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North Hollywood, CA 91601
Political Campaign Contributions
2016 Election Cycle

Zip Code Totals

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From this Zip Code for 2016
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2020 $235,416 $127,230
2018 $104,828 $37,510
2016 $176,062 $80,022
2014 $21,008 $9,735
2012 $70,999 $55,198
2010 $27,227 $13,155
2008 $87,687 $62,190
2006 $18,238 $7,400
2004 $52,358 $20,361
2002 $19,700 $1,000
2000 $30,052 $6,800

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2016 Election Cycle
Political Campaign Donor/Contributor List

$ AmountDatePrimary/
Contibuted To
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$5 05/27/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$5 05/25/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 05/22/2015G ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 05/21/2015G ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$10 05/21/2015G ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$10 05/21/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$5 05/21/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$15 05/19/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$15 05/19/2015G ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$10 05/17/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$10 05/16/2015G ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 05/12/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$35 05/12/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$5 05/12/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$35 05/12/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$10 05/11/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$10 05/11/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$10 05/11/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$10 05/11/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$5 05/10/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$25 05/10/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 05/09/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$25 05/09/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$15 05/06/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$15 05/06/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$8 05/03/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$5 05/03/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$5 05/03/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$8 05/03/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 05/03/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 05/01/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 04/30/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$25 04/30/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$25 04/30/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$5 04/30/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$10 04/29/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$10 04/29/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 04/27/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$5 04/27/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$5 04/22/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 04/22/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$10 04/21/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 04/21/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$10 04/21/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$5 04/21/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$10 04/16/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$10 04/16/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 04/12/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$10 04/12/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$5 04/12/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$10 04/12/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$10 04/11/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$10 04/11/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$25 04/09/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 04/09/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$5 04/09/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$25 04/09/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$5 04/05/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$8 04/05/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 04/03/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$8 04/03/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 04/01/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$5 04/01/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$25 03/30/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$5 03/30/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$25 03/30/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 03/30/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$10 03/29/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$10 03/29/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$5 03/29/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 03/27/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 03/22/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$5 03/22/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$5 03/22/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$10 03/22/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$10 03/21/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 03/21/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$10 03/16/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$10 03/16/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$5 03/12/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 03/12/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$10 