio/Investment Counselor$1,000 09/30/2015P CLUB FOR GROWTH PAC
CHASE, DERWOOD S. JR. Chase Investment Counsel Corporatio/Investment Counselor$1,000 09/30/2015P CLUB FOR GROWTH PAC
CHASE, DERWOOD S. JR. Chase Investment Counsel Corporatio/Investment Counselor$1,000 09/01/2015P CLUB FOR GROWTH PAC
CHASE, DERWOOD S. JR. Chase Investment Counsel Corporatio/Investment Counselor$1,000 09/01/2015P CARSON AMERICA - Republican
CHASE, DERWOOD S. JR. Chase Investment Counsel Corporatio/Investment Counselor$1,000 08/25/2015P CLUB FOR GROWTH PAC
CHASE, DERWOOD S. JR. Chase Investment Counsel Corporatio/Investment Counselor$1,000 08/04/2015P CLUB FOR GROWTH PAC

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Committees (PACs):
"527" Organizations:
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   Contributors by Zip


   Top $$$ Contributors
   Contributions by Zip
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   Committees (PACs)
   527 Organizations


Celebrity Contributors:
   Aaron Sorkin
   Andrew Fastow
   Arnold Palmer
   Arnold Schwarzenegger
   Ben Affleck
   Bill Cosby
   Bill Gates
   Calvin Klein
   Dennis Kozlowski
   Donald Trump
   George Soros
   Hugh Hefner
   Jack Grubman
   Jeff Skilling
   John Grisham
   John Rigas
   Ken Lay
   Martha Stewart
   Mel Gibson
   Oprah Winfrey
   Ralph Lauren
   Donald Trump
   Richard Scrushy
   Rush Limbaugh
   Sam Waksal
   Scott Sullivan
   Steven Spielberg
   Tom Cruise
   Tommy Hilfiger
Industry Contributors:
   CEO/Chief Executives
   College Professors
   Trial Lawyers
   Golf Professionals
   Poker Professionals
   Mortgage Brokers
   Futures Brokers
   Stock Brokers
   Options Brokers
   Life Insurance
   Health Insurance
   Auto Insurance
   Securities Lawyers
   Boats & Yachts
   Defense Contracts
Baseball Contributors:
   New York Yankees
   Boston Red Sox
   Chicago Cubs
Notable Politicians:
   Barack Obama
   George W Bush
   John Kerry
   Ralph Nader
   Hillary Clinton
   Apple Computer
   New York Times
   News Corporation
   General Electric
   Exxon Mobil
   Ford Motor
   Anheuser Busch
Top 10 Contributors:
   Thomas Steyer
   Linda Mcmahon
   Sheldon Adelson
   Miriam Adelson
   Bob Perry
   Michael Bloomberg
   Harold Simmons
   Fred Eychaner
   J Ricketts
   John Raese