03/11/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$10 03/11/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$10 03/11/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$10 03/11/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$5 03/09/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 03/09/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 03/03/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$8 03/03/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$5 03/03/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$8 03/03/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self Employed/Writer$5 03/01/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 03/01/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$10 02/28/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 02/27/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 02/22/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$10 02/21/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 02/21/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 02/19/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$10 02/16/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$10 02/11/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$1 02/10/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 02/09/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 02/03/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$8 02/03/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 02/01/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$10 01/29/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$10 01/29/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 01/27/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 01/22/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 01/21/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$10 01/21/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$10 01/16/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$10 01/11/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 01/09/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 01/03/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$8 01/03/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 01/02/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET Self/Writer$5 01/01/2015 ACTBLUE
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$10 12/29/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$10 11/11/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 11/09/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$8 11/03/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 11/03/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 11/01/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 10/27/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 10/22/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 10/21/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$10 10/18/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$10 10/12/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 10/12/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$8 10/04/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 10/04/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 10/01/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 09/27/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 09/22/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 09/21/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$10 09/16/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$10 09/13/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 09/09/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$15 09/07/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 09/03/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$8 09/03/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 09/01/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 08/30/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$10 08/30/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$25 08/30/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 08/27/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 08/23/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$10 08/23/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 08/23/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$15 08/19/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$10 08/16/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 08/12/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$35 08/12/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$10 08/11/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$10 08/11/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$25 08/09/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 08/09/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$15 08/06/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$25 08/04/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$8 08/03/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 08/03/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 08/02/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$25 07/30/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 07/30/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$15 07/30/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$10 07/29/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 07/27/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 07/23/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 07/22/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 07/21/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$10 07/21/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$15 07/19/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$10 07/16/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 07/12/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$10 07/12/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$10 07/12/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$35 07/12/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 07/09/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$25 07/09/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$25 07/09/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$15 07/06/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$8 07/05/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 07/05/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RICHMOND, JANET V. Self Employed/Writer$5 07/01/2015 DCCC - Democrat
RIETZEL, MARILYN None/Not Employed$27 04/18/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
RIETZEL, MARILYN None/Not Employed$15 04/06/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
RIETZEL, MARILYN None/Not Employed$27 02/23/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
RIETZEL, MARILYN Not Employed/Not Employed$27 02/23/2016 ACTBLUE
RIETZEL, MARILYN Not Employed/Not Employed$27 02/11/2016 ACTBLUE
RIETZEL, MARILYN None/Not Employed$27 02/11/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
RIETZEL, MARILYN None/Not Employed$10 02/04/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
RIETZEL, MARILYN Not Employed/Not Employed$10 02/04/2016 ACTBLUE
RIETZEL, MARILYN Not Employed/Not Employed$10 01/28/2016 ACTBLUE
RIETZEL, MARILYN None/Not Employed$10 01/28/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
RIETZEL, MARILYN None/Not Employed$10 01/19/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
RIETZEL, MARILYN Not Employed/Not Employed$10 01/19/2016 ACTBLUE
RIETZEL, MARILYN Not Employed/Not Employed$10 01/18/2016 ACTBLUE
RIETZEL, MARILYN None/Not Employed$10 01/18/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
RIETZEL, MARILYN None/Not Employed$10 01/08/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
RIETZEL, MARILYN Not Employed/Not Employed$10 01/08/2016 ACTBLUE
RIETZEL, MARILYN None/Not Employed$25 12/29/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
RIFFLE, MICHAEL Stashimi, Inc./Software Engineer$27 06/30/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
RIFFLE, MICHAEL Stashimi, Inc./Software Engineer$100 05/05/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
RIVAS, JESSE Toyota Of Glendale/Sales Manager$100 09/30/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
RIVAS, JESSE Toyota Of Glendale/Sales Manager$25 07/29/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIVAS, JESSE Toyota Of Glendale/Sales Manager$25 07/28/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIVAS, JESSE Toyota Of Glendale/Sales Manager$25 07/26/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
RIVAS, JESSE Toyota Of Glendale/Sales Manager$25 07/22/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIVAS, JESSE $-100 06/15/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIVAS, JESSE $-100 06/15/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIVAS, JESSE Toyota Of Glendale/Sales Manager$100 05/29/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIVAS, JESSE Toyota Of Glendale/Sales Manager$100 05/28/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIVAS, JESSE Toyota Of Glendale/Sales Manager$25 05/17/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIVAS, JESSE Toyota Of Glendale/Sales Manager$25 05/16/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIVAS, JESSE Toyota Of Glendale/Sales Manager$5 05/04/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIVAS, JESSE Toyota Of Glendale/Sales Manager$25 05/02/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIVAS, JESSE Toyota Of Glendale/Sales Manager$5 04/25/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIVAS, JESSE Toyota Of Glendale/Sales Manager$25 04/22/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIVAS, JESSE Toyota Of Glendale/Sales Manager$25 04/19/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIVAS, JESSE Toyota Of Glendale/Sales Manager$5 04/14/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIVAS, JESSE Toyota Of Glendale/Sales Manager$25 04/14/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIVAS, JESSE Toyota Of Glendale/Sales Manager$25 04/12/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIVAS, JESSE Toyota Of Glendale/Sales Manager$25 04/06/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$25 10/31/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$4 10/25/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$1 10/22/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$1 10/17/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$1 10/08/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$1 10/08/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$1 10/07/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$1 10/04/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$20 09/30/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$16 09/19/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$3 09/19/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$1 09/19/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$10 09/16/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$1 09/04/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$1 09/03/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$1 08/31/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$10 08/31/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$59 08/30/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$1 08/28/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$26 08/21/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$5 08/14/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$10 08/08/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$5 07/28/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$63 05/31/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$69 05/15/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$35 04/22/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
RIZZO, ELIZABETH Point.360/Account Manager$50 04/22/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
ROBINSON, LANCE Free Range House Cats/Grip (Film/Tv)$20 03/31/2016P ACTBLUE
ROBINSON, LANCE Free Range House Cats/Grip (Film/Tv)$100 03/12/2016P ACTBLUE
ROBINSON, LANCE Free Range House Cats/Grip (Film/Tv)$100 03/09/2016P ACTBLUE
ROBINSON, LANCE Various Production Companies/Grip$50 02/11/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ROBINSON, LANCE Various Production Companies/Grip$15 02/11/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ROBINSON, LANCE Various Production Companies/Grip$27 02/01/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ROBISON, KATIE Self/Self Employed$50 04/16/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ROBISON, KATIE Self/Self Employed$50 04/16/2016P ACTBLUE
ROBISON, KATIE Self/Self Employed$50 04/04/2016P ACTBLUE
ROCK, ALLISON Hbo/Executive Assistant$150 11/06/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ROGERS, BRANDON Self-Employed/Musician$38 08/28/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ROGERS, BRANDON Self-Employed/Musician$38 07/01/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ROGERS, BRANDON Self-Employed/Musician$25 07/01/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ROGERS, BRANDON Self-Employed/Musician$15 06/08/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ROGERS, BRANDON Self-Employed/Musician$25 05/14/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ROGERS, BRANDON Self-Employed/Musician$25 04/13/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ROGERS, JAMES None/Self-Employed$500 05/31/2016P ACTBLUE
ROGERS, JAMES None/Self-Employed$500 05/31/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ROINIOTIS, JOHN Keypoint Government Solutions/Background Investigator$27 06/07/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ROINIOTIS, JOHN Keypoint Government Solutions/Background Investigator$27 06/07/2016P ACTBLUE
ROINIOTIS, JOHN Keypoint Government Solutions/Background Investigator$27 06/01/2016P ACTBLUE
ROINIOTIS, JOHN Keypoint Government Solutions/Background Investigator$27 06/01/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ROINIOTIS, JOHN Keypoint Government Solutions/Background Investigator$10 04/25/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ROINIOTIS, JOHN Keypoint Government Solutions/Background Investigator$10 04/19/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ROINIOTIS, JOHN Keypoint Government Solutions/Background Investigator$15 04/05/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ROUSEY, JENNIFER Lausd/Teacher$35 12/07/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ROUSS, JORDAN Oldman Cooley/Attorney$100 11/02/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ROUSS, JORDAN Oldman Cooley/Attorney$25 10/29/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ROUSS, JORDAN Oldman Cooley/Attorney$25 09/29/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ROUSS, JORDAN Oldman Cooley/Attorney$10 09/23/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ROUSS, JORDAN Oldman Cooley/Attorney$5 09/16/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ROUSS, JORDAN Oldman Cooley/Attorney$7 09/16/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ROUSS, JORDAN Oldman Cooley/Attorney$25 08/29/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ROUSS, JORDAN Oldman Cooley/Attorney$25 07/29/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ROUSS, JORDAN Oldman Cooley/Attorney$5 06/30/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ROUSS, JORDAN Oldman Cooley/Attorney$5 06/30/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ROUSS, JORDAN Oldman Cooley/Attorney$25 06/29/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ROUSS, JORDAN Oldman Cooley/Attorney$5 06/29/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ROUSS, JORDAN Oldman Cooley/Attorney$5 06/29/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ROUSS, JORDAN Oldman Cooley/Attorney$5 06/22/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
ROZETT, CALE Deluxe Media/Audio Engineer$7 05/22/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ROZETT, CALE Deluxe Media/Audio Engineer$14 04/30/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
ROZETT, CALE Deluxe Media/Audio Engineer$10 04/16/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SABANI, ALBION None/Self$10 06/30/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SABANI, ALBION Self/Business Owner$10 06/30/2016P ACTBLUE
SABANI, ALBION Self/Business Owner$15 06/28/2016P ACTBLUE
SABANI, ALBION None/Self$15 06/28/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SABANI, ALBION None/Self$27 06/08/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SABANI, ALBION Self/Business Owner$27 06/08/2016P ACTBLUE
SALMERON, CHRISTIAN L.A. Care Health Plan/Sales Data Analyst$500 09/21/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SALMERON, CHRISTIAN L.A. Care Health Plan/Sales Data Analyst$500 09/21/2015P ACTBLUE
SCHNEIDER, GABRIEL University Of California/Student Worker$10 05/31/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SCHNEIDER, GABRIEL University Of California/Student Worker$10 04/30/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SCHNEIDER, GABRIEL University Of California/Student Worker$10 02/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SCHNEIDER, GABRIEL University Of California/Student Worker$10 01/31/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SCHNEIDER, GABRIEL University Of California/Student Worker$10 12/31/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SCHNEIDER, GABRIEL University Of California/Student Worker$15 12/31/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SCHNEIDER, PAT N/A/Retired$25 08/08/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
SCHNEIDER, PAT N/A/Retired$25 07/22/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
SCHNEIDER, PAT N/A/Retired$100 06/07/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
SCHROEDER, DON Self/Filmmaker$15 03/30/2016P ACTBLUE
SCHROEDER, DON Self/Filmmaker$100 03/23/2016P ACTBLUE
SCHROEDER, DON Self/Filmmaker$100 03/09/2016P ACTBLUE
SCHUTZ, NICHOLAS College Of The Canyons/Library$5 03/29/2016P ACTBLUE
SCHUTZ, NICHOLAS College Of The Canyons/Library$250 02/29/2016P ACTBLUE
SCHUTZ, NICHOLAS College Of The Canyons/Library Media Technician$250 02/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SCHWARTZ, SHARON N/A/Retired$25 11/03/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
SCHWARTZ, SHARON N/A/Retired$25 11/03/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
SCHWARTZ, SHARON N/A/Retired$50 09/22/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
SCHWARTZ, SHARON N/A/Retired$25 09/07/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
SCHWARTZ, SHARON N/A/Retired$27 07/13/2016P HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
SHUKHMAN, ZOYA Quality Art Auctions/Art Dealer$2,700 12/14/2015G JUSTIN FAREED FOR CONGRESS - Republican
SHUKHMAN, ZOYA Quality Art Auctions/Art Dealer$2,700 12/14/2015P JUSTIN FAREED FOR CONGRESS - Republican
SILVER, ARIELLE Megatrax Production Music/Music Production$5 11/08/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
SILVER, ARIELLE Megatrax Production Music/Music Production$7 11/07/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
SILVER, ARIELLE Megatrax Production Music/Music Production$7 11/04/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
SILVER, ARIELLE Megatrax Production Music/Music Production$7 11/03/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
SILVER, ARIELLE Megatrax Production Music/Music Production$7 10/31/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
SILVER, ARIELLE Megatrax Production Music/Music Production$7 10/31/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
SILVER, ARIELLE Megatrax Production Music/Music Production$7 10/24/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
SILVER, ARIELLE Megatrax Production Music/Music Production$7 10/20/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
SIMMONS, DREW Studios/Construction$250 03/12/2016P ACTBLUE
SIMMONS, DREW Entertainment Partners/Construction$250 03/12/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SIMMONS, DREW Entertainment Partners/Construction$50 03/06/2016P ACTBLUE
SIMON, GLENN Becker Professional Education/Multimedia Specialist$15 06/30/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SIMON, GLENN Becker Professional Education/Multimedia Specialist$11 04/30/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SIMON, GLENN Becker Professional Education/Multimedia Specialist$10 04/13/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SIMON, GLENN Becker Professional Education/Multimedia Specialist$15 02/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SIMPSON, JEANNE Self-Employed/Actor$35 12/26/2016P DSCC - Democrat
SIMPSON, JEANNE Self/Actor$35 12/26/2016P ACTBLUE
SISI, JASON L-3 Communications Ocean Systems/Sr Cost Estimator$27 06/16/2016P ACTBLUE
SISI, JASON L-3 Communications/Sr. Cost Estimator$27 06/16/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SISI, JASON L-3 Communications/Sr. Cost Estimator$1 06/08/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SISI, JASON L-3 Communications/Sr. Cost Estimator$100 06/08/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SISI, JASON L-3 Communications Ocean Systems/Sr Cost Estimator$1 06/08/2016P ACTBLUE
SISI, JASON L-3 Communications Ocean Systems/Sr Cost Estimator$100 06/08/2016P ACTBLUE
SISI, JASON L-3 Communications Ocean Systems/Sr Cost Estimator$27 06/07/2016P ACTBLUE
SISI, JASON L-3 Communications/Sr. Cost Estimator$27 06/07/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SISI, JASON L-3 Communications/Sr. Cost Estimator$11 05/27/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SISI, JASON L-3 Communications Ocean Systems/Sr Cost Estimator$11 05/27/2016P ACTBLUE
SISI, JASON L-3 Communications Ocean Systems/Sr Cost Estimator$100 05/04/2016P ACTBLUE
SISI, JASON L-3 Communications/Sr. Cost Estimator$100 05/04/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SISI, JASON L-3 Communications/Sr. Cost Estimator$100 04/28/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SISI, JASON L-3 Communications Ocean Systems/Sr Cost Estimator$100 04/28/2016P ACTBLUE
SISI, JASON L-3 Communications Ocean Systems/Sr Cost Estimator$27 04/20/2016P ACTBLUE
SISI, JASON L-3 Communications/Sr. Cost Estimator$27 04/20/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SISI, JASON L-3 Communications Ocean Systems/Sr Cost Estimator$100 03/30/2016P ACTBLUE
SISI, JASON L-3 Communications Ocean Systems/Sr Cost Estimator$15 03/30/2016P ACTBLUE
SISI, JASON L-3 Communications Ocean Systems/Sr Cost Estimator$100 03/23/2016P ACTBLUE
SMITH, HILARY Entertainment Partners/Art Director$25 10/28/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
SMITH, HILARY Entertainment Partners/Art Director$5 10/12/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
SMITH, HILARY Entertainment Partners/Art Director$25 10/10/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
SMITH, HILARY Entertainment Partners/Art Director$10 10/01/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
SMITH, HILARY Entertainment Partners/Art Director$19 09/21/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
SNOVAK, LINDA Supreme Bean/Customer Service$14 06/08/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SNOVAK, LINDA Supreme Bean/Customer Service$14 04/29/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SPERA, DEBORAH Self-Employed/Television Producer$250 10/16/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
SPICER, CORINNE Self/Real Estate/Tv & Film Production$28 06/30/2016P ACTBLUE
SPICER, CORINNE Self/Real Estate/Tv & Film Production$28 06/30/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SPICER, CORINNE Self/Real Estate/Tv & Film Production$28 05/28/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SPICER, CORINNE Self/Real Estate/Tv & Film Production$28 05/28/2016P ACTBLUE
SPICER, CORINNE Self/Real Estate/Tv & Film Production$27 04/17/2016P ACTBLUE
SPICER, CORINNE Self/Real Estate/Tv & Film Production$27 04/17/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SPICER, CORINNE Self/Real Estate/Tv & Film Production$5 04/13/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SPICER, CORINNE Self/Real Estate/Tv & Film Production$5 04/13/2016P ACTBLUE
SPIKERMAN, STUART Tri-Link, Inc./Business Owner$1,000 08/04/2015P ACTBLUE
SPIKERMAN, STUART Tri-Link, Inc./Business Owner$1,000 08/04/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SPRADLEY, KEVIN Fis/Analyst$100 11/03/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
SROKA, GREGORY Prometheus Entertainment/Associate Story Producer$4 07/03/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SROKA, GREGORY Prometheus Entertainment/Associate Story Producer$3 07/02/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SROKA, GREGORY Prometheus Entertainment/Associate Story Producer$1 06/11/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SROKA, GREGORY Prometheus Entertainment/Associate Story Producer$8 06/08/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SROKA, GREGORY Prometheus Entertainment/Associate Story Producer$4 06/03/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SROKA, GREGORY Prometheus Entertainment/Associate Story Producer$3 06/02/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SROKA, GREGORY Prometheus Entertainment/Associate Story Producer$2 05/26/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SROKA, GREGORY Prometheus Entertainment/Associate Story Producer$1 05/24/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SROKA, GREGORY $-100 05/17/2016P ACTBLUE
SROKA, GREGORY Prometheus Entertainment/Associate Story Producer$15 05/11/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SROKA, GREGORY Prometheus Entertainment/Associate Story Producer$4 05/03/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SROKA, GREGORY Prometheus Entertainment/Associate Story Producer$3 05/02/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SROKA, GREGORY Prometheus Entertainment/Associate Story Producer$75 04/17/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SROKA, GREGORY Prometheus Entertainment/Associate Story Producer$1 04/06/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SROKA, GREGORY Prometheus Entertainment/Associate Story Producer$4 04/03/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SROKA, GREGORY Prometheus Entertainment/Associate Story Producer$3 04/02/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SROKA, GREGORY Prometheus Entertainment/Associate Story Producer$2 02/03/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SROKA, GREGORY Prometheus Entertainment/Associate Story Producer$4 02/03/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SROKA, GREGORY Prometheus Entertainment/Associate Story Producer$3 02/02/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
SROKA, GREGORY Prometheus Entertainment/Associate Story Producer$3 01/02/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
STA MARIA, LAURA Usa Expedition Inc/Administration$800 08/18/2016P RAB FOR CONGRESS COMMITTEE - Democrat
STAFFORD, WM DARRIN $-250 03/07/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
STAFFORD, WM DARRIN Self Employed/Musician$250 03/02/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
STAFFORD, WM DARRIN Self-Employed/Musician$250 03/02/2016P ACTBLUE
STANLEY, MICHAEL Pts/Trucker$250 10/31/2016G MARCO RUBIO FOR SENATE 2016 - Republican
STANLEY, MICHAEL Pts/Trucker$100 10/26/2016G MARCO RUBIO FOR SENATE 2016 - Republican
STANLEY, MICHAEL Pts/Trucker$250 10/26/2016G ISSA FOR CONGRESS - Republican
STEINHARDT, ASHLEY RAE MS. Self-Employed/Self-Employed$-2,700 06/26/2015P MARCO RUBIO FOR PRESIDENT - Republican
STEINHARDT, ASHLEY RAE MS. Self-Employed/Self-Employed$2,700 06/26/2015G MARCO RUBIO FOR PRESIDENT - Republican
STEINHARDT, ASHLEY RAE MS. Self-Employed/Self-Employed$5,400 06/15/2015P MARCO RUBIO FOR PRESIDENT - Republican
STEINHARDT, KEVIN M. MR. Hydro System/Manager$2,700 05/31/2015P MARCO RUBIO FOR PRESIDENT - Republican
STEINHARDT, MITRA MRS. Homemaker/Homemaker$2,700 05/31/2015P MARCO RUBIO FOR PRESIDENT - Republican
STROMING, GIL Self-Employed/Entrepreneur$500 10/27/2016G DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Republican
STROMING, GIL Self-Employed/Entrepreneur$500 10/20/2016G DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Republican
STROMING, GIL Self-Employed/Entrepreneur$500 10/13/2016G DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Republican
STROMING, GIL Self-Employed/Entrepreneur$500 10/06/2016G DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Republican
STRONG, BRENDA Wb/Tnt/Actress$0 11/04/2016P ACTBLUE
STRONG, BRENDA $-50 10/23/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
STRONG, BRENDA Self-Employed/Actress$500 10/18/2016P HILLARY VICTORY FUND
STRONG, BRENDA Self-Employed/Actress$50 10/14/2016G HILLARY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
STRONG, BRENDA $-500 05/24/2016P ACTBLUE
STRONG, BRENDA $-500 05/24/2016P ACTBLUE
STRONG, BRENDA $-500 05/24/2016P ACTBLUE
STRONG, BRENDA $-500 05/24/2016P ACTBLUE
STRONG, BRENDA Wb/Tnt/Actress$500 05/03/2016P ACTBLUE
STRONG, BRENDA Wb/Tnt/Actress$50 05/03/2016P ACTBLUE
STRONG, BRENDA Warner Brothers/Tnt/Actress$500 05/03/2016P NANCY PELOSI FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
STRONG, BRENDA Wb/Tnt/Actress$2 05/01/2016P ACTBLUE
STRONG, BRENDA Wb/Tnt/Actress$500 04/03/2016P ACTBLUE
STRONG, BRENDA Warner Brothers/Tnt/Actress$500 04/03/2016P NANCY PELOSI FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
STRONG, BRENDA Warner Brothers/Tnt/Actress$500 03/03/2016P NANCY PELOSI FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
STRONG, BRENDA Wb/Tnt/Actress$500 03/03/2016P ACTBLUE
STRONG, BRENDA Wb/Tnt/Actress$500 02/03/2016P ACTBLUE
STRONG, BRENDA Warner Brothers/Tnt/Actress$500 02/03/2016P NANCY PELOSI FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
STUCKEY, SUZANNE Arthur J. Gallagher & Co./Insurance Broker$27 04/08/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$43 04/17/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$43 04/17/2016P ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$43 04/09/2016P ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$43 04/09/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$43 04/03/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$43 04/03/2016P ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$43 03/31/2016P ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$100 03/30/2016P ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$43 03/28/2016P ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$43 03/26/2016P ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$100 03/23/2016P ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$100 03/16/2016P ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$100 03/10/2016P ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$100 03/09/2016P ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$100 03/03/2016P ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$100 02/25/2016 ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$100 02/25/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$27 02/23/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$27 02/23/2016 ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$40 02/20/2016 ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$40 02/20/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$50 02/18/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$50 02/18/2016 ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$122 02/09/2016 ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$122 02/09/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$15 02/01/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$15 02/01/2016 ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$30 01/31/2016 ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$30 01/31/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$15 01/25/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$25 01/25/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$15 01/25/2016 ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$25 01/25/2016 ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$15 01/18/2016 ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$15 01/18/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$15 01/11/2016P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$15 01/11/2016 ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$35 12/30/2015 ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$35 12/30/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$25 12/20/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$25 12/20/2015 ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$33 12/16/2015 ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$33 12/16/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$28 11/14/2015P BERNIE 2016 - Democrat
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$28 11/14/2015 ACTBLUE
STUDHALTER, DAVID Federal Ins. Co./Scrivener$25 11/12/2015 ACTBLUE

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Committees (PACs):
"527" Organizations:
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   527 Organizations


Celebrity Contributors:
   Aaron Sorkin
   Andrew Fastow
   Arnold Palmer
   Arnold Schwarzenegger
   Ben Affleck
   Bill Cosby
   Bill Gates
   Calvin Klein
   Dennis Kozlowski
   Donald Trump
   George Soros
   Hugh Hefner
   Jack Grubman
   Jeff Skilling
   John Grisham
   John Rigas
   Ken Lay
   Martha Stewart
   Mel Gibson
   Oprah Winfrey
   Ralph Lauren
   Donald Trump
   Richard Scrushy
   Rush Limbaugh
   Sam Waksal
   Scott Sullivan
   Steven Spielberg
   Tom Cruise
   Tommy Hilfiger
Industry Contributors:
   CEO/Chief Executives
   College Professors
   Trial Lawyers
   Golf Professionals
   Poker Professionals
   Mortgage Brokers
   Futures Brokers
   Stock Brokers
   Options Brokers
   Life Insurance
   Health Insurance
   Auto Insurance
   Securities Lawyers
   Boats & Yachts
   Defense Contracts
Baseball Contributors:
   New York Yankees
   Boston Red Sox
   Chicago Cubs
Notable Politicians:
   Barack Obama
   George W Bush
   John Kerry
   Ralph Nader
   Hillary Clinton
   Apple Computer
   New York Times
   News Corporation
   General Electric
   Exxon Mobil
   Ford Motor
   Anheuser Busch
Top 10 Contributors:
   Thomas Steyer
   Linda Mcmahon
   Sheldon Adelson
   Miriam Adelson
   Bob Perry
   Michael Bloomberg
   Harold Simmons
   Fred Eychaner
   J Ricketts
   John Raese